## [Unreleased] ### [1.5.0] - 2019-05-14 - [Janosch Müller](mailto:janosch84@gmail.com) ### Added - Added `#referenced_expression` for backrefs, subexp calls and conditionals * returns the `Group` expression that is being referenced via name or number - Added `Expression#repetitions` * returns a `Range` of allowed repetitions (`1..1` if there is no quantifier) * like `#quantity` but with a more uniform interface - Added `Expression#match_length` * allows to inspect and iterate over String lengths matched by the Expression ### Fixed - Fixed `Expression#clone` "direction" * it used to dup ivars onto the callee, leaving only the clone referencing the original objects * this will affect you if you call `#eql?`/`#equal?` on expressions or use them as Hash keys - Fixed `#clone` results for `Sequences`, e.g. alternations and conditionals * the inner `#text` was cloned onto the `Sequence` and thus duplicated * e.g. `Regexp::Parser.parse(/(a|bc)/).clone.to_s # => (aa|bcbc)` - Fixed inconsistent `#to_s` output for `Sequences` * it used to return only the "specific" text, e.g. "|" for an alternation * now it includes nested expressions as it does for all other `Subexpressions` - Fixed quantification of codepoint lists with more than one entry (`\u{62 63 64}+`) * quantifiers apply only to the last entry, so this token is now split up if quantified ### [1.4.0] - 2019-04-02 - [Janosch Müller](mailto:janosch84@gmail.com) ### Added - Added support for 19 new unicode properties introduced in Ruby 2.6.0 ### [1.3.0] - 2018-11-14 - [Janosch Müller](mailto:janosch84@gmail.com) ### Added - `Syntax#features` returns a `Hash` of all types and tokens supported by a given `Syntax` ### Fixed - Thanks to [Akira Matsuda](https://github.com/amatsuda) * eliminated warning "assigned but unused variable - testEof" ## [1.2.0] - 2018-09-28 - [Janosch Müller](mailto:janosch84@gmail.com) ### Added - `Subexpression` (branch node) includes `Enumerable`, allowing to `#select` children etc. ### Fixed - Fixed missing quantifier in `Conditional::Expression` methods `#to_s`, `#to_re` - `Conditional::Condition` no longer lives outside the recursive `#expressions` tree - it used to be the only expression stored in a custom ivar, complicating traversal - its setter and getter (`#condition=`, `#condition`) still work as before ## [1.1.0] - 2018-09-17 - [Janosch Müller](mailto:janosch84@gmail.com) ### Added - Added `Quantifier` methods `#greedy?`, `#possessive?`, `#reluctant?`/`#lazy?` - Added `Group::Options#option_changes` - shows the options enabled or disabled by the given options group - as with all other expressions, `#options` shows the overall active options - Added `Conditional#reference` and `Condition#reference`, indicating the determinative group - Added `Subexpression#dig`, acts like [`Array#dig`](http://ruby-doc.org/core-2.5.0/Array.html#method-i-dig) ### Fixed - Fixed parsing of quantified conditional expressions (quantifiers were assigned to the wrong expression) - Fixed scanning and parsing of forward-referring subexpression calls (e.g. `\g<+1>`) - `Root` and `Sequence` expressions now support the same constructor signature as all other expressions ## [1.0.0] - 2018-09-01 - [Janosch Müller](mailto:janosch84@gmail.com) This release includes several breaking changes, mostly to character sets, #map and properties. ### Changed - Changed handling of sets (a.k.a. character classes or "bracket expressions") * see PR [#55](https://github.com/ammar/regexp_parser/pull/55) / issue [#47](https://github.com/ammar/regexp_parser/issues/47) for details * sets are now parsed to expression trees like other nestable expressions * `#scan` now emits the same tokens as outside sets (no longer `:set, :member`) * `CharacterSet#members` has been removed * new `Range` and `Intersection` classes represent corresponding syntax features * a new `PosixClass` expression class represents e.g. `[[:ascii:]]` * `PosixClass` instances behave like `Property` ones, e.g. support `#negative?