module NetSuite module Support module Actions def self.included(base) base.send(:extend, ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods def actions(*args) instance_module = class_module = args.each do |action| define_action(instance_module, class_module, action) end self.send(:include, instance_module) self.send(:extend, class_module) end def define_action(instance_module, class_module, action) case action when :get define_get(class_module) when :add define_add(instance_module) when :initialize define_initialize(class_module) when :delete define_delete(instance_module) else raise "Unknown action: #{action.inspect}" end end def define_get(class_module) class_module.module_eval do define_method :get do |*args| options, *ignored = *args response =, options) if response.success? new(response.body) else raise RecordNotFound, "#{self} with OPTIONS=#{options.inspect} could not be found" end end end end def define_add(instance_module) instance_module.module_eval do define_method :add do response = response.success? end end end def define_initialize(class_module) (class << self; self; end).instance_eval do define_method :initialize do |*args| super(*args) end end class_module.module_eval do define_method :initialize do |object| response =, object) if response.success? new(response.body) else raise InitializationError, "#{self}.initialize with #{object} failed." end end end end def define_delete(instance_module) instance_module.module_eval do define_method :delete do response = response.success? end end end end end end end