# -- encoding : utf-8 -- require 'test_helper' class TestRooExcel < MiniTest::Test def with_spreadsheet(name) yield ::Roo::Spreadsheet.open(File.join(TESTDIR, "#{name}.xls")) end # Excel can only read the cell's value def test_formula_excel with_spreadsheet('formula') do |oo| assert_equal 21, oo.cell('A', 7) assert_equal 21, oo.cell('B', 7) end end # Ruby-spreadsheet now allows us to at least give the current value # from a cell with a formula (no possible with parseexcel) def test_bug_false_borders_with_formulas with_spreadsheet('false_encoding') do |oo| assert_equal 1, oo.first_row assert_equal 3, oo.last_row assert_equal 1, oo.first_column assert_equal 4, oo.last_column end end # We'ce added minimal formula support so we can now read these # though not sure how the spreadsheet reports older values.... def test_fe with_spreadsheet('false_encoding') do |oo| assert_equal Date.new(2007, 11, 1), oo.cell('a', 1) # DOES NOT WORK IN EXCEL FILES: assert_equal true, oo.formula?('a',1) # DOES NOT WORK IN EXCEL FILES: assert_equal '=TODAY()', oo.formula('a',1) assert_equal Date.new(2008, 2, 9), oo.cell('B', 1) # DOES NOT WORK IN EXCEL FILES: assert_equal true, oo.formula?('B',1) # DOES NOT WORK IN EXCEL FILES: assert_equal "=A1+100", oo.formula('B',1) assert_kind_of DateTime, oo.cell('C', 1) # DOES NOT WORK IN EXCEL FILES: assert_equal true, oo.formula?('C',1) # DOES NOT WORK IN EXCEL FILES: assert_equal "=C1", oo.formula('C',1) assert_equal 'H1', oo.cell('A', 2) assert_equal 'H2', oo.cell('B', 2) assert_equal 'H3', oo.cell('C', 2) assert_equal 'H4', oo.cell('D', 2) assert_equal 'R1', oo.cell('A', 3) assert_equal 'R2', oo.cell('B', 3) assert_equal 'R3', oo.cell('C', 3) assert_equal 'R4', oo.cell('D', 3) end end def test_excel_does_not_support_formulas with_spreadsheet('false_encoding') do |oo| assert_raises(NotImplementedError) { oo.formula('a', 1) } assert_raises(NotImplementedError) { oo.formula?('a', 1) } assert_raises(NotImplementedError) { oo.formulas(oo.sheets.first) } end end def test_bug_excel_numbers1_sheet5_last_row with_spreadsheet('numbers1') do |oo| oo.default_sheet = 'Tabelle1' assert_equal 1, oo.first_row assert_equal 18, oo.last_row assert_equal ::Roo::Utils.letter_to_number('A'), oo.first_column assert_equal ::Roo::Utils.letter_to_number('G'), oo.last_column oo.default_sheet = 'Name of Sheet 2' assert_equal 5, oo.first_row assert_equal 14, oo.last_row assert_equal ::Roo::Utils.letter_to_number('B'), oo.first_column assert_equal ::Roo::Utils.letter_to_number('E'), oo.last_column oo.default_sheet = 'Sheet3' assert_equal 1, oo.first_row assert_equal 1, oo.last_row assert_equal ::Roo::Utils.letter_to_number('A'), oo.first_column assert_equal ::Roo::Utils.letter_to_number('BA'), oo.last_column oo.default_sheet = 'Sheet4' assert_equal 1, oo.first_row assert_equal 1, oo.last_row assert_equal ::Roo::Utils.letter_to_number('A'), oo.first_column assert_equal ::Roo::Utils.letter_to_number('E'), oo.last_column oo.default_sheet = 'Sheet5' assert_equal 1, oo.first_row assert_equal 6, oo.last_row assert_equal ::Roo::Utils.letter_to_number('A'), oo.first_column assert_equal ::Roo::Utils.letter_to_number('E'), oo.last_column end end def test_bug_row_column_fixnum_float with_spreadsheet('bug-row-column-fixnum-float') do |oo| assert_equal 42.5, oo.cell('b', 2) assert_equal 43, oo.cell('c', 2) assert_equal ['hij', 42.5, 43], oo.row(2) assert_equal ['def', 42.5, 'nop'], oo.column(2) end end def test_file_warning_ignore Roo::Excel.new(File.join(TESTDIR, 'type_excel.ods'), packed: false, file_warning: :ignore) Roo::Excel.new(File.join(TESTDIR, 'type_excel.xlsx'), packed: false, file_warning: :ignore) end def test_bug_last_row_excel with_spreadsheet('time-test') do |oo| assert_equal 2, oo.last_row end end def test_excel_download_uri_and_zipped if ONLINE url = 'http://stiny-leonhard.de/bode-v1.xls.zip' excel = Roo::Excel.new(url, packed: :zip) excel.default_sheet = excel.sheets.first assert_equal 'ist "e" im Nenner von H(s)', excel.cell('b', 5) end end def test_excel_zipped oo = Roo::Excel.new(File.join(TESTDIR, 