# Copyright © 2010 Brighter Planet.
# See LICENSE for details.
# Contact Brighter Planet for dual-license arrangements.
## Lodging carbon model
# This model is used by [Brighter Planet](http://brighterplanet.com)'s carbon emission [web service](http://carbon.brighterplanet.com) to estimate the **greenhouse gas emissions of a lodging** (e.g. a hotel stay).
##### Calculations
# The final estimate is the result of the **calculations** detailed below. These calculations are performed in reverse order, starting with the last calculation listed and finishing with the `emission` calculation. Each calculation is named according to the value it returns.
##### Methods
# To accomodate varying client input, each calculation may have one or more **methods**. These are listed under each calculation in order from most to least preferred. Each method is named according to the values it requires. If any of these values is not available the method will be ignored. If all the methods for a calculation are ignored, the calculation will not return a value. "Default" methods do not require any values, and so a calculation with a default method will always return a value.
##### Standard compliance
# Each method lists any established calculation standards with which it **complies**. When compliance with a standard is requested, all methods that do not comply with that standard are ignored. This means that any values a particular method requires will have been calculated using a compliant method, because those are the only methods available. If any value did not have a compliant method in its calculation then it would be undefined, and the current method would have been ignored.
##### Collaboration
# Contributions to this carbon model are actively encouraged and warmly welcomed. This library includes a comprehensive test suite to ensure that your changes do not cause regressions. All changes should include test coverage for new functionality. Please see [sniff](http://github.com/brighterplanet/sniff#readme), our emitter testing framework, for more information.
module BrighterPlanet
module Lodging
module CarbonModel
def self.included(base)
base.decide :emission, :with => :characteristics do
### Emission calculation
# Returns the `emission` estimate (*kg CO2e*).
committee :emission do
#### Emission from rooms, duration, and emission factor
# **Complies:** GHG Protocol, ISO 14064-1, Climate Registry Protocol
# Multiplies `rooms` by `duration` and the `emission factor` (*kg CO2e / room-night*) to give (*kg CO2e).
quorum 'from rooms, duration, and emission factor', :needs => [:rooms, :duration, :emission_factor] do |characteristics|
characteristics[:rooms] * characteristics[:duration] * characteristics[:emission_factor]
#### Default emission
# **Complies:**
# Displays an error message if the previous method fails.
quorum 'default' do
raise "The emission committee's default quorum should never be called."
### Emission factor calculation
# Returns the `emission factor` (*kg CO2e / room-night*)
committee :emission_factor do
#### Emission factor from fuel intensities and eGRID
# **Complies:** GHG Protocol, ISO 14064-1, Climate Registry Protocol
# - Looks up the [natural gas](http://data.brighterplanet.com/fuels) emission factor (*kg CO2e / cubic m*)
# - Looks up the [fuel oil](http://data.brighterplanet.com/fuels) emission factor (*kg CO2e / l*)
# - Looks up the [eGRID subregion](http://data.brighterplanet.com/egrid_subregions) electricity emission factor
# - Looks up the [eGRID region](http://data.brighterplanet.com/egrid_regions) electricity loss factor
# - Adjusts the electricity emission factor upwards by dividing by 1 - the electricity loss factor
# - Divides the natural gas emission factor (*kg CO2e / cubic m*) by the natural gas energy content (38,339,000 *J / cubic m*) to give an energy-based natural gas emission factor (*kg CO2e / J*)
# - Divides the fuel oil emission factor (*kg CO2e / l*) by the fuel oil energy content (38,655,000 *J / l*) to give an energy-based fuel oil emission factor (*kg CO2e / J*)
# - Divides the energy-based natural gas emission factor by 0.817 and the energy-based fuel oil emission factor by 0.846, adds these together and divides by 2, and divides by 0.95. This gives a district heat emission factor (*kg CO2e / J*) based on the assumption that district heat is produced by 50% natural gas and 50% fuel oil, natural gas boilers are 81.7% efficient, fuel oil boilers are 84.6% efficient, and transmission losses are 5%.
