module Schemable class ModelGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base source_root File.expand_path('../../templates', __dir__) class_option :model_name, type: :string, default: 'Model', desc: 'Name of the model' def initialize(*args) super(*args) @model_name = options[:model_name] @model_name != 'Model' || raise('Model name is required') end def copy_initializer target_path = "lib/swagger/definitions/#{@model_name.underscore.downcase.singularize}.rb" if Rails.root.join(target_path).exist? say_status('skipped', 'Model definition already exists') else create_file(target_path, <<-FILE module Swagger module Definitions class #{@model_name.classify} < Schemable::Definition def excluded_create_request_attributes %i[updated_at created_at] end def excluded_update_request_attributes %i[updated_at created_at] end end end end FILE ) end end end end