` * `#scan` emits `:(non)posixclass, :` instead of `:set, :char_(non)` - Changed `Subexpression#map` to act like regular `Enumerable#map` * the old behavior is available as `Subexpression#flat_map` * e.g. `parse(/[a]/).map(&:to_s) == ["[a]"]`; used to be `["[a]", "a"]` - Changed expression emissions for some escape sequences * `EscapeSequence::Codepoint`, `CodepointList`, `Hex` and `Octal` are now all used * they already existed, but were all parsed as `EscapeSequence::Literal` * e.g. `\x97` is now `EscapeSequence::Hex` instead of `EscapeSequence::Literal` - Changed naming of many property tokens (emitted for `\p{...}`) * if you work with these tokens, see PR [#56](https://github.com/ammar/regexp_parser/pull/56) for details * e.g. `:punct_dash` is now `:dash_punctuation` - Changed `(?m)` and the likes to emit as `:options_switch` token (@4ade4d1) * allows differentiating from group-local `:options`, e.g. `(?m:.)` - Changed name of `Backreference::..NestLevel` to `..RecursionLevel` (@4184339) - Changed `Backreference::Number#number` from `String` to `Integer` (@40a2231) ### Added - Added support for all previously missing properties (about 250) - Added `Expression::UnicodeProperty#shortcut` (e.g. returns "m" for `\p{mark}`) - Added `#char(s)` and `#codepoint(s)` methods to all `EscapeSequence` expressions - Added `#number`/`#name`/`#recursion_level` to all backref/call expressions (@174bf21) - Added `#number` and `#number_at_level` to capturing group expressions (@40a2231) ### Fixed - Fixed Ruby version mapping of some properties - Fixed scanning of some property spellings, e.g. with dashes - Fixed some incorrect property alias normalizations - Fixed scanning of codepoint escapes with 6 digits (e.g. `\u{10FFFF}`) - Fixed scanning of `\R` and `\X` within sets; they act as literals there ## [0.5.0] - 2018-04-29 - [Janosch Müller](mailto:janosch84@gmail.com) ### Changed - Changed handling of Ruby versions (PR [#53](https://github.com/ammar/regexp_parser/pull/53)) * New Ruby versions are now supported by default * Some deep-lying APIs have changed, which should not affect most users: * `Regexp::Syntax::VERSIONS` is gone * Syntax version names have changed from `Regexp::Syntax::Ruby::Vnnn` to `Regexp::Syntax::Vn_n_n` * Syntax version classes for Ruby versions without regex feature changes are no longer predefined and are now only created on demand / lazily * `Regexp::Syntax::supported?` returns true for any argument >= 1.8.6 ### Fixed - Fixed some use cases of Expression methods #strfregexp and #to_h (@e738107) ### Added - Added full signature support to collection methods of Expressions (@aa7c55a) ## [0.4.13] - 2018-04-04 - [Ammar Ali](mailto:ammarabuali@gmail.com) - Added ruby version files for 2.2.10 and 2.3.7 ## [0.4.12] - 2018-03-30 - [Janosch Müller](mailto:janosch84@gmail.com) - Added ruby version files for 2.4.4 and 2.5.1 ## [0.4.11] - 2018-03-04 - [Janosch Müller](mailto:janosch84@gmail.com) - Fixed UnknownSyntaxNameError introduced in v0.4.10 if the gems parent dir tree included a 'ruby' dir ## [0.4.10] - 2018-03-04 - [Janosch Müller](mailto:janosch84@gmail.com) - Added ruby version file for 2.6.0 - Added support for Emoji properties (available in Ruby since 2.5.0) - Added support for