EPUBCheck ========= This folder contains the distribution of the EPUBCheck project. EPUBCheck is a tool to validate the conformance of EPUB publications against the EPUB specifications. EPUBCheck can be run as a standalone command-line tool or used as a Java library. EPUBCheck is open source software, maintained by the DAISY Consortium on behalf of the W3C. EPUBCheck project home: https://github.com/w3c/epubcheck RUNNING ------- To run the tool you need a Java runtime (1.7 or above). Any Operating System should do. Run it from the command line: > java -jar epubcheck.jar file.epub All detected errors are simply printed to the standard error stream. Print the commandline help with the --help argument: > java -jar epubcheck.jar --help USING AS A LIBRARY ------------------ You can also use EPUBCheck as a library in your Java application. EPUBCheck public interfaces can be found in the `com.adobe.epubcheck.api` package. EPUBCheck class can be used to instantiate a validation engine. Use one of its constructors and then call validate() method. Report is an interface that you can implement to get a list of the errors and warnings reported by the validation engine (instead of the error list being printed out). LICENSING --------- EPUBCheck is made available under the terms of the 3-Clause BSD License, a copy of which is available in the file LICENSE.txt. The list of licenses of third-party software components is detailed in the file THIRD-PARTY.txt AUTHORS / CONTRIBUTORS ---------------------- This distribution of EPUBCheck was made by the DAISY Consortium, for the W3C. Previous contributors include: - Alberto Pettarin - Alexander Walters - Andrew Neitsch - Arwen Pond - Bogdan Iordache - Dave Cramer - dilbirligi - Emiliano Molina - Francisco Sanchez - Garth Conboy - George Bina - Ionut-Maxim Margelatu - Jessica Hekman - Jostein Austvik Jacobsen - Liza Daly - Markus Gylling - Martin Kraetke - Masayoshi Takahashi - Matt Garrish - Merijn de Haen - MURATA Makoto - Paul Norton - Peter Sorotokin - Piotr Kula - Romain Deltour - Satoshi KOJIMA - Stephan Kreutzer - Steve Antoch - Thiago de Oliveira Pereira - Thomas Ledoux - Tobias Fischer - Tomohiko Hayashi - Tzviya Siegman - Vincent Gros - Woongyoung Park Most of the EPUBCheck functionality comes from the schema validation tool Jing and schemas that were developed by IDPF and DAISY. Initial EPUBCheck development was largely done at Adobe Systems. EPUBCheck 4.0 was largely developed by DAISY and Barnes & Noble.