# :arabic pluralization (see https://github.com/ddnexus/pagy/blob/master/lib/pagy/i18n.rb) ar: pagy: aria_label: # please add a comment in the https://github.com/ddnexus/pagy/issues/577 # posting the translation of the following "Page"/"Pages" with the plurals for this locale nav: "Pages" # zero: "" # two: "" # few: "" # many: "" # other: "" prev: "السابق" next: "التالي" prev: "<" next: ">" gap: "…" item_name: zero: "صفر" one: "عنصر" two: "عنصرين" few: "قليل" many: "كثير" other: "عناصر" info: no_items: "لا يوجد %{item_name}" single_page: "عرض %{count} %{item_name}" multiple_pages: "عرض %{item_name} %{from}-%{to} من اجمالي %{count}" combo_nav_js: "الصفحة %{page_input} من %{pages}" items_selector_js: "عرض %{items_input} %{item_name} لكل صفحة"