XPosixPunct and Regional_Indicator properties - Fixed parsing of Unicode 6.0 and 7.0 script properties - Fixed parsing of the special Assigned property - Fixed scanning of InCyrillic_Supplement property ## [0.4.9] - 2017-12-25 - [Ammar Ali](mailto:ammarabuali@gmail.com) - Added ruby version file for 2.5.0 ## [0.4.8] - 2017-12-18 - [Janosch Müller](mailto:janosch84@gmail.com) - Added ruby version files for 2.2.9, 2.3.6, and 2.4.3 ## [0.4.7] - 2017-10-15 - [Janosch Müller](mailto:janosch84@gmail.com) - Fixed a thread safety issue (issue #45) - Some public class methods that were only reliable for internal use are now private instance methods (PR #46) - Improved the usefulness of Expression#options (issue #43) - #options and derived methods such as #i?, #m? and #x? are now defined for all Expressions that are affected by such flags. - Fixed scanning of whitespace following (?x) (commit 5c94bd2) - Fixed a Parser bug where the #number attribute of traditional numerical backreferences was not set correctly (commit 851b620) ## [0.4.6] - 2017-09-18 - [Janosch Müller](mailto:janosch84@gmail.com) - Added Parser support for hex escapes in sets (PR #36) - Added Parser support for octal escapes (PR #37) - Added support for cluster types \R and \X (PR #38) - Added support for more metacontrol notations (PR #39) ## [0.4.5] - 2017-09-17 - [Ammar Ali](mailto:ammarabuali@gmail.com) - Thanks to [Janosch Müller](https://github.com/janosch-x): * Support ruby 2.2.7 (PR #42) - Added ruby version files for 2.2.8, 2.3.5, and 2.4.2 ## [0.4.4] - 2017-07-10 - [Ammar Ali](mailto:ammarabuali@gmail.com) - Thanks to [Janosch Müller](https://github.com/janosch-x): * Add support for new absence operator (PR #33) - Thanks to [Bartek Bułat](https://github.com/barthez): * Add support for Ruby 2.3.4 version (PR #40) ## [0.4.3] - 2017-03-24 - [Ammar Ali](mailto:ammarabuali@gmail.com) - Added ruby version file for 2.4.1 ## [0.4.2] - 2017-01-10 - [Ammar Ali](mailto:ammarabuali@gmail.com) - Thanks to [Janosch Müller](https://github.com/janosch-x): * Support ruby 2.4 (PR #30) * Improve codepoint handling (PR #27) ## [0.4.1] - 2016-11-22 - [Ammar Ali](mailto:ammarabuali@gmail.com) - Updated ruby version file for 2.3.3 ## [0.4.0] - 2016-11-20 - [Ammar Ali](mailto:ammarabuali@gmail.com) - Added Syntax.supported? method - Updated ruby versions for latest releases; 2.1.10, 2.2.6, and 2.3.2 ## [0.3.6] - 2016-06-08 - [Ammar Ali](mailto:ammarabuali@gmail.com) - Thanks to [John Backus](https://github.com/backus): * Remove warnings (PR #26) ## [0.3.5] - 2016-05-30 - [Ammar Ali](mailto:ammarabuali@gmail.com) - Thanks to [John Backus](https://github.com/backus): * Fix parsing of /\xFF/n (hex:escape) (PR #24) ## [0.3.4] - 2016-05-25 - [Ammar Ali](mailto:ammarabuali@gmail.com) - Thanks to [John Backus](https://github.com/backus): * Fix warnings (PR #19) - Thanks to [Dana Scheider](https://github.com/danascheider): * Correct error in README (PR #20) - Fixed mistyped \h and \H character types (issue #21) - Added ancestry syntax files for latest rubies (issue #22) ## [0.3.3] - 2016-04-26 - [Ammar Ali](mailto:ammarabuali@gmail.com) - Thanks to [John Backus](https://github.com/backus): * Fixed scanning of zero length comments (PR #12) * Fixed missing escape:codepoint_list syntax token (PR #14) * Fixed to_s for modified interval quantifiers (PR #17) - Added a note about MRI implementation quirks to Scanner section ## [0.3.2] - 2016-01-01 - [Ammar Ali](mailto:ammarabuali@gmail.com) - Updated ruby versions for latest releases; 2.1.8, 2.2.4, and 2.3.0 - Fixed class name for UnknownSyntaxNameError exception - Added UnicodeBlocks