module Rudy; module Routines; module Handlers; module Script include Rudy::Routines::Handlers::Base extend self Rudy::Routines.add_handler :local, self Rudy::Routines.add_handler :remote, self Rudy::Routines.add_handler :xlocal, self Rudy::Routines.add_handler :xremote, self def raise_early_exceptions(type, batch, rset, lbox, argv=nil) end def execute(type, batch, rset, lbox, argv=nil) if type.to_s =~ /\Ax/ # (e.g. xremote, xlocal) # do nothing # It's important this stay a regex rather than a literal comparison elsif type.to_s =~ /local/ Dir.pwd batch = { lbox.user => batch } if batch.is_a?(Proc) execute_command(batch, lbox, argv) else batch = { rset.user => batch } if batch.is_a?(Proc) raise NoMachines if rset.boxes.empty? execute_command(batch, rset, argv) end end private # * +batch+ a single routine hash (startup, shutdown, etc...) # * +robj+ an instance of Rye::Set or Rye::Box # * +argv+ command line args def execute_command(batch, robj, argv=nil) original_user = robj.user original_dir = robj.current_working_directory batch.each_pair do |user, proc| # The error doesn't apply to the local Rye::Box instance if robj.is_a?(Rye::Set) && !File.exists?(user_keypairpath(user) || '') # TODO: This prints always even if an account is authorized with different keys. #le "Cannot find key for #{user}: #{user_keypairpath(user)}" end if user.to_s != robj.user begin ld "Switching user to: #{user} (was: #{robj.user})" ld "(key: #{user_keypairpath(user)})" robj.add_key user_keypairpath(user) robj.switch_user user rescue Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed, Net::SSH::HostKeyMismatch => ex le "Error connecting: #{ex.message}".color(:red) le "Skipping user #{user}".color(:red) next end end ### EXECUTE THE COMMANDS BLOCK begin robj.batch(argv, &proc) rescue Rye::Err => ex # No need to bubble exception up when in parallel mode raise ex unless Rye::Set == robj ensure robj.enable_safe_mode # In case it was disabled robj.switch_user original_user # Return to the user it was provided with # reset to home dir original_dir # return to previous directory end end end end end;end;end