# encoding: utf-8
require "mongoid/criterion/builder"
require "mongoid/criterion/creational"
require "mongoid/criterion/complex"
require "mongoid/criterion/exclusion"
require "mongoid/criterion/inclusion"
require "mongoid/criterion/inspection"
require "mongoid/criterion/optional"
require "mongoid/criterion/scoping"
require "mongoid/criterion/selector"

module Mongoid #:nodoc:

  # The +Criteria+ class is the core object needed in Mongoid to retrieve
  # objects from the database. It is a DSL that essentially sets up the
  # selector and options arguments that get passed on to a Mongo::Collection
  # in the Ruby driver. Each method on the +Criteria+ returns self to they
  # can be chained in order to create a readable criterion to be executed
  # against the database.
  # @example Create and execute a criteria.
  #   criteria = Criteria.new
  #   criteria.only(:field).where(:field => "value").skip(20).limit(20)
  #   criteria.execute
  class Criteria
    include Enumerable
    include Criterion::Builder
    include Criterion::Creational
    include Criterion::Exclusion
    include Criterion::Inclusion
    include Criterion::Inspection
    include Criterion::Optional
    include Criterion::Scoping

    attr_accessor \

    delegate \
      :update_all, :to => :context

    # Concatinate the criteria with another enumerable. If the other is a
    # +Criteria+ then it needs to get the collection from it.
    # @example Concat 2 criteria.
    #   criteria + criteria
    # @param [ Criteria ] other The other criteria.
    def +(other)
      entries + comparable(other)

    # Returns the difference between the criteria and another enumerable. If
    # the other is a +Criteria+ then it needs to get the collection from it.
    # @example Get the difference of 2 criteria.
    #   criteria - criteria
    # @param [ Criteria ] other The other criteria.
    def -(other)
      entries - comparable(other)

    # Returns true if the supplied +Enumerable+ or +Criteria+ is equal to the results
    # of this +Criteria+ or the criteria itself.
    # @note This will force a database load when called if an enumerable is passed.
    # @param [ Object ] other The other +Enumerable+ or +Criteria+ to compare to.
    # @return [ true, false ] If the objects are equal.
    def ==(other)
      case other
      when Criteria
        self.selector == other.selector && self.options == other.options
      when Enumerable
        return (execute.entries == other)
        return false

    # Get the collection associated with the criteria.
    # @example Get the collection.
    #   criteria.collection
    # @return [ Collection ] The collection.
    # @since 2.2.0
    def collection

    # Return or create the context in which this criteria should be executed.
    # This will return an Enumerable context if the class is embedded,
    # otherwise it will return a Mongo context for root classes.
    # @example Get the appropriate context.
    #   criteria.context
    # @return [ Mongo, Enumerable ] The appropriate context.
    def context
      @context ||= Contexts.context_for(self, embedded)

    # Iterate over each +Document+ in the results. This can take an optional
    # block to pass to each argument in the results.
    # @example Iterate over the criteria results.
    #   criteria.each { |doc| p doc }
    # @return [ Criteria ] The criteria itself.
    def each(&block)
      tap { context.iterate(&block) }

    # Return true if the criteria has some Document or not.
    # @example Are there any documents for the criteria?
    #   criteria.exists?
    # @return [ true, false ] If documents match.
    def exists?
      context.count > 0

    # Extract a single id from the provided criteria. Could be in an $and
    # query or a straight _id query.
    # @example Extract the id.
    #   criteria.extract_id
    # @return [ Object ] The id.
    # @since 2.3.0
    def extract_id

    # When freezing a criteria we need to initialize the context first
    # otherwise the setting of the context on attempted iteration will raise a
    # runtime error.
    # @example Freeze the criteria.
    #   criteria.freeze
    # @return [ Criteria ] The frozen criteria.
    # @since 2.0.0
    def freeze
      context and inclusions and super

    # Merges the supplied argument hash into a single criteria
    # @example Fuse the criteria and the object.
    #   criteria.fuse(:where => { :field => "value"}, :limit => 20)
    # @param [ Hash ] criteria_conditions Criteria keys and values.
    # @return [ Criteria ] self.
    def fuse(criteria_conditions = {})
      criteria_conditions.inject(self) do |criteria, (key, value)|
        criteria.send(key, value)

    # Create the new +Criteria+ object. This will initialize the selector
    # and options hashes, as well as the type of criteria.
    # @example Instantiate a new criteria.
    #   Criteria.new(Model, true)
    # @param [ Class ] klass The model the criteria is for.
    # @param [ true, false ] embedded Is the criteria for embedded docs.
    def initialize(klass, embedded = false)
      @selector = Criterion::Selector.new(klass)
      @options, @klass, @documents, @embedded = {}, klass, [], embedded

    # Merges another object with this +Criteria+ and returns a new criteria.
    # The other object may be a +Criteria+ or a +Hash+. This is used to
    # combine multiple scopes together, where a chained scope situation
    # may be desired.
    # @example Merge the criteria with a conditions hash.
    #   criteria.merge({ :conditions => { :title => "Sir" } })
    # @example Merge the criteria with another criteria.
    #   criteri.merge(other_criteria)
    # @param [ Criteria, Hash ] other The other criterion to merge with.
    # @return [ Criteria ] A cloned self.
    def merge(other)
      clone.tap do |crit|
        if other.is_a?(Criteria)
          crit.documents = other.documents
          duped = other.dup
          crit.selector.update(duped.delete(:conditions) || {})