support to the parser. - Added UnicodeBlocks support to the scanner. - Added expand_members method to CharacterSet, returns traditional or unicode property forms of shothands (\d, \W, \s, etc.) - Improved meaning and output of %t and %T in strfregexp. - Added syntax versions for ruby 2.1.4 and 2.1.5 and updated latest 2.1 version. - Added to_h methods to Expression, Subexpression, and Quantifier. - Added traversal methods; traverse, each_expression, and map. - Added token/type test methods; type?, is?, and one_of? - Added printing method strfregexp, inspired by strftime. - Added scanning and parsing of free spacing (x mode) expressions. - Improved handling of inline options (?mixdau:...) - Added conditional expressions. Ruby 2.0. - Added keep (\K) markers. Ruby 2.0. - Added d, a, and u options. Ruby 2.0. - Added missing meta sequences to the parser. They were supported by the scanner only. - Renamed Lexer's method to lex, added an alias to the old name (scan) - Use #map instead of #each to run the block in Lexer.lex. - Replaced VERSION.yml file with a constant. - Updated README - Update tokens and scanner with new additions in Unicode 7.0. ## [0.1.6] - 2014-10-06 - [Ammar Ali](mailto:ammarabuali@gmail.com) - Fixed test and gem building rake tasks and extracted the gem specification from the Rakefile into a .gemspec file. - Added syntax files for missing ruby 2.x versions. These do not add extra syntax support, they just make the gem work with the newer ruby versions. - Added .travis.yml to project root. - README: - Removed note purporting runtime support for ruby 1.8.6. - Added a section identifying the main unsupported syntax features. - Added sections for Testing and Building - Added badges for gem version, Travis CI, and code climate. - Updated README, fixing broken examples, and converting it from a rdoc file to Github's flavor of Markdown. - Fixed a parser bug where an alternation sequence that contained nested expressions was incorrectly being appended to the parent expression when the nesting was exited. e.g. in /a|(b)c/, c was appended to the root. - Fixed a bug where character types were not being correctly scanned within character sets. e.g. in [\d], two tokens were scanned; one for the backslash '\' and one for the 'd' ## [0.1.5] - 2014-01-14 - [Ammar Ali](mailto:ammarabuali@gmail.com) - Correct ChangeLog. - Added syntax stubs for ruby versions 2.0 and 2.1 - Added clone methods for deep copying expressions. - Added optional format argument for to_s on expressions to return the text of the expression with (:full, the default) or without (:base) its quantifier. - Renamed the :beginning_of_line and :end_of_line tokens to :bol and :eol. - Fixed a bug where alternations with more than two alternatives and one of them ending in a group were being incorrectly nested. - Improved EOF handling in general and especially from sequences like hex and control escapes. - Fixed a bug where named groups with an empty name would return a blank token []. - Fixed a bug where member of a parent set where being added to its last subset. - Various code cleanups in scanner.rl - Fixed a few mutable string bugs by calling dup on the originals. - Made ruby 1.8.6 the base for all 1.8 syntax, and the 1.8 name a pointer to the latest (1.8.7 at this time) - Removed look-behind assertions (positive and negative) from 1.8 syntax - Added control (\cc and \C-c) and meta (\M-c) escapes to 1.8 syntax - The default syntax is now the one of the running ruby version in both the lexer and the parser. ## [0.1.0] - 2010-11-21 - [Ammar Ali](mailto:ammarabuali@gmail.com) - Initial release