require 'fileutils' require 'digest/md5' require 'puppet/external/base64' class Puppet::Network::Handler # :nodoc: class BucketError < RuntimeError; end # Accept files and store them by md5 sum, returning the md5 sum back # to the client. Alternatively, accept an md5 sum and return the # associated content. class FileBucket < Handler desc "The interface to Puppet's FileBucket system. Can be used to store files in and retrieve files from a filebucket." @interface ="puppetbucket") { |iface| iface.add_method("string addfile(string, string)") iface.add_method("string getfile(string)") } Puppet::Util.logmethods(self, true) attr_reader :name, :path # this doesn't work for relative paths def self.oldpaths(base,md5) return [ File.join(base, md5), File.join(base, md5, "contents"), File.join(base, md5, "paths") ] end # this doesn't work for relative paths def self.paths(base,md5) dir = File.join(md5[0..7].split("")) basedir = File.join(base, dir, md5) return [ basedir, File.join(basedir, "contents"), File.join(basedir, "paths") ] end # Should we check each file as it comes in to make sure the md5 # sums match? Defaults to false. def conflict_check? @confictchk end def initialize(hash) if hash.include?(:ConflictCheck) @conflictchk = hash[:ConflictCheck] hash.delete(:ConflictCheck) else @conflictchk = false end if hash.include?(:Path) @path = hash[:Path] hash.delete(:Path) else if defined? Puppet @path = Puppet[:bucketdir] else @path = File.expand_path("~/.filebucket") end end Puppet.settings.use(:filebucket) @name = "Filebucket[#{@path}]" end # Accept a file from a client and store it by md5 sum, returning # the sum. def addfile(contents, path, client = nil, clientip = nil) if client contents = Base64.decode64(contents) end md5 = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(contents) bpath, bfile, pathpath = FileBucket.paths(@path,md5) # If the file already exists, just return the md5 sum. if FileTest.exists?(bfile) # If verification is enabled, then make sure the text matches. if conflict_check? verify(contents, md5, bfile) end return md5 end # Make the directories if necessary. unless Puppet::Util.withumask(0007) do FileUtils.mkdir_p(bpath) end end # Write the file to disk. msg = "Adding %s(%s)" % [path, md5] msg += " from #{client}" if client msg # ...then just create the file Puppet::Util.withumask(0007) do, File::WRONLY|File::CREAT, 0440) { |of| of.print contents } end # Write the path to the paths file. add_path(path, pathpath) return md5 end # Return the contents associated with a given md5 sum. def getfile(md5, client = nil, clientip = nil) bpath, bfile, bpaths = FileBucket.paths(@path,md5) unless FileTest.exists?(bfile) # Try the old flat style. bpath, bfile, bpaths = FileBucket.oldpaths(@path,md5) unless FileTest.exists?(bfile) return false end end contents = nil { |of| contents = } if client return Base64.encode64(contents) else return contents end end def paths(md5) self.class(@path, md5) end def to_s end private # Add our path to the paths file if necessary. def add_path(path, file) if FileTest.exists?(file) { |of| return if of.readlines.collect { |l| l.chomp }.include?(path) } end # if it's a new file, or if our path isn't in the file yet, add it, File::WRONLY|File::CREAT|File::APPEND) { |of| of.puts path } end # If conflict_check is enabled, verify that the passed text is # the same as the text in our file. def verify(content, md5, bfile) curfile = # If the contents don't match, then we've found a conflict. # Unlikely, but quite bad. if curfile != contents raise(BucketError, "Got passed new contents for sum %s" % md5, caller) else msg = "Got duplicate %s(%s)" % [path, md5] msg += " from #{client}" if client msg end end end end