#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'yaml' require 'tempfile' # Used to compare the output of the `cratus` command across multiple runs input1 = ARGV[0] input2 = ARGV[1] # Find our diff command and break if we don't have one diff_path = `which diff`.chomp raise 'Missing diff command in PATH!' unless $CHILD_STATUS.success? # The command we'll use later to see what has changed diff_cmd = "#{diff_path} -U 999999" ## Methods / Functions def validate_input(input) # Make sure the input is set raise 'Missing First Input!' unless input # Make sure the input is a valid file that we can read raise "Invalid Input File #{input}" unless File.readable?(input) # TODO: make sure the input file is valid YAML end # Read in some input def read_input(input) YAML.load_file(input) rescue => e raise "Unable to open #{input}: #{e.message}" end ## Execution validate_input(input1) validate_input(input2) data1 = read_input(input1) data2 = read_input(input2) if data1 == data2 exit 0 else STDERR.puts 'Looks like things have changed!' # Calculate what has actually changed additions_and_differences = (data2.to_a - data1.to_a) removals = (data1.to_a - data2.to_a) results = {} additions_and_differences.each do |user| results[user[0]] = user[1] end # Temporary files for a call to `diff` newdata = Tempfile.new('new') olddata = Tempfile.new('old') # Add the results from our comparison to the first temp file newdata.write(results.to_yaml) # Grab the old data for just our changed users and put it into a new hash oldhash = {} results.each do |user, _data| oldhash[user] = data1[user] if data1.key?(user) end # Add things that were removed from the old data (removed users) removals.each do |removed_user| oldhash[removed_user[0]] = removed_user[1] end # Write out the old data olddata.write(oldhash.to_yaml) # Close and flush our temp files newdata.close olddata.close # The actual call to the `diff` command system("#{diff_cmd} #{olddata.path} #{newdata.path}") # Destroy the temp files after the diff command finishes newdata.unlink olddata.unlink end