# Manual Installation Follow these steps if you choose to forgo the generator: 1. Globally expose React in your webpack config like [this](https://github.com/shakacode/react-webpack-rails-tutorial/blob/537c985dc82faee333d80509343ca32a3965f9dd/client/webpack.client.base.config.js#L31): ```javascript module: { loaders: [ // React is necessary for the client rendering: { test: require.resolve('react'), loader: 'expose?React' }, // For React 0.14 { test: require.resolve('react-dom'), loader: 'expose?ReactDOM' }, // not in the server one ``` 2. Require `react_on_rails` in your `application.js` like [this](https://github.com/shakacode/react-webpack-rails-tutorial/blob/361f4338ebb39a5d3934b00cb6d6fcf494773000/app/assets/javascripts/application.js#L15). It possibly should come after you require `turbolinks`: ``` //= require react_on_rails ``` 3. Expose your client globals like [this](https://github.com/shakacode/react-webpack-rails-tutorial/blob/537c985dc82faee333d80509343ca32a3965f9dd/client/app/startup/clientGlobals.jsx#L3): ```javascript import App from './ClientApp'; window.App = App; ``` 4. Put your client globals file as webpack entry points like [this](https://github.com/shakacode/react-webpack-rails-tutorial/blob/537c985dc82faee333d80509343ca32a3965f9dd/client/webpack.client.rails.config.js#L22). Similar pattern for server rendering. ```javascript config.entry.app.push('./app/startup/clientGlobals'); ``` ## Additional Steps For Server Rendering (option `prerender` shown below) See the next section for a sample webpack.server.rails.config.js. 1. Expose your server globals like [this](https://github.com/shakacode/react-webpack-rails-tutorial/blob/537c985dc82faee333d80509343ca32a3965f9dd/client/app/startup/serverGlobals.jsx#L7) ```javascript import App from './ServerApp'; global.App = App; ``` 2. Make the server globals file an entry point in your webpack config, like [this](https://github.com/shakacode/react-webpack-rails-tutorial/blob/537c985dc82faee333d80509343ca32a3965f9dd/client/webpack.server.rails.config.js#L7) ```javascript entry: ['./app/startup/serverGlobals'], ``` 3. Ensure the name of your ouput file (shown [here](https://github.com/shakacode/react-webpack-rails-tutorial/blob/537c985dc82faee333d80509343ca32a3965f9dd/client/webpack.server.rails.config.js#L9)) of your server bundle corresponds to the configuration of the gem. The default path is `app/assets/javascripts/generated`. See below for customization of configuration variables. 4. Expose `React` in your webpack config, like [this](https://github.com/shakacode/react-webpack-rails-tutorial/blob/master/client/webpack.server.rails.build.config.js#L54-L55) ```javascript { test: require.resolve('react'), loader: 'expose?React' }, // For React 0.14 { test: require.resolve('react-dom/server'), loader: 'expose?ReactDOMServer' }, // not in client one, only server ``` ### Sample webpack.server.rails.build.config.js (ONLY for server rendering) Be sure to check out the latest example version of [client/webpack.server.rails.build.config.js](https://github.com/shakacode/react-webpack-rails-tutorial/blob/master/client/webpack.server.rails.build.config.js). ```javascript // Common webpack configuration for server bundle module.exports = { // the project dir context: __dirname, entry: ['./app/startup/serverGlobals'], output: { filename: 'server-bundle.js', path: '../app/assets/javascripts/generated', // CRITICAL to set libraryTarget: 'this' for enabling Rails to find the exposed modules IF you // use the "expose" webpackfunctionality. See startup/serverGlobals.jsx. // NOTE: This is NOT necessary if you use the syntax of global.MyComponent = MyComponent syntax. // See http://webpack.github.io/docs/configuration.html#externals for documentation of this option //libraryTarget: 'this', }, resolve: { extensions: ['', '.webpack.js', '.web.js', '.js', '.jsx', 'config.js'], }, module: { loaders: [ {test: /\.jsx?$/, loader: 'babel-loader', exclude: /node_modules/}, // React is necessary for the client rendering: { test: require.resolve('react'), loader: 'expose?React' }, { test: require.resolve('react-dom/server'), loader: 'expose?ReactDOMServer' }, ], }, }; ``` ## What Happens? Here's what the browser will render with a call to the `react_component` helper. ![2015-09-28_20-24-35](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1118459/10157268/41435186-6624-11e5-9341-6fc4cf35ee90.png) If you're curious as to what the gem generates for the server and client rendering, see [`spec/dummy/client/app/startup/serverGlobals.jsx`](https://github.com/shakacode/react_on_rails/blob/master/spec/dummy/spec/sample_generated_js/server-generated.js) and [`spec/dummy/client/app/startup/ClientReduxApp.jsx`](https://github.com/shakacode/react_on_rails/blob/master/spec/dummy/spec/sample_generated_js/client-generated.js) for examples of this. Note, this is not the code that you are providing. You can see the client code by viewing the page source. * **props**: [hash | string of json] Properties to pass to the react object. See this example if you're using Jbuilder: [react-webpack-rails-tutorial view rendering props using jBuilder](https://github.com/shakacode/react-webpack-rails-tutorial/blob/master/app/views/pages/index.html.erb#L20) ```erb <%= react_component('App', render(template: "/comments/index.json.jbuilder"), generator_function: true, prerender: true) %> ``` * **options:** [hash] * **generator_function**: default is false, set to true if you want to use a generator function rather than a React Component. * **prerender**: set to false when debugging! * **trace**: set to true to print additional debugging information in the browser default is true for development, off otherwise * **replay_console**: Default is true. False will disable echoing server rendering logs, which can make troubleshooting server rendering difficult. * Any other options are passed to the content tag, including the id. # JavaScript 1. Configure your webpack configuration to create the file used for server rendering if you plan to do server rendering. 2. Follow the examples in `spec/dummy/client/app/startup/clientGlobals.jsx` to expose your react components for client side rendering. ```ruby import HelloWorld from '../components/HelloWorld'; window.HelloWorld = HelloWorld; ``` 3. Follow the examples in `spec/dummy/client/app/startup/serverGlobals.jsx` to expose your react components for server side rendering. ```ruby import HelloWorld from '../components/HelloWorld'; global.HelloWorld = HelloWorld; ``` ## React 0.13 vs. React 0.14 The main difference for using react_on_rails is that you need to add additional lines in the webpack config files: + Normal mode (JavaScript is rendered on the client side) webpack config file: ```javascript { test: require.resolve('react-dom'), loader: 'expose?ReactDOM' }, ``` + Server-side rendering webpack config file: ```javascript { test: require.resolve('react-dom/server'), loader: 'expose?ReactDOMServer' }, ```