Feature: Set environment variable via "cucumber"-step It is quite handy to modify the environment of a process. To make this possible, `aruba` provides several steps. One of these is `I set the environment variables to:`-step. Using this step sets the values of a non-existing variables and overwrites an existing values. Each variable name and each value is converted to a string. Otherwise `ruby` would complain about an invalid argument. Background: Given I use the fixture "cli-app" And an executable named "bin/cli" with: """ #!/bin/bash echo $LONG_LONG_VARIABLE """ Scenario: Set environment variable by using a step given in table Given a file named "features/home_variable.feature" with: """ Feature: Environment Variable Scenario: Run command Given I set the environment variables to: | variable | value | | LONG_LONG_VARIABLE | long_value | When I run `cli` Then the output should contain: \"\"\" long_value \"\"\" """ When I run `cucumber` Then the features should all pass Scenario: Set single environment variable by using a step Given a file named "features/home_variable.feature" with: """ Feature: Environment Variable Scenario: Run command Given I set the environment variable "LONG_LONG_VARIABLE" to "long_value" When I run `cli` Then the output should contain: \"\"\" long_value \"\"\" """ When I run `cucumber` Then the features should all pass