# encoding: UTF-8 require 'pp' require 'hashie' require_relative '../shared' require_relative '../../commands/process' require_relative '../../commands/runners' require_relative '../../client' # translate given params (with dots) to json-like params def load_undot(filename) p = MultiJson.load(File.read(filename)).extend(Hashie::Extensions::DeepMerge) p.undot end GoodData::CLI.module_eval do desc 'Run ruby bricks either locally or remotely deployed on our server. Currently private alpha.' # arg_name 'show' command :run_ruby do |c| c.desc 'Directory of the ruby brick' c.default_value nil c.flag [:d, :dir] c.desc 'Log file. If empty STDOUT will be used instead' c.default_value nil c.flag [:l, :logger] c.desc 'Params file path. Inside should be hash of key values. These params override any defaults given in bricks.' c.default_value nil c.flag [:params] c.desc 'Remote system credentials file path. Inside should be hash of key values.' c.default_value nil c.flag [:credentials] c.desc 'Run on remote machine' c.switch [:r, :remote] c.desc 'Name of the deployed process' c.default_value nil c.flag [:n, :name] c.action do |global_options, options, _args| verbose = global_options[:verbose] options[:expanded_params] = if options[:params] # load params and credentials if given runtime_params = load_undot(options[:params]) if options[:credentials] runtime_params = runtime_params.deep_merge(load_undot(options[:credentials])) end { 'config' => runtime_params } else { 'config' => {} } end # if there are some GDC_* params in config, put them on the level above gdc_params = options[:expanded_params]['config'].select { |k, _| k =~ /GDC_.*/ } options[:expanded_params].merge!(gdc_params) opts = options.merge(global_options).merge(:type => 'RUBY') GoodData.connect(opts) if options[:remote] fail 'You have to specify name of the deploy when deploying remotely' if options[:name].nil? || options[:name].empty? require_relative '../../commands/process' GoodData::Command::Process.run(options[:dir], './main.rb', opts) else require_relative '../../commands/runners' GoodData::Command::Runners.run_ruby_locally(options[:dir], opts) end puts HighLine.color('Running ruby brick - DONE', HighLine::GREEN) if verbose end end end