# - Multiplies `natural gas intensity` by the natural gas emission factor, `fuel oil intensity` by the fuel oil emission factor, `electricity intensity` by the electricity emission factor, and `district heat intensity` by the district heat emission factor
# - Adds these together
quorum 'from fuel intensities and eGRID', :needs => [:natural_gas_intensity, :fuel_oil_intensity, :electricity_intensity, :district_heat_intensity, :egrid_subregion, :egrid_region] do |characteristics|
natural_gas = FuelType.find_by_name "Commercial Natural Gas"
fuel_oil = FuelType.find_by_name "Distillate Fuel Oil 2"
natural_gas_energy_ef = natural_gas.emission_factor / 38_339_000
fuel_oil_energy_ef = fuel_oil.emission_factor / 38_655_000
district_heat_emission_factor = (((natural_gas_energy_ef / 0.817) / 2) + ((fuel_oil_energy_ef / 0.846) / 2)) / 0.95
(characteristics[:natural_gas_intensity] * natural_gas.emission_factor) +
(characteristics[:fuel_oil_intensity] * fuel_oil.emission_factor) +
(characteristics[:electricity_intensity] / (1 - characteristics[:egrid_region].loss_factor) * characteristics[:egrid_subregion].electricity_emission_factor) +
(characteristics[:district_heat_intensity] * district_heat_emission_factor)
### Natural gas intensity calculation
# Returns the `natural gas intensity` (*cubic m / room-night*).
committee :natural_gas_intensity do
#### Natural gas intensity from census division
# **Complies:** GHG Protocol, ISO 14064-1, Climate Registry Protocol
# Looks up the [census division](http://data.brighterplanet.com/census_divisions) `natural gas intensity` (*cubic m / room-night*).
quorum 'from census division', :needs => :census_division do |characteristics|
#### Natural gas intensity from lodging class
# **Complies:** GHG Protocol, ISO 14064-1, Climate Registry Protocol
# Looks up the [lodging class](http://data.brighterplanet.com/lodging_class) `natural gas intensity` (*cubic m / room-night*).
quorum 'from lodging class', :needs => :lodging_class do |characteristics|
### Fuel oil intensity calculation
# Returns the `fuel oil intensity` (*l / room-night*).
committee :fuel_oil_intensity do
#### Fuel oil intensity from census division
# **Complies:** GHG Protocol, ISO 14064-1, Climate Registry Protocol
# Looks up the [census division](http://data.brighterplanet.com/census_divisions) `fuel oil intensity` (*l / room-night*).
quorum 'from census division', :needs => :census_division do |characteristics|
#### Fuel oil intensity from lodging class
# **Complies:** GHG Protocol, ISO 14064-1, Climate Registry Protocol
# Looks up the [lodging class](http://data.brighterplanet.com/lodging_class) `fuel oil intensity` (*l / room-night*).
quorum 'from lodging class', :needs => :lodging_class do |characteristics|
### Electricity intensity calculation
# Returns the `electricity intensity` (*kWh / room-night*).
committee :electricity_intensity do
#### Electricity intensity from census division
# **Complies:** GHG Protocol, ISO 14064-1, Climate Registry Protocol
# Looks up the [census division](http://data.brighterplanet.com/census_divisions) `electricity intensity` (*kWh / room-night*).
quorum 'from census division', :needs => :census_division do |characteristics|
#### Electricity intensity from lodging class
# **Complies:** GHG Protocol, ISO 14064-1, Climate Registry Protocol
# Looks up the [lodging class](http://data.brighterplanet.com/lodging classes) `electricity intensity` (*kWh / room-night*).
