require 'simp/relchecks' require 'spec_helper' describe 'Simp::RelChecks.compare_latest_tag' do let(:files_dir) { File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), 'files', File.basename(__FILE__, '.rb')) } let(:component_dir) { File.join(files_dir, 'module') } context 'with no project errors' do it 'reports no tags for a project with no tags' do Simp::RelChecks.expects(:`).with('git fetch -t origin 2>/dev/null').returns("\n") Simp::RelChecks.expects(:`).with('git tag -l').returns("\n") expect{ Simp::RelChecks.compare_latest_tag(component_dir) }. to output(" No tags exist from origin\n").to_stdout end it 'reports no new tag required when no files have changed' do Simp::RelChecks.expects(:`).with('git fetch -t origin 2>/dev/null').returns("\n") Simp::RelChecks.expects(:`).with('git tag -l').returns("1.0.0-pre\n1.0.0\n1.1.0\n") Simp::RelChecks.expects(:`).with('git diff tags/1.1.0 --name-only').returns("\n") msg = " No new tag required: No significant files have changed since '1.1.0' tag\n" expect{ Simp::RelChecks.compare_latest_tag(component_dir) }. to output(msg).to_stdout end it 'reports no new tag required when no significant files have changed' do Simp::RelChecks.expects(:`).with('git fetch -t origin 2>/dev/null').returns("\n") Simp::RelChecks.expects(:`).with('git tag -l').returns("1.0.0\nv1.0.1\n1.1.0\n") Simp::RelChecks.expects(:`).with('git diff tags/1.1.0 --name-only').returns( ".travis.yml\nRakefile\nGemfile.lock\nspec/some_spec.rb\ndoc/index.html\nrakelib/mytasks.rake\n") msg = " No new tag required: No significant files have changed since '1.1.0' tag\n" expect{ Simp::RelChecks.compare_latest_tag(component_dir) }. to output(msg).to_stdout end it 'reports a new tag is required for significant changes with bumped version' do Simp::RelChecks.expects(:`).with('git fetch -t origin 2>/dev/null').returns("\n") Simp::RelChecks.expects(:`).with('git tag -l').returns("1.0.0\n1.1.0-RC01\n") Simp::RelChecks.expects(:`).with('git diff tags/1.0.0 --name-only').returns( "CHANGELOG\nmetadata.json\nmanifest/init.pp\n") msg = <<-EOM NOTICE: New tag of version '1.1.0' is required for 3 changed files: * CHANGELOG * metadata.json * manifest/init.pp EOM expect{ Simp::RelChecks.compare_latest_tag(component_dir) }. to output(msg).to_stdout end end context 'with project errors' do it 'fails when latest version < latest tag' do Simp::RelChecks.expects(:`).with('git fetch -t origin 2>/dev/null').returns("\n") Simp::RelChecks.expects(:`).with('git tag -l').returns("1.0.0\n1.2.0\n") Simp::RelChecks.expects(:`).with('git diff tags/1.2.0 --name-only').returns( "CHANGELOG\nmetadata.json\nmanifest/init.pp\n") expect{ Simp::RelChecks.compare_latest_tag(component_dir) }. to raise_error(/ERROR: Version regression. '1\.1\.0' < last tag '1\.2\.0'/) end it 'fails when significant file changes need a version bump' do Simp::RelChecks.expects(:`).with('git fetch -t origin 2>/dev/null').returns("\n") Simp::RelChecks.expects(:`).with('git tag -l').returns("1.0.0\n1.1.0\n") Simp::RelChecks.expects(:`).with('git diff tags/1.1.0 --name-only').returns( "manifest/init.pp\n") expect{ Simp::RelChecks.compare_latest_tag(component_dir) }. to raise_error(/ERROR: Version update beyond last tag '1.1.0' is required for 1 changed files:/) end # spot check just one of many failures handled by # Simp::RelCheck.load_and_validate_changelog, as that method is # extensively tested elsewhere. it 'fails when module info cannot be loaded' do comp_dir = File.join(files_dir, 'module_without_changelog') expect{ Simp::RelChecks.compare_latest_tag(comp_dir) }. to raise_error(/No CHANGELOG file found in/ ) end end # If the environment variable `SIMP_SPEC_changelog` is the path to a file, # test to see if will be considered a valid CHANGELOG (useful for debugging) context 'with custom CHANGELOG at $SIMP_SPEC_changelog' do _changelog_file = ENV['SIMP_SPEC_changelog'].to_s if File.file?( _changelog_file ) it "validates the CHANGELOG file at '#{_changelog_file}'" do comp_dir = File.dirname( _changelog_file ) expect{ Simp::RelChecks.load_and_validate_changelog(comp_dir, true) }.not_to raise_error end else skip 'This test is disabled by default.' end end end