require 'pathname' lib = File.expand_path('../lib', __FILE__) $LOAD_PATH.unshift(lib) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(lib) require 'site_hook/version' do |spec| = 'site_hook' spec.version = SiteHook::VERSION spec.authors = ['Ken Spencer'] = [''] spec.summary = %q{Catch a POST request from a git service push webhook and build a jekyll site.} spec.homepage = '' spec.license = 'MIT' spec.licenses = ['MIT'] spec.required_ruby_version = '>= 2.3' # Prevent pushing this gem to To allow pushes either set the 'allowed_push_host' # to allow pushing to a single host or delete this section to allow pushing to any host. spec.metadata = { 'source_uri' => '', 'source_code_uri' => '', 'tutorial_uri' => '', 'documentation_uri' => '' } spec.files = `git ls-files -z`.split("\x0").reject do |f| f.match(%r{^(tests)/}) end spec.bindir = 'bin' spec.executables = spec.files.grep(%r{^bin/}) do |f| wanted_bins = %w[site_hook] File.basename(f) if wanted_bins.include?( end spec.require_paths = ['lib'] spec.add_dependency 'git', '~> 1.3' spec.add_dependency 'highline', '~> 2.0.1' spec.add_dependency 'grape', '~> 1.2.3' spec.add_dependency 'grape-route-helpers', '~> 2.1' spec.add_dependency 'paint', '~> 2.0' spec.add_dependency 'random_password', '~> 0.1.1' spec.add_dependency 'recursive-open-struct', '~> 1.1' spec.add_dependency 'super_callbacks', '~> 1.3.1' spec.add_dependency 'thor', '~> 0.20.3' spec.add_dependency 'grape-raketasks' spec.add_dependency 'thin' spec.add_development_dependency 'rspec', '3.8.0' spec.add_development_dependency 'aruba', '~> 0.14.8' spec.add_development_dependency 'bundler', '~> 1.17.3', '< 2.0' spec.add_development_dependency 'cucumber', '>= 3.1.2' spec.add_development_dependency 'pry', '~> 0.12.2' spec.post_install_message = <<~POSTINSTALL site_hook 0.9.*+ introduces breaking configuration changes! 1) .shrc/config -> root:host and root:port directives should now be located in root:webhook:host and root:webhook:port Tutorials on site_hook configuration, installation and setup can be seen on POSTINSTALL end