describe 'Integration: Channels', -> before -> authenticateSession() stubAjax 'GET', '/api/channels', 200, FIXTURES.channels() after -> $.mockjaxClear() Dashboard.reset() it 'has channels link on sidebar', -> expect(1) visit '/' andThen -> equal(find(".sidebar-menu a:contains('Channels')").length, 1) it 'has page title in the content header', -> expect(1) visit '/channels' andThen -> equal find('.content-header h1').text(), 'Channels' it 'list the channels', -> expect(1) visit '/channels' andThen -> equal find('table tbody tr').length, 2 describe 'pagination', -> before -> sinon.spy(jQuery, 'ajax') after -> jQuery.ajax.restore() context 'When clicked on the page number', -> it 'fetch new data filtering by page', -> expect(2) visit '/channels' andThen -> equal find('ul.pagination li').length, 11 andThen -> click('ul.pagination li:eq(3) a') ok(jQuery.ajax.calledWithMatch({ url: '/api/channels', data: { page: 3 } })) context 'When clicked on previous page', -> it 'fetch new data filtering by page', -> expect(1) visit '/channels' andThen -> click('ul.pagination li:first a') ok(jQuery.ajax.calledWithMatch({ url: '/api/channels', data: { page: 2 } })) context 'When clicked on next page', -> it 'fetch new data filtering by page', -> expect(1) visit '/channels' andThen -> click('ul.pagination li:last a') ok(jQuery.ajax.calledWithMatch({ url: '/api/channels', data: { page: 4 } })) describe 'search', -> before -> sinon.spy(jQuery, 'ajax') after -> jQuery.ajax.restore() context 'When making the search', -> it 'fetch new data filtering searched value', -> expect(1) visit '/channels' andThen -> fillIn ' input[type=text]', 'test' click ' .btn' andThen -> ok(jQuery.ajax.calledWithMatch({ url: '/api/channels', data: 'query=test' })) it 'creates a new tab to show the results', -> expect(1) visit '/channels' andThen -> fillIn ' input[type=text]', 'test' click ' .btn' andThen -> equal(find('.nav-tabs a').text(), 'Search Results') context 'When accessing the search directly by url', -> it 'fetch the data filtering by params', -> expect(1) visit '/channels/search/query=foobar' andThen -> ok(jQuery.ajax.calledWithMatch({ url: '/api/channels', data: 'query=foobar' })) it 'has a search results tab', -> expect(1) visit '/channels/search/query=foobar' andThen -> equal(find('.nav-tabs a').text(), 'Search Results')