DEFAULTS: updated_at: 2011-06-09 created_at: 2011-06-09 ref_lang: en inherit: yes user: hades v_status: pub v_publish_from: 2011-06-09 # Everything happens in the land of the dead erebus: class: Project inherit: no # You cannot view what happens there rgroup: erebus wgroup: erebus dgroup: erebus skin: under_world v_prop: title: The land of the deads # Skin used by erebus inhabitants under_world: class: Skin parent: erebus v_prop: title: Under World Node_zafu: class: Template parent: under_world v_prop: title: Node format: html tkpath: N target_klass: Node text: | In this dark gloomy place, there is # Skin used by external visitors granted acl access sky: class: Skin parent: erebus v_prop: title: Sky view sky_zafu: class: Template parent: sky v_prop: title: Node format: html tkpath: N target_klass: Node text: | In this dark gloomy place, you can see and # ------------- Two projects # ------------- with some pages in each of them # Private, super secret project over_zeus: class: Project parent: erebus v_prop: title: A plan to overrule Zeus secret_weapon: class: Page parent: over_zeus v_prop: title: Secret Weapon # Project related to Demeter (she can only see with acl) queen: class: Project parent: erebus v_prop: title: My Queen wedding: class: Page parent: queen v_prop: title: Wedding organization persephone: class: Contact parent: queen v_prop: title: Persephone # ------------- Nodes for the users hades: class: Contact parent: erebus v_prop: title: The Unseen demeter: class: Contact parent: erebus v_prop: title: Giver of Wheat anon: class: Contact parent: erebus v_prop: title: The poor dead