quorum 'from lodging class', :needs => :lodging_class do |characteristics|
### District heat intensity calculation
# Returns the `district heat intensity` (*J / room-night*).
committee :district_heat_intensity do
#### District heat intensity from census division
# **Complies:** GHG Protocol, ISO 14064-1, Climate Registry Protocol
# Looks up the [census division](http://data.brighterplanet.com/census_divisions) `district heat intensity` (*J / room-night*).
quorum 'from census division', :needs => :census_division do |characteristics|
#### District heat intensity from lodging class
# **Complies:** GHG Protocol, ISO 14064-1, Climate Registry Protocol
# Looks up the [lodging class](http://data.brighterplanet.com/lodging_classes) `district heat intensity` (*J / room-night*).
quorum 'from lodging class', :needs => :lodging_class do |characteristics|
### Lodging class calculation
# Returns the [lodging class](http://data.brighterplanet.com/lodging_classes).
committee :lodging_class do
#### Lodging class from client input
# **Complies:** All
# Uses the client-input [loding class](http://data.brighterplanet.com/lodging_classes).
#### Default lodging class
# **Complies:** GHG Protocol, ISO 14064-1, Climate Registry Protocol
# Uses an artificial [lodging class](http://data.brighterplanet.com/lodging_classes) that represents the U.S. average.
quorum 'default' do
LodgingClass.find_by_name 'Average'
### eGRID region calculation
# Returns the lodging's [eGRID region](http://data.brighterplanet.com/egrid_regions).
committee :egrid_region do
#### eGRID region from eGRID subregion
# **Complies:** GHG Protocol, ISO 14064-1, Climate Registry Protocol
# Looks up the [eGRID subregion](http://data.brighterplanet.com/egrid_subregions) `eGRID region`.
quorum 'from eGRID subregion', :needs => :egrid_subregion do |characteristics|
### eGRID subregion calculation
# Returns the lodging's [eGRID subregion](http://data.brighterplanet.com/egrid_subregions).
committee :egrid_subregion do
#### eGRID subregion from zip code
# **Complies:** GHG Protocol, ISO 14064-1, Climate Registry Protocol
# Looks up the [zip code](http://data.brighterplanet.com/zip_codes) `eGRID subregion`.
quorum 'from zip code', :needs => :zip_code do |characteristics|
#### Default eGRID subregion
# **Complies:** GHG Protocol, ISO 14064-1, Climate Registry Protocol
# Uses an artificial [eGRID subregion](http://data.brighterplanet.com/egrid_subregions) that represents the U.S. average.
quorum 'default' do
EgridSubregion.find_by_abbreviation 'US'
### Census division calculation
# Returns the lodging's [census division](http://data.brighterplanet.com/census_divisions).
committee :census_division do
#### Census division from state
# Looks up the [state](http://data.brighterplanet.com/states) `census division`.
quorum 'from state', :needs => :state do |characteristics|
### State calculation
# Returns the lodging's [state](http://data.brighterplanet.com/states).
committee :state do
#### State from zip code
# **Complies:** GHG Protocol, ISO 14064-1, Climate Registry Protocol
# Looks up the [zip code](http://data.brighterplanet.com/zip_codes) `state`.
quorum 'from zip code', :needs => :zip_code do |characteristics|
### Zip code calculation
# Returns the client-input [zip code](http://data.brighterplanet.com/zip_codes).
### Duration calculation
# Returns the stay's `duration` (*nights*).
committee :duration do
#### Duration from client input
# **Complies:** All
# Uses the client-input `duration` (*nights*).
#### Default duration
# **Complies:** GHG Protocol, ISO 14064-1, Climate Registry Protocol
# Uses 1 *night*.
quorum 'default' do
### Rooms calculation
# Returns the number of `rooms` used.
committee :rooms do
#### Rooms from client input
# **Complies:** All
# Uses the client-input number of `rooms`.
#### Default rooms
# **Complies:** GHG Protocol, ISO 14064-1, Climate Registry Protocol
# Uses 1 room.
quorum 'default' do