'bode-v1.xls.zip'), packed: :zip) assert oo assert_equal 'ist "e" im Nenner von H(s)', oo.cell('b', 5) end def test_should_raise_file_not_found_error assert_raises(IOError) do Roo::Excel.new(File.join('testnichtvorhanden', 'Bibelbund.xls')) end end def test_file_warning_default assert_raises(TypeError) { Roo::Excel.new(File.join(TESTDIR, 'numbers1.ods')) } assert_raises(TypeError) { Roo::Excel.new(File.join(TESTDIR, 'numbers1.xlsx')) } end def test_file_warning_error assert_raises(TypeError) do Roo::Excel.new(File.join(TESTDIR, 'numbers1.ods'), packed: false, file_warning: :error) end assert_raises(TypeError) do Roo::Excel.new(File.join(TESTDIR, 'numbers1.xlsx'), packed: false, file_warning: :error) end end def test_file_warning_warning assert_raises(Ole::Storage::FormatError) do Roo::Excel.new(File.join(TESTDIR, 'numbers1.ods'), packed: false, file_warning: :warning) end assert_raises(Ole::Storage::FormatError) do Roo::Excel.new(File.join(TESTDIR, 'numbers1.xlsx'), packed: false, file_warning: :warning) end end def test_download_uri if ONLINE assert_raises(RuntimeError) do Roo::Excel.new('http://gibbsnichtdomainxxxxx.com/file.xls') end end end def test_download_uri_with_query_string dir = File.expand_path("#{File.dirname __FILE__}/files") file = "#{dir}/simple_spreadsheet.xls" url = 'http://test.example.com/simple_spreadsheet.xls?query-param=value' stub_request(:any, url).to_return(body: File.read(file)) spreadsheet = Roo::Excel.new(url) spreadsheet.default_sheet = spreadsheet.sheets.first assert_equal 'Task 1', spreadsheet.cell('f', 4) end def test_italo_table with_spreadsheet('simple_spreadsheet_from_italo') do |oo| assert_equal '1', oo.cell('A', 1) assert_equal '1', oo.cell('B', 1) assert_equal '1', oo.cell('C', 1) assert_equal 1, oo.cell('A', 2).to_i assert_equal 2, oo.cell('B', 2).to_i assert_equal 1, oo.cell('C', 2).to_i assert_equal 1, oo.cell('A', 3) assert_equal 3, oo.cell('B', 3) assert_equal 1, oo.cell('C', 3) assert_equal 'A', oo.cell('A', 4) assert_equal 'A', oo.cell('B', 4) assert_equal 'A', oo.cell('C', 4) assert_equal 0.01, oo.cell('A', 5) assert_equal 0.01, oo.cell('B', 5) assert_equal 0.01, oo.cell('C', 5) assert_equal 0.03, oo.cell('a', 5) + oo.cell('b', 5) + oo.cell('c', 5) # Cells values in row 1: assert_equal '1:string', oo.cell(1, 1) + ':' + oo.celltype(1, 1).to_s assert_equal '1:string', oo.cell(1, 2) + ':' + oo.celltype(1, 2).to_s assert_equal '1:string', oo.cell(1, 3) + ':' + oo.celltype(1, 3).to_s # Cells values in row 2: assert_equal '1:string', oo.cell(2, 1) + ':' + oo.celltype(2, 1).to_s assert_equal '2:string', oo.cell(2, 2) + ':' + oo.celltype(2, 2).to_s assert_equal '1:string', oo.cell(2, 3) + ':' + oo.celltype(2, 3).to_s # Cells values in row 3: assert_equal '1.0:float', oo.cell(3, 1).to_s + ':' + oo.celltype(3, 1).to_s assert_equal '3.0:float', oo.cell(3, 2).to_s + ':' + oo.celltype(3, 2).to_s assert_equal '1.0:float', oo.cell(3, 3).to_s + ':' + oo.celltype(3, 3).to_s # Cells values in row 4: assert_equal 'A:string', oo.cell(4, 1) + ':' + oo.celltype(4, 1).to_s assert_equal 'A:string', oo.cell(4, 2) + ':' + oo.celltype(4, 2).to_s assert_equal 'A:string', oo.cell(4, 3) + ':' + oo.celltype(4, 3).to_s # Cells values in row 5: assert_equal '0.01:float', oo.cell(5, 1).to_s + ':' + oo.celltype(5, 1).to_s assert_equal '0.01:float', oo.cell(5, 2).to_s + ':' + oo.celltype(5, 2).to_s assert_equal '0.01:float', oo.cell(5, 3).to_s + ':' + oo.celltype(5, 3).to_s end end # "/tmp/xxxx" darf man unter Windows nicht verwenden, weil das nicht erkannt # wird. # Besser: Methode um temporaeres Dir. portabel zu bestimmen def test_huge_document_to_csv if LONG_RUN with_spreadsheet('Bibelbund') do |oo| Dir.mktmpdir do |tempdir| assert_equal "Tagebuch des Sekret\303\244rs. Letzte Tagung 15./16.11.75 Schweiz", oo.cell(45, 'A') assert_equal "Tagebuch des Sekret\303\244rs. Nachrichten aus Chile", oo.cell(46, 'A') assert_equal 'Tagebuch aus Chile Juli 1977', oo.cell(55, 'A') assert oo.to_csv(File.join(tempdir, 'Bibelbund.csv')) assert File.exist?