module Birdwatcher module Concerns module Util def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods end # Get the relative time for a timestamp # # @param time [Time] Timestamp to be converted # # @example getting relative time of a status # status = current_workspace.statuses.last # output time_ago_in_words(status.posted_at) # #=> "1 day and 15 hours ago" # # @return [String] relative time in words def time_ago_in_words(time) Birdwatcher::Util.time_ago_in_words(time) end # Natural language parsing of time # # @param time [String] A string representing a time (e.g. "yesterday at 4:00") # # Uses the Chronic gem to perform natural language parsing of time. # See the examples in Chronic's documentation for strings that can be parsed. # # All modules that can be configured with times, should perform natural # language parsing on the option setting for better user experience. # # @return [Time] # @see # @see def parse_time(time) Birdwatcher::Util.parse_time(time) end # Correct pluralization of word depending on count # # @param count [Integer] The amount # @param singular [String] The singular word # @param plural [String] The plural word # # pluralizes the singular word unless count is 1. # # @example # pluralize(1, "user", "users") # #=> "1 user" # # pluralize(5, "user", "users") # #=> "5 users" # # pluralize(0, "user", "users") # #=> "0 users" def pluralize(count, singular, plural) Birdwatcher::Util.pluralize(count, singular, plural) end # Strip out HTML tags from a string # # @param string [String] String to strip HTML tags from # # @return [String] HTML stripped string def strip_html(string) Birdwatcher::Util.strip_html(string) end # Strip out control characters and color codes from a string # # @param string [String] String to strip control characters from # # @return [String] String without control characters def strip_control_characters(string) Birdwatcher::Util.strip_control_characters(string) end # Escape special HTML characters with HTML entities # # @param string [String] String to HTML escape # # @return [String] HTML escaped string def escape_html(string) Birdwatcher::Util.escape_html(string) end # Unescape special HTML characters in a string # # @param string [String] String to unescape # # @return [String] string with escaped special HTML characters unescaped def unescape_html(string) Birdwatcher::Util.unescape_html(string) end # Create an excerpt of potentially long text at a fixed length # # @param text [String] Text to excerpt # @param max_length [Integer] Maximum length of text before being excerpted # @param omission [String] OPTIONAL: String to append to text if excerpted # # @example # excerpt("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", 80) # #=> "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" # # excerpt("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", 40) # #=> "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy d..." # # @return [String] excerpted text def excerpt(text, max_length, omission = "...") Birdwatcher::Util.excerpt(text, max_length, omission) end # Suppress any potential output to STDOUT # # Used in cases where certain libraries or methods might output unwanted # text to +STDOUT+ without any possibility of disabling it. # # @param block code block to run with output suppression def suppress_output(&block) Birdwatcher::Util.suppress_output(&block) end # Suppress any warning messages to STDOUT # # Used in cases where certain libraries or methods might output unwanted # warning messages to +STDOUT+. # # @param block code block to run with warning suppression def suppress_warnings(&block) Birdwatcher::Util.suppress_warnings(&block) end end end end