require 'spec_helper' describe Tumblr::Post do let(:client) { } let(:blog_name) { '' } let(:file_path) { '/path/to/the/file' } let(:file_data) { 'lol cats' } let(:source) { 'the source' } let(:post_id) { 42 } describe :delete do context 'when deleting a post' do before do client.should_receive(:post).once.with("v2/blog/#{blog_name}/post/delete", { :id => post_id }) end it 'should setup a delete properly' do client.delete blog_name, post_id end end end describe :edit do [:photo, :audio, :video].each do |type| describe type do context 'when passing data as an array of filepaths' do before do fakefile = :read => file_data File.stub(:open).with(file_path + '.jpg').and_return(fakefile) client.should_receive(:post).once.with("v2/blog/#{blog_name}/post/edit", { 'data[0]' => kind_of(Faraday::UploadIO), :id => 123, :type => type }).and_return('response') end it 'should be able to pass data as an array of filepaths' do r = client.edit blog_name, :data => [file_path + ".jpg"], :id => 123, :type => type r.should == 'response' end it 'should be able to pass data as an array of uploadios' do r = client.edit blog_name, :data => [, 'image/jpeg')], :id => 123, :type => type r.should == 'response' end end context 'when passing data different ways' do before do fakefile = :read => file_data File.stub(:open).with(file_path + '.jpg').and_return(fakefile) client.should_receive(:post).once.with("v2/blog/#{blog_name}/post/edit", { 'data' => kind_of(Faraday::UploadIO), :id => 123, :type => type }).and_return('response') end it 'should be able to pass data as a single filepath' do r = client.edit blog_name, :data => file_path + ".jpg", :id => 123, :type => type r.should == 'response' end it 'should be able to pass data as a single uploadio' do r = client.edit blog_name, :data =>, 'image/jpeg'), :id => 123, :type => type r.should == 'response' end end end end it 'should make the correct call' do client.should_receive(:post).once.with("v2/blog/#{blog_name}/post/edit", { :id => 123 }).and_return('response') r = client.edit blog_name, :id => 123 r.should == 'response' end end describe :reblog do it 'should make the correct call' do client.should_receive(:post).once.with("v2/blog/#{blog_name}/post/reblog", { :id => 123 }).and_return('response') r = client.reblog blog_name, :id => 123 r.should == 'response' end end # Simple post types [:quote, :text, :link, :chat].each do |type| field = type == :quote ? 'quote' : 'title' # uglay describe type do context 'when passing an option which is not allowed' do it 'should raise an error' do lambda { client.send type, blog_name, :not => 'an option' }.should raise_error ArgumentError end end context 'when passing valid data' do before do @val = 'hello world' client.should_receive(:post).once.with("v2/blog/#{blog_name}/post", { field.to_sym => @val, :type => type.to_s }).and_return('response') end it 'should set up the call properly' do r = client.send type, blog_name, field.to_sym => @val r.should == 'response' end end end end describe :create_post do let(:blog_name) { 'seejohnrun' } let(:args) { { :source => 'somesource' } } context 'with a valid post type' do before do client.should_receive(:photo).with(blog_name, args).and_return 'hi' end it 'should call the right method and grab the return' do client.create_post(:photo, blog_name, args).should == 'hi' end end context 'with an invalid post type' do it 'should raise an error' do lambda do client.create_post(:fake, blog_name, args) end.should raise_error ArgumentError, '"fake" is not a valid post type' end end end # Complex post types [:photo, :audio, :video].each do |type| describe type do context 'when passing an option which is not allowed' do it 'should raise an error' do lambda { client.send type, blog_name, :not => 'an option' }.should raise_error ArgumentError end end context 'when passing data as an array of filepaths' do before do fakefile = :read => file_data File.stub(:open).with(file_path + '.jpg').and_return(fakefile) client.should_receive(:post).once.with("v2/blog/#{blog_name}/post", { 'data[0]' => kind_of(Faraday::UploadIO), :type => type.to_s }).and_return('post') end it 'should be able to pass data as an array of filepaths' do r = client.send type, blog_name, :data => [file_path + ".jpg"] r.should == 'post' end it 'should be able to pass data as an array of uploadios' do r = client.send type, blog_name, :data => [, 'image/jpeg')] r.should == 'post' end end context 'when passing data different ways' do before do fakefile = :read => file_data File.stub(:open).with(file_path + '.jpg').and_return(fakefile) client.should_receive(:post).once.with("v2/blog/#{blog_name}/post", { 'data' => kind_of(Faraday::UploadIO), :type => type.to_s }).and_return('post') end it 'should be able to pass data as a single filepath' do r = client.send type, blog_name, :data => file_path + ".jpg" r.should == 'post' end it 'should be able to pass data as a single uploadio' do r = client.send type, blog_name, :data =>, 'image/jpeg') r.should == 'post' end end # Only photos have source if type == :photo context 'when passing source different ways' do it 'should be able to be passed as a string' do client.should_receive(:post).once.with("v2/blog/#{blog_name}/post", { :source => source, :type => type.to_s }) client.send type, blog_name, :source => source end it 'should be able to be passed as an array' do client.should_receive(:post).once.with("v2/blog/#{blog_name}/post", { 'source[0]' => source, 'source[1]' => source, :type => type.to_s }) client.send type, blog_name, :source => [source, source] end it 'should be able to be passed as an array on edit' do client.should_receive(:post).once.with("v2/blog/#{blog_name}/post/edit", { :id => post_id, 'source[0]' => source, 'source[1]' => source }) client.edit blog_name, :id => post_id, :source => [source, source] end end end context 'when passing colliding options' do it 'should get an error when passing data & source' do lambda { client.send type, blog_name, :data => 'hi', :source => 'bye' }.should raise_error ArgumentError end end end end end