(File.join(tempdir, 'Bibelbund.csv')) assert_equal '', file_diff(File.join(TESTDIR, 'Bibelbund.csv'), File.join(tempdir, 'Bibelbund.csv')) end end end end def test_bug_quotes_excelx if LONG_RUN with_spreadsheet('Bibelbund') do |oo| oo.default_sheet = oo.sheets.first assert_equal 'Einflüsse der neuen Theologie in "de gereformeerde Kerken van Nederland"', oo.cell('a', 76) oo.to_csv("csv#{$PROCESS_ID}") assert_equal 'Einflüsse der neuen Theologie in "de gereformeerde Kerken van Nederland"', oo.cell('a', 78) File.delete_if_exist("csv#{$PROCESS_ID}") end end end def test_find_by_row_huge_document if LONG_RUN with_spreadsheet('Bibelbund') do |oo| oo.default_sheet = oo.sheets.first rec = oo.find 20 assert rec # assert_equal "Brief aus dem Sekretariat", rec[0] # p rec assert_equal 'Brief aus dem Sekretariat', rec[0]['TITEL'] rec = oo.find 22 assert rec # assert_equal "Brief aus dem Skretariat. Tagung in Amberg/Opf.",rec[0] assert_equal 'Brief aus dem Skretariat. Tagung in Amberg/Opf.', rec[0]['TITEL'] end end end def test_find_by_row with_spreadsheet('numbers1') do |oo| oo.header_line = nil rec = oo.find 16 assert rec assert_nil oo.header_line # keine Headerlines in diesem Beispiel definiert assert_equal 'einundvierzig', rec[0] # assert_equal false, rec rec = oo.find 15 assert rec assert_equal 41, rec[0] end end def test_find_by_row_if_header_line_is_not_nil with_spreadsheet('numbers1') do |oo| oo.header_line = 2 refute_nil oo.header_line rec = oo.find 1 assert rec assert_equal 5, rec[0] assert_equal 6, rec[1] rec = oo.find 15 assert rec assert_equal 'einundvierzig', rec[0] end end def test_find_by_conditions if LONG_RUN with_spreadsheet('Bibelbund') do |oo| #----------------------------------------------------------------- zeilen = oo.find(:all, conditions: { 'TITEL' => 'Brief aus dem Sekretariat' } ) assert_equal 2, zeilen.size assert_equal [{ 'VERFASSER' => 'Almassy, Annelene von', 'INTERNET' => nil, 'SEITE' => 316.0, 'KENNUNG' => 'Aus dem Bibelbund', 'OBJEKT' => 'Bibel+Gem', 'PC' => '#C:\\Bibelbund\\reprint\\BuG1982-3.pdf#', 'NUMMER' => '1982-3', 'TITEL' => 'Brief aus dem Sekretariat' }, { 'VERFASSER' => 'Almassy, Annelene von', 'INTERNET' => nil, 'SEITE' => 222.0, 'KENNUNG' => 'Aus dem Bibelbund', 'OBJEKT' => 'Bibel+Gem', 'PC' => '#C:\\Bibelbund\\reprint\\BuG1983-2.pdf#', 'NUMMER' => '1983-2', 'TITEL' => 'Brief aus dem Sekretariat' }], zeilen #---------------------------------------------------------- zeilen = oo.find(:all, conditions: { 'VERFASSER' => 'Almassy, Annelene von' } ) assert_equal 13, zeilen.size #---------------------------------------------------------- zeilen = oo.find(:all, conditions: { 'TITEL' => 'Brief aus dem Sekretariat', 'VERFASSER' => 'Almassy, Annelene von' } ) assert_equal 2, zeilen.size assert_equal [{ 'VERFASSER' => 'Almassy, Annelene von', 'INTERNET' => nil, 'SEITE' => 316.0, 'KENNUNG' => 'Aus dem Bibelbund', 'OBJEKT' => 'Bibel+Gem', 'PC' => '#C:\\Bibelbund\\reprint\\BuG1982-3.pdf#', 'NUMMER' => '1982-3', 'TITEL' => 'Brief aus dem Sekretariat' }, { 'VERFASSER' => 'Almassy, Annelene von', 'INTERNET' => nil, 'SEITE' => 222.0, 'KENNUNG' => 'Aus dem Bibelbund', 'OBJEKT' => 'Bibel+Gem', 'PC' => '#C:\\Bibelbund\\reprint\\BuG1983-2.pdf#', 'NUMMER' => '1983-2', 'TITEL' => 'Brief aus dem Sekretariat' }], zeilen # Result as an array zeilen = oo.find(:all, conditions: { 'TITEL' => 'Brief aus dem Sekretariat', 'VERFASSER' => 'Almassy, Annelene von' }, array: true) assert_equal 2, zeilen.size assert_equal [ [ 'Brief aus dem Sekretariat', 'Almassy, Annelene von', 'Bibel+Gem', '1982-3', 316.0, nil, '#C:\\Bibelbund\\reprint\\BuG1982-3.pdf#', 'Aus dem Bibelbund' ], [ 'Brief aus dem Sekretariat', 'Almassy, Annelene von', 'Bibel+Gem', '1983-2', 222.0, nil, '#C:\\Bibelbund\\reprint\\BuG1983-2.pdf#', 'Aus dem Bibelbund' ]], zeilen end end end # TODO: temporaerer Test def test_seiten_als_date if LONG_RUN with_spreadsheet('Bibelbund', format: :excelx) do |oo| assert_equal 'Bericht aus dem Sekretariat', oo.cell(13, 1) assert_equal '1981-4', oo.cell(13, 'D') assert_equal String, oo.excelx_type(13, 'E')[1].class assert_equal [:numeric_or_formula, 'General'], oo.excelx_type(13, 