= Google Custom Search
This project is a Ruby API to Google's Custom Search Engine (http://www.google.com/cse).
If you want a Google-like search engine for your web site, why not use Google? For $100/yr (more if you have over 1,000 pages) you can get access to Google search results for your site in XML format. The google_custom_search gem helps you access this web service and publish the results on your site however you like (all covered under Google's acceptable use policy).
Google Custom Search is currently compatible with Rails 2.x and Rails 3.
== 1. Install
Install either as a Rails plugin:
script/plugin install git://github.com/alexreisner/google_custom_search.git
or as a gem:
# add to config/environment.rb:
config.gem "google_custom_search", :source => "http://gemcutter.org/"
# at command prompt:
sudo rake gems:install
or as a standalone gem (outside of Rails):
sudo gem install google_custom_search --source http://gemcutter.org
== 2. Configure
You *must* define a constant in your application called GOOGLE_SEARCH_CX. For example, if you're using Rails, create a file config/initializers/google_custom_search.rb:
You can find the CX value for your custom search engine via the search control panel on Google's site (click the "Get code" link and you'll see a hidden "cx" field in the sample HTML form).
Optionally, you can set default Google search params, such as encoding, by setting up the GOOGLE_SEARCH_PARAMS hash in the same initializer:
:ie => 'utf8',
:oe => 'utf8'
If you're working outside of Rails you'll also need some +require+ statements:
require 'rubygems'
require 'rexml/document'
require 'google_custom_search'
== 3. Use
To perform a search:
results = GoogleCustomSearch.search("Hank Aaron")
The +results+ variable is now a GoogleCustomSearch::ResultSet object:
results.total # number of results (integer)
results.pages # array of result objects
results.suggestion # suggested search term, if any
Iterate through the results:
results.pages.each do |result|
result.title # result title
result.url # result URL
result.description # excerpt, with terms highlighted
== Future
* prevent NameError when GOOGLE_SEARCH_CX is missing: show nice msg
* access to all data returned by Google
* support for features of CSE free version
* support for multiple CSEs in one app (GOOGLE_SEARCH_CX should be a hash)
Copyright (c) 2009 Alex Reisner, released under the MIT license