Jldrill Git C0 Coverage Information - RCov


Name Total Lines Lines of Code Total Coverage Code Coverage
lib/jldrill/spec/storyFunctionality/Gtk.rb 57 35


Code reported as executed by Ruby looks like this...and this: this line is also marked as covered.Lines considered as run by rcov, but not reported by Ruby, look like this,and this: these lines were inferred by rcov (using simple heuristics).Finally, here's a line marked as not executed.

Coverage Details

1 require 'jldrill/spec/StoryMemento'
2 require 'gtk2'
3 require 'Context/require_all'
4 # We're requiring all the gtk views here since that's
5 # what the app would normally be doing.
6 require_all 'jldrill/views/gtk/*.rb'
8 # Story functionality for Gtk.  Used as a mixin within a
9 # StoryMemento
10 module JLDrill::StoryFunctionality
11 	module Gtk
12         # Starts Gtk and runs the code in the block.  Note it doesn't
13         # quit the main loop, so you will have to call ::Gtk::main_quit
14         # somewhere in the block.  See UserLoadsDictionary_story.rb
15         # for an example of usage.
16 		def startGtk(&block)
17 			::Gtk.init_add do
18 				block.call
19 			end
20 			::Gtk.main
21 		end
23         # Overrides the method on the object with the closure
24         # that's passed in.
25         def override_method(object, method, &block)
26             class << object
27                 self
28             end.send(:define_method, method, &block)
29         end
31         # Override the run method in views that contain
32         # dialogs so that once the context has been entered
33         # the specified button is pressed.
34         def pressButtonAfterEntry(dialog, button, &block)
35             override_method(dialog, :run) do
36                 if !block.nil?
37                     block.call
38                 end
39                 button
40             end
41         end
43         # Enter a dialog and press OK
44         def pressOKAfterEntry(dialog, &block)
45             pressButtonAfterEntry(dialog, ::Gtk::Dialog::RESPONSE_ACCEPT, 
46                                   &block)
47         end
49         # Enter a dialog and press Cancel
50         def pressCancelAfterEntry(dialog, &block)
51             pressButtonAfterEntry(dialog, ::Gtk::Dialog::RESPONSE_CANCEL, 
52                                   &block)
53         end
55 	end
56 end

Generated on Mon May 23 16:17:46 +0900 2011 with rcov 0.9.8