'E') assert_equal '428', oo.excelx_value(13, 'E') assert_equal 428.0, oo.cell(13, 'E') end end end def test_column with_spreadsheet('numbers1') do |oo| expected = [1.0, 5.0, nil, 10.0, Date.new(1961, 11, 21), 'tata', nil, nil, nil, nil, 'thisisa11', 41.0, nil, nil, 41.0, 'einundvierzig', nil, Date.new(2007, 5, 31)] assert_equal expected, oo.column(1) assert_equal expected, oo.column('a') end end def test_column_huge_document if LONG_RUN with_spreadsheet('Bibelbund') do |oo| oo.default_sheet = oo.sheets.first assert_equal 3735, oo.column('a').size # assert_equal 499, oo.column('a').size end end end def test_simple_spreadsheet_find_by_condition with_spreadsheet('simple_spreadsheet') do |oo| oo.header_line = 3 # oo.date_format = '%m/%d/%Y' if oo.class == Google erg = oo.find(:all, conditions: { 'Comment' => 'Task 1' }) assert_equal Date.new(2007, 05, 07), erg[1]['Date'] assert_equal 10.75, erg[1]['Start time'] assert_equal 12.50, erg[1]['End time'] assert_equal 0, erg[1]['Pause'] assert_equal 1.75, erg[1]['Sum'] assert_equal 'Task 1', erg[1]['Comment'] end end def test_info expected_templ = "File: numbers1%s\n"\ "Number of sheets: 5\n"\ "Sheets: Tabelle1, Name of Sheet 2, Sheet3, Sheet4, Sheet5\n"\ "Sheet 1:\n"\ " First row: 1\n"\ " Last row: 18\n"\ " First column: A\n"\ " Last column: G\n"\ "Sheet 2:\n"\ " First row: 5\n"\ " Last row: 14\n"\ " First column: B\n"\ " Last column: E\n"\ "Sheet 3:\n"\ " First row: 1\n"\ " Last row: 1\n"\ " First column: A\n"\ " Last column: BA\n"\ "Sheet 4:\n"\ " First row: 1\n"\ " Last row: 1\n"\ " First column: A\n"\ " Last column: E\n"\ "Sheet 5:\n"\ " First row: 1\n"\ " Last row: 6\n"\ " First column: A\n"\ ' Last column: E' with_spreadsheet('numbers1') do |oo| expected = sprintf(expected_templ, '.xls') begin assert_equal expected, oo.info rescue NameError # end end end def test_info_doesnt_set_default_sheet with_spreadsheet('numbers1') do |oo| oo.default_sheet = 'Sheet3' oo.info assert_equal 'Sheet3', oo.default_sheet end end def test_bug_bbu with_spreadsheet('bbu') do |oo| assert_equal "File: bbu.xls Number of sheets: 3 Sheets: 2007_12, Tabelle2, Tabelle3 Sheet 1: First row: 1 Last row: 4 First column: A Last column: F Sheet 2: - empty - Sheet 3: - empty -", oo.info oo.default_sheet = oo.sheets[1] # empty sheet assert_nil oo.first_row assert_nil oo.last_row assert_nil oo.first_column assert_nil oo.last_column end end def test_bug_time_nil with_spreadsheet('time-test') do |oo| assert_equal 12 * 3600 + 13 * 60 + 14, oo.cell('B', 1) # 12:13:14 (secs since midnight) assert_equal :time, oo.celltype('B', 1) assert_equal 15 * 3600 + 16 * 60, oo.cell('C', 1) # 15:16 (secs since midnight) assert_equal :time, oo.celltype('C', 1) assert_equal 23 * 3600, oo.cell('D', 1) # 23:00 (secs since midnight) assert_equal :time, oo.celltype('D', 1) end end def test_date_time_to_csv with_spreadsheet('time-test') do |oo| Dir.mktmpdir do |tempdir| csv_output = File.join(tempdir, 'time_test.csv') assert oo.to_csv(csv_output) assert File.exist?(csv_output) assert_equal '', `diff --strip-trailing-cr #{TESTDIR}/time-test.csv #{csv_output}` # --strip-trailing-cr is needed because the test-file use 0A and # the test on an windows box generates 0D 0A as line endings end end end def test_boolean_to_csv with_spreadsheet('boolean') do |oo| Dir.mktmpdir do |tempdir| csv_output = File.join(tempdir, 'boolean.csv') assert oo.to_csv(csv_output) assert File.exist?(csv_output) assert_equal '', `diff --strip-trailing-cr #{TESTDIR}/boolean.csv #{csv_output}` # --strip-trailing-cr is needed because the test-file use 0A and # the test on an windows box generates 0D 0A as line endings end end end def test_link_to_csv with_spreadsheet('link') do |oo| Dir.mktmpdir do |tempdir| csv_output = File.join(tempdir, 'link.csv') assert oo.to_csv(csv_output) assert File.exist?