define("dojox/geo/charting/_base", [ "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/array", "../../main", "dojo/_base/html", "dojo/dom-geometry", "dojox/gfx/matrix", "dijit/Tooltip", "dojo/_base/NodeList", "dojo/NodeList-traverse" ], function(lang, arr, dojox, html, domGeom, matrix, Tooltip, NodeList, NodeListTraverse){ var dgc = lang.getObject("geo.charting", true, dojox); dgc.showTooltip = function(/*String*/innerHTML, /*dojox/gfx/shape.Shape*/ gfxObject, /*String[]?*/ positions){ // summary: // Show a Tooltip displaying the given HTML message around the given gfx shape. // innerHTML: String // The message to display as a HTML string. // gfxObject: dojox/gfx/shape.Shape // The gfx shape around which the tooltip will be placed. // position: String[]? // The tooltip position. var arroundNode = dgc._normalizeArround(gfxObject); return, arroundNode, positions); }; dgc.hideTooltip = function( /*dojox/gfx/shape.Shape*/gfxObject){ // summary: // Hides the tooltip displayed around the given shape. // gfxObject: dojox.gfx.shape.Shape // A gfx shape. return Tooltip.hide(gfxObject); }; dgc._normalizeArround = function(gfxObject){ var bbox = dgc._getRealBBox(gfxObject); //var bbox = gfxObject.getBoundingBox(); //get the real screen coords for gfx object var realMatrix = gfxObject._getRealMatrix() || {xx:1,xy:0,yx:0,yy:1,dx:0,dy:0}; var point = matrix.multiplyPoint(realMatrix, bbox.x, bbox.y); var gfxDomContainer = dgc._getGfxContainer(gfxObject); gfxObject.x = domGeom.position(gfxDomContainer,true).x + point.x, gfxObject.y = domGeom.position(gfxDomContainer,true).y + point.y, gfxObject.w = bbox.width * realMatrix.xx, gfxObject.h = bbox.height * realMatrix.yy return gfxObject; }; dgc._getGfxContainer = function(gfxObject){ if(gfxObject.surface){ return (new NodeList(gfxObject.surface.rawNode)).parents("div")[0]; }else{ return (new NodeList(gfxObject.rawNode)).parents("div")[0]; } }; dgc._getRealBBox = function(gfxObject){ var bboxObject = gfxObject.getBoundingBox(); if(!bboxObject){//the gfx object is group var shapes = gfxObject.children; bboxObject = lang.clone(dgc._getRealBBox(shapes[0])); arr.forEach(shapes, function(item){ var nextBBox = dgc._getRealBBox(item); bboxObject.x = Math.min(bboxObject.x, nextBBox.x); bboxObject.y = Math.min(bboxObject.y, nextBBox.y); bboxObject.endX = Math.max(bboxObject.x + bboxObject.width, nextBBox.x + nextBBox.width); bboxObject.endY = Math.max(bboxObject.y + bboxObject.height, nextBBox.y + nextBBox.height); }); bboxObject.width = bboxObject.endX - bboxObject.x; bboxObject.height = bboxObject.endY - bboxObject.y; } return bboxObject; }; return dgc; });