    # Returns true if criteria responds to the given method.
    # @example Does the criteria respond to the method?
    #   crtiteria.respond_to?(:each)
    # @param [ Symbol ] name The name of the class method on the +Document+.
    # @param [ true, false ] include_private Whether to include privates.
    # @return [ true, false ] If the criteria responds to the method.
    def respond_to?(name, include_private = false)
      return false if [ :safely, :unsafely ].include?(name)
      # don't include klass private methods because method_missing won't call them
      super || @klass.respond_to?(name) || entries.respond_to?(name, include_private)

    # Returns the selector and options as a +Hash+ that would be passed to a
    # scope for use with named scopes.
    # @example Get the criteria as a scoped hash.
    #   criteria.as_conditions
    # @return [ Hash ] The criteria as a scoped hash.
    def as_conditions
      scope_options = @options.dup
      sorting = scope_options.delete(:sort)
      scope_options[:order_by] = sorting if sorting
      scope_options[:includes] = inclusions.map(&:name) if inclusions.any?
      { :where => @selector }.merge(scope_options)
    alias :to_ary :to_a

    # Needed to properly get a criteria back as json
    # @example Get the criteria as json.
    #   Person.where(:title => "Sir").as_json
    # @param [ Hash ] options Options to pass through to the serializer.
    # @return [ String ] The JSON string.
    def as_json(options = nil)

    # Search for documents based on a variety of args.
    # @example Find by an id.
    #   criteria.search(BSON::ObjectId.new)
    # @example Find by multiple ids.
    #   criteria.search([ BSON::ObjectId.new, BSON::ObjectId.new ])
    # @example Conditionally find all matching documents.
    #   criteria.search(:all, :conditions => { :title => "Sir" })
    # @example Conditionally find the first document.
    #   criteria.search(:first, :conditions => { :title => "Sir" })
    # @example Conditionally find the last document.
    #   criteria.search(:last, :conditions => { :title => "Sir" })
    # @param [ Symbol, BSON::ObjectId, Array<BSON::ObjectId> ] arg The
    #   argument to search with.
    # @param [ Hash ] options The options to search with.
    # @return [ Array<Symbol, Criteria> ] The type and criteria.
    # @since 2.0.0
    def search(*args)
      raise_invalid if args[0].nil?
      type = args[0]
      params = args[1] || {}
      return [ :ids, for_ids(type) ] unless type.is_a?(Symbol)
      conditions = params.delete(:conditions) || {}
      if conditions.include?(:id)
        conditions[:_id] = conditions[:id]
      return [ type, where(conditions).extras(params) ]

    # Convenience method of raising an invalid options error.
    # @example Raise the error.
    #   criteria.raise_invalid
    # @raise [ Errors::InvalidOptions ] The error.
    # @since 2.0.0
    def raise_invalid
      raise Errors::InvalidFind.new


    # Return the entries of the other criteria or the object. Used for
    # comparing criteria or an enumerable.
    # @example Get the comparable version.
    #   criteria.comparable(other)
    # @param [ Criteria ] other Another criteria.
    # @return [ Array ] The array to compare with.
    def comparable(other)
      other.is_a?(Criteria) ? other.entries : other

    # Get the raw driver collection from the criteria.
    # @example Get the raw driver collection.
    #   criteria.driver
    # @return [ Mongo::Collection ] The driver collection.
    # @since 2.2.0
    def driver

    # Clone or dup the current +Criteria+. This will return a new criteria with
    # the selector, options, klass, embedded options, etc intact.
    # @example Clone a criteria.
    #   criteria.clone
    # @example Dup a criteria.
    #   criteria.dup
    # @param [ Criteria ] other The criteria getting cloned.
    # @return [ nil ] nil.
    def initialize_copy(other)
      @selector = other.selector.dup
      @options = other.options.dup
      @includes = other.inclusions.dup
      @context = nil

    # Used for chaining +Criteria+ scopes together in the for of class methods
    # on the +Document+ the criteria is for.
    def method_missing(name, *args, &block)
      super if [ :safely, :unsafely ].include?(name)
      if @klass.respond_to?(name)
        @klass.send(:with_scope, self) do
          @klass.send(name, *args, &block)
        return entries.send(name, *args)

    # Update the selector setting the operator on the value for each key in the
    # supplied attributes +Hash+.
    # @example Update the selector.
    #   criteria.update_selector({ :field => "value" }, "$in")
    # @param [ Hash, Array ] attributes The values to convert and apply.
    # @param [ String ] operator The MongoDB operator.
    # @param [ Symbol ] combine The operator to use when combining sets.
    def update_selector(attributes, operator, combine = :+)
      clone.tap do |crit|
        converted = BSON::ObjectId.convert(klass, attributes || {})
        converted.each_pair do |key, value|
          existing = crit.selector[key]
          unless existing
            crit.selector[key] = { operator => value }
            if existing.respond_to?(:merge)
              if existing.has_key?(operator)
                new_value = existing.values.first.send(combine, value)
                crit.selector[key] = { operator => new_value }
                crit.selector[key][operator] = value
              crit.selector[key] = { operator => value }