(csv_output) assert_equal '', `diff --strip-trailing-cr #{TESTDIR}/link.csv #{csv_output}` # --strip-trailing-cr is needed because the test-file use 0A and # the test on an windows box generates 0D 0A as line endings end end end def test_date_time_yaml with_spreadsheet('time-test') do |oo| expected = "--- \ncell_1_1: \n row: 1 \n col: 1 \n celltype: string \n value: Mittags: \ncell_1_2: \n row: 1 \n col: 2 \n celltype: time \n value: 12:13:14 \ncell_1_3: \n row: 1 \n col: 3 \n celltype: time \n value: 15:16:00 \ncell_1_4: \n row: 1 \n col: 4 \n celltype: time \n value: 23:00:00 \ncell_2_1: \n row: 2 \n col: 1 \n celltype: date \n value: 2007-11-21 \n" assert_equal expected, oo.to_yaml end end # Erstellt eine Liste aller Zellen im Spreadsheet. Dies ist nötig, weil ein einfacher # Textvergleich des XML-Outputs nicht funktioniert, da xml-builder die Attribute # nicht immer in der gleichen Reihenfolge erzeugt. def init_all_cells(oo, sheet) all = [] oo.first_row(sheet).upto(oo.last_row(sheet)) do |row| oo.first_column(sheet).upto(oo.last_column(sheet)) do |col| unless oo.empty?(row, col, sheet) all << { row: row.to_s, column: col.to_s, content: oo.cell(row, col, sheet).to_s, type: oo.celltype(row, col, sheet).to_s } end end end all end def test_to_xml with_spreadsheet('numbers1') do |oo| oo.to_xml sheetname = oo.sheets.first doc = Nokogiri::XML(oo.to_xml) sheet_count = 0 doc.xpath('//spreadsheet/sheet').each do|_tmpelem| sheet_count += 1 end assert_equal 5, sheet_count doc.xpath('//spreadsheet/sheet').each do |xml_sheet| all_cells = init_all_cells(oo, sheetname) x = 0 assert_equal sheetname, xml_sheet.attributes['name'].value xml_sheet.children.each do|cell| if cell.attributes['name'] expected = [all_cells[x][:row], all_cells[x][:column], all_cells[x][:content], all_cells[x][:type] ] result = [ cell.attributes['row'], cell.attributes['column'], cell.content, cell.attributes['type'] ] assert_equal expected, result x += 1 end # if end # end of sheet sheetname = oo.sheets[oo.sheets.index(sheetname) + 1] end end end def test_bug_to_xml_with_empty_sheets with_spreadsheet('emptysheets') do |oo| oo.sheets.each do |sheet| assert_equal nil, oo.first_row, "first_row not nil in sheet #{sheet}" assert_equal nil, oo.last_row, "last_row not nil in sheet #{sheet}" assert_equal nil, oo.first_column, "first_column not nil in sheet #{sheet}" assert_equal nil, oo.last_column, "last_column not nil in sheet #{sheet}" assert_equal nil, oo.first_row(sheet), "first_row not nil in sheet #{sheet}" assert_equal nil, oo.last_row(sheet), "last_row not nil in sheet #{sheet}" assert_equal nil, oo.first_column(sheet), "first_column not nil in sheet #{sheet}" assert_equal nil, oo.last_column(sheet), "last_column not nil in sheet #{sheet}" end oo.to_xml end end def test_datetime with_spreadsheet('datetime') do |oo| val = oo.cell('c', 3) assert_kind_of DateTime, val assert_equal :datetime, oo.celltype('c', 3) assert_equal DateTime.new(1961, 11, 21, 12, 17, 18), val val = oo.cell('a', 1) assert_kind_of Date, val assert_equal :date, oo.celltype('a', 1) assert_equal Date.new(1961, 11, 21), val assert_equal Date.new(1961, 11, 21), oo.cell('a', 1) assert_equal DateTime.new(1961, 11, 21, 12, 17, 18), oo.cell('a', 3) assert_equal DateTime.new(1961, 11, 21, 12, 17, 18), oo.cell('b', 3) assert_equal DateTime.new(1961, 11, 21, 12, 17, 18), oo.cell('c', 3) assert_equal DateTime.new(1961, 11, 21, 12, 17, 18), oo.cell('a', 4) assert_equal DateTime.new(1961, 11, 21, 12, 17, 18), oo.cell('b', 4) assert_equal DateTime.new(1961, 11, 21, 12, 17, 18), oo.cell('c', 4) assert_equal DateTime.new(1961, 11, 21, 12, 17, 18), oo.cell('a', 5) assert_equal DateTime.new(1961, 11, 21, 12, 17, 18), oo.cell('b', 5) assert_equal DateTime.new(1961, 11, 21, 12, 17, 18), oo.cell('c', 5) assert_equal Date.new(1961, 11, 21), oo.cell('a', 6) assert_equal Date.new(1961, 11, 21), oo.cell('b', 6) assert_equal Date.new(1961, 11, 21), oo.cell('c', 6) assert_equal Date.new(1961, 11, 21), oo.cell('a', 7) assert_equal Date.new(1961, 11, 21), oo.cell('b', 7) assert_equal Date.new(1961, 11, 21), oo.cell('c', 7) assert_equal DateTime.new(2013, 11, 5, 11, 45, 00), oo.cell('a', 8) assert_equal DateTime.new(2013, 11, 5, 11, 45, 00), oo.cell('b', 8) assert_equal DateTime.new(2013, 11, 5, 11, 45, 00), oo.cell('c', 8) end end def test_cell_boolean