# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- =begin Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Takashi SUGA You may use and/or modify this file according to the license described in the LICENSE.txt file included in this archive. =end module When class BasicTypes::M17n Roman = [self, [ "locale:[=en:, ja=ja:, alias]", "names:[Roman=]", # Remarks '[based on Chris Bennett "Roman Dates" (Retrieved 2013-05-13)=http://www.tyndalehouse.com/Egypt/ptolemies/chron/roman/chron_rom_intro_fr.htm,' + '典拠 - Chris Bennett "Roman Dates" (2013-05-13 閲覧)=]', [self, # ..CE-44 / ..BCE45 "names:[MonthA=en:Month, 月=ja:%%<月_(暦)>]", "[Ianuarius, 1月]", "[Februarius, 2月]", "[Martius, 3月]", "[Aprilis, 4月]", "[Maius, 5月]", "[Iunius, 6月]", "[Quintilis, 旧7月=]", "[Sextilis, 旧8月=]", "[September, 9月]", "[October, 10月]", "[November, 11月]", "[December, 12月]" ], [self, # CE-43..CE-8 / BCE44..BCE9 "names:[MonthB=en:Month, 月=ja:%%<月_(暦)>]", "[Ianuarius, 1月]", "[Februarius, 2月]", "[Martius, 3月]", "[Aprilis, 4月]", "[Maius, 5月]", "[Iunius, 6月]", "[Iulius, 7月]", "[Sextilis, 旧8月=]", "[September, 9月]", "[October, 10月]", "[November, 11月]", "[December, 12月]" ], [self, # CE-7..CE36, CE41.. / BCE8..CE36, CE41.. "names:[Month, 月=ja:%%<月_(暦)>]", "[Ianuarius, 1月]", "[Februarius, 2月]", "[Martius, 3月]", "[Aprilis, 4月]", "[Maius, 5月]", "[Iunius, 6月]", "[Iulius, 7月]", "[Augustus, 8月]", "[September, 9月]", "[October, 10月]", "[November, 11月]", "[December, 12月]" ], [self, # CE37..CE40 "names:[MonthD=en:Month, 月=ja:%%<月_(暦)>]", "[Ianuarius, 1月]", "[Februarius, 2月]", "[Martius, 3月]", "[Aprilis, 4月]", "[Maius, 5月]", "[Iunius, 6月]", "[Iulius, 7月]", "[Augustus, 8月]", "[Germanicus, 新9月=]", "[October, 10月]", "[November, 11月]", "[December, 12月]" ], # %0s は“閏”の表記を抑制する指定となっている [self, # Intercalary Months "names:[IntercalaryMonth=en:Intercalation, 閏月]", "[%0sIntercalaris=en:Roman_calendar#Calendar_of_Numa," + "閏月%0s=ja:%%<ローマ暦>#%.<末期のローマ暦>]", "[%0sIntercalaris Prior=en:Julian_calendar#Realignment_of_the_year," + "第1閏月%0s=ja:%%<ローマ暦>#%.<末期のローマ暦>]", "[%0sIntercalaris Posterior=en:Julian_calendar#Realignment_of_the_year," + "第2閏月%0s=ja:%%<ローマ暦>#%.<末期のローマ暦>]", ] ]] end class TM::CalendarEra # From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_calendar#Sacrobosco.27s_theory_on_month_lengths Julian = [self, [ "locale:[=en:, ja=ja:, alias]", "period:[Roman=en:Roman_calendar, ローマ暦]", ["[AUC=en:Ab_urbe_condita, 建国紀元=ja:%%<ローマ建国紀元>, alias:Ab_urbe_condita]709.1.1", '@CE', "-44-01-01^JulianA", "-7-03-01^JulianB", "8-01-01^JulianC", "476-09-04"] ]] # From Chris Bennett, http://www.tyndalehouse.com/Egypt/ptolemies/chron/roman/chron_rom_intro_fr.htm Roman = [self, [ "locale:[=en:, ja=ja:, alias]", "period:[Roman=en:Roman_calendar, ローマ暦]", ["[AUC=en:Ab_urbe_condita, 建国紀元=ja:%%<ローマ建国紀元>, alias:Ab_urbe_condita]492.5.1", '@CE', "-261-05-01^RomanA?border=0-5-1", "-221-03-01^RomanA?border=0-3-1", "-152-01-01^RomanA", "-43-01-01^RomanB", "-7-01-01^RomanC", "37-01-01^RomanD", "41-01-01^Roman", "476-09-04"] ]] end module CalendarTypes # From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_calendar#Sacrobosco.27s_theory_on_month_lengths _Index0 = When::Coordinates::DefaultDayIndex _IndicesB12 = [When.Index('Roman::MonthB', {:unit=>12}), _Index0] _Indices12 = [When.Index('Roman::Month', {:unit=>12}), _Index0] # # Julian Calendar A : BCE45-BCE8 # JulianA = [CyclicTableBased, { 'origin_of_LSC' => 1704987, 'origin_of_MSC' => -44, 'indices' => _IndicesB12, 'rule_table' => { 'T' => {'Rule' =>[365,366,365]}, 365 => {'Length'=>[31,29] + [31,30]*5}, 366 => {'Length'=>[31,30] + [31,30]*5} }, 'note' => 'Roman' }] # # Julian Calendar B : BCE8-CE7 # JulianB = [CyclicTableBased, { 'origin_of_LSC' => 1704987+13, 'origin_of_MSC' => -44, 'indices' => _IndicesB12, 'rule_table' => { 'T' => {'Rule' =>[365]}, 365 => {'Length'=>[31,28] + [31,30,31,30,31]*2} }, 'note' => 'Roman' }] # # Julian Calendar C : CE8- # JulianC = [Julian, { 'indices' => _Indices12, 'note' => 'Roman' }] # From Chris Bennett, http://www.tyndalehouse.com/Egypt/ptolemies/chron/roman/chron_rom_intro_fr.htm # # Roman Calendar BCE262-(CE60)-CE480 # # _ID_N = '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12' _ID_L = '1,2,2=,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12' _ID_J = '1,2,2=,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,11<,11>,12' _Branch = { 1=>When.Resource('_m:Roman::IntercalaryMonth::*')[0], 0.5=>When.Resource('_m:Roman::IntercalaryMonth::*')[1], 1.5=>When.Resource('_m:Roman::IntercalaryMonth::*')[2] } _IndicesA = [When.Index('Roman::MonthA', {:branch=>_Branch}), _Index0] _IndicesB = [When.Index('Roman::MonthB', {:branch=>_Branch}), _Index0] _Indices = [When.Index('Roman::Month', {:branch=>_Branch}), _Index0] _IndicesD = [When.Index('Roman::MonthD', {:branch=>_Branch}), _Index0] _remarks = When.M17n('Roman::based on Chris Bennett "Roman Dates" (Retrieved 2013-05-13)') # @private Options = { 'origin_of_LSC' => 1625698, 'origin_of_MSC' => -261, 'indices' => _Indices, 'rule_table' => { 'T' => {'Rule' => %w( A C A B A C A B A C A B A C A B A C A B A C A B A C A B A C A B A C A B A C A B A C A B A A C B A A A A C A A A B A C A A B A A A A A A A A A A C A C A B C A C A B C A C A C A B C A C A C A A B C A B C A B C A B C A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A A C A A C A A C A A C A A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A A C A A C A A C A A B A A C A A A A A J N L N N L N N L N N L N N L N N L N N L N N L N N L N N L N N L N N L N N L N N N N N N N) + %w(N N N L) * 120 }, 'A' => {'Length'=>[29, 28, 31, 29, 31, 29, 31, 29, 29, 31, 29, 29]}, 'B' => {'Length'=>[29, 23, 27, 31, 29, 31, 29, 31, 29, 29, 31, 29, 29], 'IDs'=>_ID_L}, 'C' => {'Length'=>[29, 24, 27, 31, 29, 31, 29, 31, 29, 29, 31, 29, 29], 'IDs'=>_ID_L}, 'J' => {'Length'=>[29, 24, 27, 31, 29, 31, 29, 31, 29, 29, 31, 34, 31, 31, 29], 'IDs'=>_ID_J}, 'N' => {'Length'=>[31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]}, 'L' => {'Length'=>[31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]}, }, 'note' => 'Roman' } # @private RomanA = [CyclicTableBased, Options.merge({'remarks'=>_remarks, 'indices' => _IndicesA})] # @private RomanB = [CyclicTableBased, Options.merge({'remarks'=>_remarks, 'indices' => _IndicesB})] # @private RomanC = [CyclicTableBased, Options.merge({'remarks'=>_remarks })] # @private RomanD = [CyclicTableBased, Options.merge({'remarks'=>_remarks, 'indices' => _IndicesD})] # @private Roman = [CyclicTableBased, Options] end # # 古代ローマの暦注 # class CalendarNote::Roman < CalendarNote Notes = [When::BasicTypes::M17n, [ "locale:[=en:, ja=ja:, alias]", "names:[Roman]", # 年の暦注 ---------------------------- [When::BasicTypes::M17n, "names:[year]", [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[Solar=en:Solar_cycle_(calendar), 太陽章=]", "divisor:28", "year:-8", ], [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[Metonic=en:Metonic_cycle, 太陰章=]", "divisor:19", "year:0", ], [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[Indiction, インディクション]", "divisor:15", "year:-2", "format:[%s=]", [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[I= ]", "remainder: 0"], [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[II= ]", "remainder: 1"], [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[III= ]", "remainder: 2"], [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[IV= ]", "remainder: 3"], [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[V= ]", "remainder: 4"], [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[VI= ]", "remainder: 5"], [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[VII= ]", "remainder: 6"], [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[VIII=]", "remainder: 7"], [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[IX= ]", "remainder: 8"], [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[X= ]", "remainder: 9"], [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[XI= ]", "remainder: 10"], [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[XII= ]", "remainder: 11"], [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[XIII=]", "remainder: 12"], [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[XIV= ]", "remainder: 13"], [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[XV= ]", "remainder: 14"], ] ], # 月の暦注 ---------------------------- [When::BasicTypes::M17n, "names:[month]", [When::BasicTypes::M17n, "names:[Month]" ] ], # 日の暦注 ---------------------------- [When::BasicTypes::M17n, "names:[day]", [When::BasicTypes::M17n, "names:[Nomen]" ] ] ]] Order = [ 'a.d. bis VI', 'prid.', 'a.d. III', 'a.d. IV', 'a.d. V', 'a.d. VI', 'a.d. VII', 'a.d. VIII', 'a.d. IX', 'a.d. X', 'a.d. XI', 'a.d. XII', 'a.d. XIII', 'a.d. XIV', 'a.d. XV', 'a.d. XVI', 'a.d. XVII', 'a.d. XVIII', 'a.d. XIX', 'a.d. XX', 'a.d. XXI', 'a.d. XXII' ] LongMonths = [3, 5, 7, 10, When.Pair(11,0.5), When.Pair(11,1.5)] LongType = [1, 2..6, 7, 8..14, 15] ShortType = [1, 2..4, 5, 6..12, 13] # 暦注 - 日の名前 # # @param [When::TM::CalDate] date # # @return [String] # def nomen(date) y, m, d = date.cal_date month_name = _abbr_of_month(date) kal, to_nonae, nonae, to_idus, idus = LongMonths.include?(m) ? LongType : ShortType case d when kal ; return 'Kal. ' + month_name when to_nonae ; return Order[nonae - d] + ' Non. ' + month_name when nonae ; return 'Non. ' + month_name when to_idus ; return Order[idus - d] + ' Id. ' + month_name when idus ; return 'Id. ' + month_name end this_month = date.floor(When::MONTH) next_month = this_month.succ month_name = _abbr_of_month(next_month) rest = next_month.to_i - date.to_i if m == 2 && next_month.to_i - this_month.to_i == 29 return Order[0] + ' Kal. ' + month_name if rest == 5 rest -= 1 if rest > 5 end return Order[rest] + ' Kal. ' + month_name end private # オブジェクトの正規化 def _normalize(args=[], options={}) @event = 'nomen' super end # 日の省略名 def _abbr_of_month(month) name = month.name('month').to_s return name.sub(/ (..).*/, ' \1.') if name.sub!(/Intercalaris(.*)?/, 'Int.\1') name.size <= 3 ? name : name[/\A...[^caeiou]*/] + '.' end end end