require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe Daywalker::District do describe 'parsed from xml' do before do @xml = <<-XML NC 4 XML end subject { Daywalker::District.parse(@xml) } specify_its_attributes :state => 'NC', :number => 4 end describe 'unique_by_latitude_and_longitude' do describe 'happy path' do before do # curl -i "" > districts_by_latlng.xml register_uri_with_response 'districts.getDistrictFromLatLong.xml?apikey=redacted&latitude=40.739157&longitude=-73.990929', 'districts_by_latlng.xml' @district = Daywalker::District.unique_by_latitude_and_longitude(40.739157, -73.990929) end it 'should return NY district 4' do @district.state.should == 'NY' @district.number.should == 14 end end describe 'bad api key' do before do # curl -i "" > 'districts_by_latlng_bad_api.xml' register_uri_with_response('districts.getDistrictFromLatLong.xml?apikey=redacted&latitude=40.739157&longitude=-73.990929', 'districts_by_latlng_bad_api.xml') end specify 'should raise Daywalker::BadApiKeyError' do lambda { Daywalker::District.unique_by_latitude_and_longitude(40.739157, -73.990929) }.should raise_error(Daywalker::BadApiKeyError) end end describe 'missing latitude' do specify 'should raise ArgumentError for latitude' do lambda { Daywalker::District.unique_by_latitude_and_longitude(nil, -73.990929) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /latitude/) end end describe 'missing longitude' do specify 'should raise ArgumentError for longitude' do lambda { Daywalker::District.unique_by_latitude_and_longitude(40.739157, nil) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /longitude/) end end end describe 'all_by_zipcode' do describe 'happy path' do setup do # curl -i "" > districts_by_zip.xml register_uri_with_response('districts.getDistrictsFromZip.xml?apikey=redacted&zip=27511', 'districts_by_zip.xml') @districts = Daywalker::District.all_by_zipcode(27511) end it 'should find NC district 13 and 4' do{|d| d.state}.should == ['NC', 'NC']{|d| d.number}.should == [13, 4] end end describe 'bad api key' do setup do # curl -i "" > districts_by_zip_bad_api.xml register_uri_with_response 'districts.getDistrictsFromZip.xml?apikey=redacted&zip=27511', 'districts_by_zip_bad_api.xml' end specify 'should raise BadApiKeyError' do lambda { Daywalker::District.all_by_zipcode(27511) }.should raise_error(Daywalker::BadApiKeyError) end end describe 'missing zip' do specify 'should raise ArgumentError for missing zip' do lambda { Daywalker::District.all_by_zipcode(nil) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /zip/) end end end describe 'unique_by_address' do describe 'happy path' do before do Daywalker.geocoder.stub!(:locate).with("110 8th St., Troy, NY 12180").and_return({:longitude => -73.684236, :latitude => 42.731245}) Daywalker::District.stub!(:unique_by_latitude_and_longitude).with(42.731245, -73.684236) end it 'should use unique_by_latitude_and_longitude' do Daywalker::District.should_receive(:unique_by_latitude_and_longitude).with(42.731245, -73.684236) Daywalker::District.unique_by_address("110 8th St., Troy, NY 12180") end it 'should use the geocoder to locate a latitude and longitude' do Daywalker.geocoder.should_receive(:locate).with("110 8th St., Troy, NY 12180").and_return({:longitude => -73.684236, :latitude => 42.731245}) Daywalker::District.unique_by_address("110 8th St., Troy, NY 12180") end end describe 'with nil address' do it 'should raise ArgumentError if address is not given' do lambda { Daywalker::District.unique_by_address(nil) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /address/) end end end end