require File.expand_path('../../test_helper', __FILE__) class ScalingControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase uses_http_mock :sometimes def mock_domain {:id => 'test'} end def app_without_scaling {:name => 'test', :framework => 'php-5.3', :git_url => 'ssh://'} end def app_with_scaling {:name => 'test', :framework => 'php-5.3', :git_url => 'ssh://', :scale => true} end def cartridges_without_scaling [ {:name => 'php-5.3', :current_scale => 1, :scales_from => 1, :scales_to => 1}, ] end def cartridges_with_scaling(multiplier) [ {:name => 'php-5.3', :collocated_with => ['extra-1.0', 'haproxy-1.4'], :scales_from => 1, :scales_to => multiplier*2, :current_scale => multiplier}, {:name => 'extra-1.0', :collocated_with => ['php-5.3', 'haproxy-1.4'], :scales_from => 1, :scales_to => 1, :current_scale => 1}, {:name => 'haproxy-1.4', :collocated_with => ['php-5.3', 'extra-1.0'], :scales_from => 1, :scales_to => 1, :current_scale => 1}, {:name => 'mysql-5.0', :scales_from => 1, :scales_to => 1, :current_scale => 1}, ] end def with_mock_app(app=app_without_scaling, cartridges=cartridges_without_scaling) with_unique_user allow_http_mock ActiveResource::HttpMock.respond_to(false) do |mock| mock.get '/broker/rest/cartridges.json', anonymous_json_header, [].to_json mock.get '/broker/rest/user.json', json_header, {:max_gears => 16}.to_json mock.get '/broker/rest/domains.json', json_header, [mock_domain].to_json mock.get '/broker/rest/domains/test/applications/test.json', json_header, app.to_json mock.get '/broker/rest/domains/test/applications.json', json_header, [app].compact.to_json mock.get '/broker/rest/domains/test/applications/test/cartridges.json', json_header, cartridges.to_json end {:application_id => 'test'} end def without_scaling with_unique_user with_mock_app end def with_scaling(multiplier=1) with_unique_user with_mock_app(app_with_scaling, cartridges_with_scaling(multiplier)) end test 'displays form and title for scaling' do get :show, with_scaling(2) assert_select 'h2', "php-5.3" assert_select 'h2', "extra-1.0" assert_select 'h2', "mysql-5.0" end def scalable_app_params { :application_id => with_scalable_app.to_param, :id => } end def scalable_cartridge with_scalable_app.cartridges.find(&:scales?) end def assert_cart_scales(from, to, message='Cartridge scaling not set correctly') scalable_cartridge.reload.tap{ |c| assert_equal [from,to], [c.scales_from, c.scales_to], message } end test 'updates scale range' do put :update, {:cartridge => {:scales_from => 2, :scales_to => 3}}.merge(scalable_app_params) assert_redirected_to application_scaling_path assert_cart_scales 2, 3 end test 'allows fixed scale range' do put :update, {:cartridge => {:scales_from => 3, :scales_to => 3}}.merge(scalable_app_params) assert_redirected_to application_scaling_path, assigns(:cartridge).errors.inspect assert_cart_scales 3, 3 end test 'allows unlimited scale range' do put :update, {:cartridge => {:scales_from => 3, :scales_to => -1}}.merge(scalable_app_params) assert_redirected_to application_scaling_path, assigns(:cartridge).errors.inspect assert_cart_scales 3, -1 end test 'flips scale range if necessary' do put :update, {:cartridge => {:scales_from => 3, :scales_to => 2}}.merge(scalable_app_params) assert_redirected_to application_scaling_path assert_equal [2, 3], [assigns(:cartridge).scales_from, assigns(:cartridge).scales_to] assert_cart_scales 2, 3 end test 'rejects unlimited scales_from' do put :update, {:cartridge => {:scales_from => -1, :scales_to => 2}}.merge(scalable_app_params) assert_response :success assert_select 'ul.alert-error > li', /Invalid scales_(from|to) factor -?\d+ provided/ end test 'rejects out of range scales_from' do if scalable_cartridge.supported_scales_from > 0 put :update, {:cartridge => {:scales_from => 0, :scales_to => 2}}.merge(scalable_app_params) assert_response :success assert_select 'ul.alert-error > li', /Invalid scales_(from|to) factor -?\d+ provided/ else fail 'Test case needs to be updated, a cart can be scaled to 0 now' end end test 'rejects impossible scales_to' do put :update, {:cartridge => {:scales_from => 2, :scales_to => -2}}.merge(scalable_app_params) assert_response :success assert_select 'ul.alert-error > li', /Invalid scales_(from|to) factor -?\d+ provided/ end [true, false].each do |mock| test "should get redirected from show without scaling #{'(mock)' if mock}" do get :show, mock ? without_scaling : {:application_id => with_app.to_param} assert app = assigns(:application) assert assigns(:domain) assert_redirected_to new_application_scaling_path(app) end test "should get redirected from delete without scaling #{'(mock)' if mock}" do get :delete, mock ? without_scaling : {:application_id => with_app.to_param} assert app = assigns(:application) assert assigns(:domain) assert_redirected_to new_application_scaling_path(app) end test "should see new page without scaling #{'(mock)' if mock}" do get :new, mock ? without_scaling : {:application_id => with_app.to_param} assert app = assigns(:application) assert assigns(:domain) assert_response :success end test "should show if all components exist #{'(mock)' if mock}" do get :show, mock ? with_scaling : {:application_id => with_scalable_app.to_param} assert app = assigns(:application), @response.pretty_inspect assert app.ssh_string assert assigns(:domain) assert_response :success end end end