with_spreadsheet('boolean') do |oo| assert_equal 'true', oo.cell(1, 1) assert_equal 'false', oo.cell(2, 1) end end def test_cell_multiline with_spreadsheet('paragraph') do |oo| assert_equal "This is a test\nof a multiline\nCell", oo.cell(1, 1) assert_equal "This is a test\n¶\nof a multiline\n\nCell", oo.cell(1, 2) assert_equal "first p\n\nsecond p\n\nlast p", oo.cell(2, 1) end end def test_cell_styles # styles only valid in excel spreadsheets? # TODO: what todo with other spreadsheet types with_spreadsheet('style') do |oo| # bold assert_equal true, oo.font(1, 1).bold? assert_equal false, oo.font(1, 1).italic? assert_equal false, oo.font(1, 1).underline? # italic assert_equal false, oo.font(2, 1).bold? assert_equal true, oo.font(2, 1).italic? assert_equal false, oo.font(2, 1).underline? # normal assert_equal false, oo.font(3, 1).bold? assert_equal false, oo.font(3, 1).italic? assert_equal false, oo.font(3, 1).underline? # underline assert_equal false, oo.font(4, 1).bold? assert_equal false, oo.font(4, 1).italic? assert_equal true, oo.font(4, 1).underline? # bold italic assert_equal true, oo.font(5, 1).bold? assert_equal true, oo.font(5, 1).italic? assert_equal false, oo.font(5, 1).underline? # bold underline assert_equal true, oo.font(6, 1).bold? assert_equal false, oo.font(6, 1).italic? assert_equal true, oo.font(6, 1).underline? # italic underline assert_equal false, oo.font(7, 1).bold? assert_equal true, oo.font(7, 1).italic? assert_equal true, oo.font(7, 1).underline? # bolded row assert_equal true, oo.font(8, 1).bold? assert_equal false, oo.font(8, 1).italic? assert_equal false, oo.font(8, 1).underline? # bolded col assert_equal true, oo.font(9, 2).bold? assert_equal false, oo.font(9, 2).italic? assert_equal false, oo.font(9, 2).underline? # bolded row, italic col assert_equal true, oo.font(10, 3).bold? assert_equal true, oo.font(10, 3).italic? assert_equal false, oo.font(10, 3).underline? # normal assert_equal false, oo.font(11, 4).bold? assert_equal false, oo.font(11, 4).italic? assert_equal false, oo.font(11, 4).underline? end end # If a cell has a date-like string but is preceeded by a ' # to force that date to be treated like a string, we were getting an exception. # This test just checks for that exception to make sure it's not raised in this case def test_date_to_float_conversion with_spreadsheet('datetime_floatconv') do |oo| oo.cell('a', 1) oo.cell('a', 2) end end # Need to extend to other formats def test_row_whitespace # auf dieses Dokument habe ich keinen Zugriff TODO: with_spreadsheet('whitespace') do |oo| oo.default_sheet = 'Sheet1' assert_equal [nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil], oo.row(1) assert_equal [nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil], oo.row(2) assert_equal ['Date', 'Start time', 'End time', 'Pause', 'Sum', 'Comment'], oo.row(3) assert_equal [Date.new(2007, 5, 7), 9.25, 10.25, 0.0, 1.0, 'Task 1'], oo.row(4) assert_equal [nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil], oo.row(5) assert_equal [Date.new(2007, 5, 7), 10.75, 10.75, 0.0, 0.0, 'Task 1'], oo.row(6) oo.default_sheet = 'Sheet2' assert_equal ['Date', nil, 'Start time'], oo.row(1) assert_equal [Date.new(2007, 5, 7), nil, 9.25], oo.row(2) assert_equal [Date.new(2007, 5, 7), nil, 10.75], oo.row(3) end end def test_col_whitespace # TODO: # kein Zugriff auf Dokument whitespace with_spreadsheet('whitespace') do |oo| oo.default_sheet = 'Sheet1' assert_equal ['Date', Date.new(2007, 5, 7), nil, Date.new(2007, 5, 7)], oo.column(1) assert_equal ['Start time', 9.25, nil, 10.75], oo.column(2) assert_equal ['End time', 10.25, nil, 10.75], oo.column(3) assert_equal ['Pause', 0.0, nil, 0.0], oo.column(4) assert_equal ['Sum', 1.0, nil, 0.0], oo.column(5) assert_equal ['Comment', 'Task 1', nil, 'Task 1'], oo.column(6) oo.default_sheet = 'Sheet2' assert_equal [nil, nil, nil], oo.column(1) assert_equal [nil, nil, nil], oo.column(2) assert_equal ['Date', Date.new(2007, 5, 7), Date.new(2007, 5, 7)], oo.column(3) assert_equal [nil, nil, nil], oo.column(4) assert_equal ['Start time', 9.25, 