module Plezi module_function # Defines methods used to set up the Plezi app. # Deprecated. use {}. def listen parameters = {} Iodine.warn "listen is deprecated. use `` instead." host parameters.delete(:host) || :default, parameters end # adds a route to the last server created def route(path, controller = nil, &block) ::Plezi::Base::HTTPRouter.add_route path, controller, &block end # adds a shared route to all existing services and hosts. def shared_route(path, controller = nil, &block) ::Plezi::Base::HTTPRouter.add_shared_route path, controller, &block end # public API to add or setup domain names related to the application. # # A default host can be created or accessed by using `:default` of false for the host name. # # Accepts: # host_name:: (optional, can be omitted) the name (domain name) of the host as a String object. Use the Symbol `:default` for the catch-all domain name. # options_hash:: see further detail. # # # The options is a Hash object with any of the following options (Hash keys): # host:: the ost name to be used if one isn't supplied as a direct argument. Defaults to the `:default` host. # alias:: a String or an Array of Strings which represent alternative host names (i.e. `alias: ["", ""]`). # public:: the public root folder. if this is defined, static files will be served from this folder and all it's sub-folders. Plezi does NOT support file indexing. # assets:: the assets root folder. defaults to nil (no assets support). if the path is defined, assets will be served from `/assets/...` (or the public_asset path defined) before any static files. assets will not be served if the file in the /public/assets folder if up to date (a rendering attempt will be made for systems that allow file writing). # assets_public:: the assets public uri location (uri format, NOT a file path). defaults to `/assets`. `save_assets` will set if assets should be saved to the assets public folder as static files (defaults to false). # assets_callback:: a method that accepts two parameters: (request, response) and renders any custom assets. the method should return `false` unless it had set the response. # save_assets:: saves the rendered assets to the filesystem, under the public folder. defaults to false. # templates:: the templates root folder. defaults to nil (no template support). templates can be rendered by a Controller class, using the `render` method. # # Assets: # # Assets support will render `.sass`, `.scss` and `.coffee` and save them as local files (`.css`, `.css`, and `.js` respectively) # before sending them as static files. # # Should you need to render a different type of asset, you can define an assets_callback (or submit a pull request with a patch). # # templates: # # Plezi's controller.render ERB, Slim and Haml are natively supported. # # @return [::Plezi::Base::HTTPRouter] # def host(host_name, params = {}) ::Plezi::Base::HTTPRouter.add_host host_name, params end # This allows you to use the Plezi framework's code inside your existing Rack application - WITHOUT running the actual server. # # The server will not be initiatet and instead you will be able to use Plezi controllers and the Redis auto-config # to broadcast Plezi messages to other Plezi processes - allowing for scalable intigration of Plezi into existing Rack applications. def start_placebo receiver = nil # force start Iodine only if Iodine isn't used as the server if ::Iodine.protocol == ::Iodine::Http::Http1 && (defined?(::Rack::VERSION) ? (::Rack::Handler.default == ::Iodine::Http::Rack rescue true) : true) Iodine.log("* `start_placebo` Placebo directive ignored, as this seems to be the main application.\n") # just initialize the receiver class (no instance) and return, false) if receiver return false end unless @placebo_initialized raise "Placebo fatal error: Redis connection failed to load - make sure gem is required and `ENV['PL_REDIS_URL']` is set." unless redis # make sure the redis connection is activated Iodine.log "* Plezi #{Plezi::VERSION} Services will start with no Server - This is the Placebo application\n" ::Iodine.protocol = :no_server Iodine.force_start! @placebo_initialized = true end receiver ? : true end # deprecation notice def start_rack Iodine.warn "`start_rack` is deprecated. There is no need to call this method." end end