require 'optparse' include XamplGenerator include Xampl class ProjectGenerator def initialize(specialised=true) @specialised = specialised end def directory File.join(%w{ . xampl-generated-code }) end def filenames Dir.glob("./xml/**/*.xml") end def print_base_filename File.join(%w{ . generated }) end def print_options # return an array containing any (or none) of: # :schema -- a schema-like xml representation of the generated code # :graphml -- a graphml file describing the class model (compatible with yEd) # :yuml -- a yuml file that represents a simplified class model (compatible with yUML) # [:schema, :graphml, :yuml] [] end def print nil end def persisted_attributes %w{ pid } end def indexed_attributes %w{ id } end def resolve_namespaces # any array of arrays # each sub-array: # 0: a string or an array of strings, containing xml namespaces found in the example xml files # an empty string is the default namespace # 1: a ruby Module name (get the cases right) # 2: a namespace prefix used when writing xml, optional. A generated prefix will be used otherwise. [] end @@specialisation_file_content = <<_EOF_ class ProjectGenerator def print_options # return an array containing any (or none) of: # :schema -- a schema-like xml representation of the generated code # :graphml -- a graphml file describing the class model (compatible with yEd) # :yuml -- a yuml file that represents a simplified class model (compatible with yUML) [ :yuml ] end def directory # return the path name to the generator's output directory File.join(%w{ . xampl-generated-code }) end def resolve_namespaces # any array of arrays # each sub-array: # 0: a string or an array of strings, containing xml namespaces found # in the example xml files an empty string is the default namespace # 1: a ruby Module name (get the character cases right) # 2: a namespace prefix used when writing xml, optional. A generated # prefix will be used otherwise. [ {{MAPPING}} ] end end _EOF_ def write_specialisation_file(element_map) filename = './project-generator.rb' return if File.exists? filename mappings = [] count = 0 element_map.each do | ns, elements | module_name = elements.element.first.package || 'XamplAdHoc' count += 1 mappings << [ ns, module_name, "ns#{ count }" ] end text = @@specialisation_file_content.gsub(/{{MAPPING}}/) do insert = [] mappings.each do | ns, module_name, prefix | insert << " ['#{ ns }', '#{ module_name }', '#{ prefix }']," end insert.join("\n") end, 'w') do | out | out.write text end end def generate cl_options = {} do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: junk.rb [options]" opts.on("--download-yuml-png [FILENAME]", "Download the yuml png file if possible.") do | filename | cl_options[:download_yuml_png] = filename || true end opts.on("--download-yuml-pdf [FILENAME]", "Download the yuml pdf file if possible.") do | filename | cl_options[:download_yuml_pdf] = filename || true end end.parse! # Xampl.set_default_persister_kind(:simple) Xampl.set_default_persister_kind(:in_memory) # Xampl.set_default_persister_kind(:filesystem) # Xampl.set_default_persister_kind(:tokyo_cabinet) # Xampl.set_default_persister_format(:xml_format) dirname = =begin if dirname then begin FileUtils.rm_rf([ dirname ]) rescue => e puts "could not clean up #{ dirname } -- #{ e }" return end elsif File.exists? dirname then puts "please move #{ dirname } out of the way of xampl-gen" return end =end Xampl.transaction("project-generation") do options = do | opts | persisted_attributes.each do | pattr | opts.new_index_attribute(pattr).persisted = true end indexed_attributes.each do | iattr | opts.new_index_attribute(iattr) end resolve_namespaces.each do | namespace, ruby_module_name, output_ns_prefix | opts.resolve(namespace, ruby_module_name, output_ns_prefix) end end generator ='generator') okay = generator.go(:options => options, :filenames => filenames, :directory => directory) if okay puts generator.print_elements(print_base_filename, print_options) self.write_specialisation_file(generator.elements_map) generated_files = Dir.glob("#{ }/*.rb") if 0 < generated_files.size then all = [] #abs = [] generated_files.each do | filename | all << "require \"\#\{ File.dirname __FILE__ \}/#{ File.basename(filename, '.rb') }\"" #all << "require '#{ File.dirname(filename)[2..-1] }/#{ File.basename(filename, '.rb') }'" #abs_filename = File.expand_path(filename) #abs << "require '#{ File.dirname(abs_filename) }/#{ File.basename(abs_filename, '.rb') }'" end out_filename = "#{ }/all.rb", 'w') do | out | out.puts all.join("\n") end puts "WRITE TO FILE: #{ out_filename }" #out_filename = "#{ }/all-absolute.rb", 'w') do | out | # out.puts abs.join("\n") #end #puts "WRITE TO FILE: #{ out_filename }" if File.exists?('./generated.yuml') && (cl_options[:download_yuml_png] || cl_options[:download_yuml_pdf]) then diagram = """./generated.yuml") do | f | f.each do | line | diagram << line.chomp end end okay = false if cl_options[:download_yuml_png] then begin filename = (true == cl_options[:download_yuml_png]) ? 'generated.png' : cl_options[:download_yuml_png] wget = "wget '{diagram}' -O '#{filename}'" okay = system(wget) if okay then puts "downloaded yuml png" else puts "could not get the yuml png file -- #{ $? }" end rescue => e puts "could not get the yuml png file -- #{ e }" end end if cl_options[:download_yuml_pdf] then begin filename = (true == cl_options[:download_yuml_png]) ? 'generated.png' : cl_options[:download_yuml_png] wget = "wget '{diagram}.pdf' -O '#{filename}'" okay = system(wget) puts "downloaded yuml pdf" if okay then puts "downloaded yuml pdf" else puts "could not get the yuml pdf file -- #{ $? }" end rescue => e puts "could not get the yuml pdf file -- #{ e }" end end end end end Xampl.rollback end end end