10.75], oo.column(5) end end def test_ruby_spreadsheet_formula_bug with_spreadsheet('formula_parse_error') do |oo| assert_equal '5026', oo.cell(2, 3) assert_equal '5026', oo.cell(3, 3) end end def test_excel_links with_spreadsheet('link') do |oo| assert_equal 'Google', oo.cell(1, 1) assert_equal 'http://www.google.com', oo.cell(1, 1).url end end # Excel has two base date formats one from 1900 and the other from 1904. # There's a MS bug that 1900 base dates include an extra day due to erroneously # including 1900 as a leap yar. def test_base_dates with_spreadsheet('1900_base') do |oo| assert_equal Date.new(2009, 06, 15), oo.cell(1, 1) # we don't want to to 'interpret' formulas assert_equal Date.new(Time.now.year,Time.now.month,Time.now.day), oo.cell(2,1) #formula for TODAY() # if we test TODAY() we have also have to calculate # other date calculations # assert_equal :date, oo.celltype(1, 1) end with_spreadsheet('1904_base') do |oo| assert_equal Date.new(2009, 06, 15), oo.cell(1, 1) # see comment above # assert_equal Date.new(Time.now.year,Time.now.month,Time.now.day), oo.cell(2,1) #formula for TODAY() assert_equal :date, oo.celltype(1, 1) end end def test_bad_date with_spreadsheet('prova') do |oo| assert_equal DateTime.new(2006, 2, 2, 10, 0, 0), oo.cell('a', 1) end end def test_bad_excel_date with_spreadsheet('bad_excel_date') do |oo| assert_equal DateTime.new(2006, 2, 2, 10, 0, 0), oo.cell('a', 1) end end def test_cell_methods with_spreadsheet('numbers1') do |oo| assert_equal 10, oo.a4 # cell(4,'A') assert_equal 11, oo.b4 # cell(4,'B') assert_equal 12, oo.c4 # cell(4,'C') assert_equal 13, oo.d4 # cell(4,'D') assert_equal 14, oo.e4 # cell(4,'E') assert_equal 'ABC', oo.c6('Sheet5') # assert_raises(ArgumentError) { assert_raises(NoMethodError) do # a42a is not a valid cell name, should raise ArgumentError assert_equal 9999, oo.a42a end end end # compare large spreadsheets def test_compare_large_spreadsheets # problematisch, weil Formeln in Excel nicht unterstützt werden if LONG_RUN qq = Roo::OpenOffice.new(File.join('test', 'Bibelbund.ods')) with_spreadsheet('Bibelbund') do |oo| # p "comparing Bibelbund.ods with #{oo.class}" oo.sheets.each do |sh| oo.first_row.upto(oo.last_row) do |row| oo.first_column.upto(oo.last_column) do |col| c1 = qq.cell(row, col, sh) c1.force_encoding('UTF-8') if c1.class == String c2 = oo.cell(row, col, sh) c2.force_encoding('UTF-8') if c2.class == String assert_equal c1, c2, "diff in #{sh}/#{row}/#{col}}" assert_equal qq.celltype(row, col, sh), oo.celltype(row, col, sh) end end end end end # LONG_RUN end require 'matrix' def test_matrix with_spreadsheet('matrix') do |oo| oo.default_sheet = oo.sheets.first assert_equal Matrix[ [1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0], [7.0, 8.0, 9.0]], oo.to_matrix end end def test_matrix_selected_range with_spreadsheet('matrix') do |oo| oo.default_sheet = 'Sheet2' assert_equal Matrix[ [1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0], [7.0, 8.0, 9.0]], oo.to_matrix(3, 4, 5, 6) end end def test_matrix_all_nil with_spreadsheet('matrix') do |oo| oo.default_sheet = 'Sheet2' assert_equal Matrix[ [nil, nil, nil], [nil, nil, nil], [nil, nil, nil]], oo.to_matrix(10, 10, 12, 12) end end def test_matrix_values_and_nil with_spreadsheet('matrix') do |oo| oo.default_sheet = 'Sheet3' assert_equal Matrix[ [1.0, nil, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0], [7.0, 8.0, nil]], oo.to_matrix(1, 1, 3, 3) end end def test_matrix_specifying_sheet with_spreadsheet('matrix') do |oo| oo.default_sheet = oo.sheets.first assert_equal Matrix[ [1.0, nil, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0], [7.0, 8.0, nil]], oo.to_matrix(nil, nil, nil, nil, 'Sheet3') end end # 2011-08-03 def test_bug_datetime_to_csv with_spreadsheet('datetime') do |oo| Dir.mktmpdir do |tempdir| datetime_csv_file = File.join(tempdir, 'datetime.csv') assert oo.to_csv(datetime_csv_file) assert File.exist?(datetime_csv_file) assert_equal '', file_diff('test/files/so_datetime.csv', datetime_csv_file) end end end def common_possible_bug_snowboard_cells(ss) assert_equal 'A.', ss.cell(13, 'A'), ss.class assert_equal 147, ss.cell(13, 'f'), ss.class assert_equal 152, ss.cell(13, 'g'), ss.class assert_equal 156, ss.cell(13, 'h'), ss.class assert_equal 158, ss.cell(13, 'i'), ss.class assert_equal 160, ss.cell(13, 'j'), ss.class assert_equal 164, ss.cell(13, 'k'), ss.class assert_equal 168, ss.cell(13, 'l'), ss.class assert_equal :string, ss.celltype(13, 'm'), ss.class assert_equal '159W', ss.cell(13, 'm'), ss.class assert_equal '164W', ss.cell(13, 'n'), ss.class assert_equal '168W', ss.cell(13, 'o'), ss.class end # def test_false_encoding # ex = Roo::Excel.new(File.join(TESTDIR,'false_encoding.xls')) # ex.default_sheet = ex.sheets.first # assert_equal "Sheet1", ex.sheets.first # ex.first_row.upto(ex.last_row) do |row| # ex.first_column.upto(ex.last_column) do |col| # content = ex.cell(row,col) # puts "#{row}/#{col}" # #puts content if ! ex.empty?(row,col) or ex.formula?(row,col) # if ex.formula?(row,col) # #! ex.empty?(row,col) # puts content # end # end # end # end # def test_soap_server # #threads = [] # #threads << Thread.new("serverthread") do # fork do # p "serverthread started" # puts "in child, pid = #$$" # puts `/usr/bin/ruby rooserver.rb` # p "serverthread finished" # end # #threads << Thread.new("clientthread") do # p "clientthread started" # sleep 10 # proxy = SOAP::RPC::Driver.new("http://localhost:12321","spreadsheetserver") # proxy.add_method('cell','row','col') # proxy.add_method('officeversion') # proxy.add_method('last_row') # proxy.add_method('last_column') # proxy.add_method('first_row') # proxy.add_method('first_column') # proxy.add_method('sheets') # proxy.add_method('set_default_sheet','s') # proxy.add_method('ferien_fuer_region', 'region') # sheets = proxy.sheets # p sheets # proxy.set_default_sheet(sheets.first) # assert_equal 1, proxy.first_row # assert_equal 1, proxy.first_column # assert_equal 187, proxy.last_row # assert_equal 7, proxy.last_column # assert_equal 42, proxy.cell('C',8) # assert_equal 43, proxy.cell('F',12) # assert_equal "1.0", proxy.officeversion # p "clientthread finished" # #end # #threads.each {|t| t.join } # puts "fertig" # Process.kill("INT",pid) # pid = Process.wait # puts "child terminated, pid= #{pid}, status= #{$?.exitstatus}" # end def split_coord(s) letter = '' number = 0 i = 0 while i < s.length && 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.include?(s[i, 1]) letter += s[i, 1] i += 1 end while i < s.length && '01234567890'.include?(s[i, 1]) number = number * 10 + s[i, 1].to_i i += 1 end if letter == '' || number == 0 fail ArgumentError end [letter, number] end # def sum(s,expression) # arg = expression.split(':') # b,z = split_coord(arg[0]) # first_row = z # first_col = OpenOffice.letter_to_number(b) # b,z = split_coord(arg[1]) # last_row = z # last_col = OpenOffice.letter_to_number(b) # result = 0 # first_row.upto(last_row) {|row| # first_col.upto(last_col) {|col| # result = result + s.cell(row,col) # } # } # result # end # def test_create_spreadsheet1 # name = File.join(TESTDIR,'createdspreadsheet.ods') # rm(name) if File.exists?(File.join(TESTDIR,'createdspreadsheet.ods')) # # anlegen, falls noch nicht existierend # s = OpenOffice.new(name,true) # assert File.exists?(name) # end # We don't have the bode-v1.xlsx test file # #TODO: xlsx-Datei anpassen! # def test_excelx_download_uri_and_zipped # #TODO: gezippte xlsx Datei online zum Testen suchen # if EXCELX # if ONLINE # url = 'http://stiny-leonhard.de/bode-v1.xlsx.zip' # excel = Roo::Excelx.new(url, :zip) # assert_equal 'ist "e" im Nenner von H(s)', excel.cell('b', 5) # end # end # end # def test_excelx_zipped # # TODO: bode...xls bei Gelegenheit nach .xlsx konverieren lassen und zippen! # if EXCELX # # diese Datei gibt es noch nicht gezippt # excel = Roo::Excelx.new(File.join(TESTDIR,"bode-v1.xlsx.zip"), :zip) # assert excel # assert_raises(ArgumentError) { # assert_equal 'ist "e" im Nenner von H(s)', excel.cell('b', 5) # } # excel.default_sheet = excel.sheets.first # assert_equal 'ist "e" im Nenner von H(s)', excel.cell('b', 5) # end # end end