require "helper" require 'stringio' module Nokogiri module XML class TestNode < Nokogiri::TestCase def setup super @xml = Nokogiri::XML(, XML_FILE) end def test_first_element_child node = @xml.root.first_element_child assert_equal 'employee', assert node.element?, 'node is an element' end def test_element_children nodes = @xml.root.element_children assert_equal @xml.root.first_element_child, nodes.first assert nodes.all? { |node| node.element? }, 'all nodes are elements' end def test_last_element_child nodes = @xml.root.element_children assert_equal nodes.last, @xml.root.element_children.last end def test_bad_xpath bad_xpath = '//foo[' begin @xml.xpath(bad_xpath) rescue Nokogiri::XML::XPath::SyntaxError => e assert_match(bad_xpath, e.to_s) end end def test_namespace_type_error assert_raises(TypeError) do @xml.root.namespace = end end def test_remove_namespace @xml = Nokogiri::XML('') tag ='s') assert tag.namespace tag.namespace = nil assert_nil tag.namespace end def test_parse_needs_doc list = @xml.root.parse('fooooooo ') assert_equal 1, list.css('hello').length end def test_parse list = @xml.root.parse('fooooooo ') assert_equal 2, list.length end def test_parse_with_block called = false list = @xml.root.parse('') { |cfg| called = true assert_instance_of Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions, cfg } assert called, 'config block called' assert_equal 1, list.length end def test_parse_with_io list = @xml.root.parse('')) assert_equal 1, list.length assert_equal 'hello', end def test_parse_with_empty_string list = @xml.root.parse('') assert_equal 0, list.length end def test_parse_config_option node = @xml.root options = nil node.parse("") do |config| options = config end assert_equal Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions::DEFAULT_XML, options.to_i end # descriptive, not prescriptive. def test_parse_invalid_html_markup_results_in_empty_nodeset doc = Nokogiri::HTML("") nodeset = doc.root.parse "
" assert_equal 1, doc.errors.length # "Tag snippet invalid" assert_equal 1, nodeset.length end def test_node_context_parsing_of_malformed_html_fragment_with_recover_is_corrected doc = HTML.parse "
" context_node = doc.at_css "div" nodeset = context_node.parse("
") do |options| options.recover end assert_equal "
", nodeset.to_s assert_equal 1, doc.errors.length assert_equal 1, nodeset.length end def test_node_context_parsing_of_malformed_html_fragment_without_recover_is_not_corrected doc = HTML.parse "
" context_node = doc.at_css "div" nodeset = context_node.parse("
") do |options| options.strict end assert_equal 1, doc.errors.length assert_equal 0, nodeset.length end def test_parse_error_list error_count = @xml.errors.length @xml.root.parse('') assert(error_count < @xml.errors.length, "errors should have increased") end def test_subclass_dup subclass = node ='foo', @xml).dup assert_instance_of subclass, node end def test_gt_string_arg node ='employee') nodes = (node > 'name') assert_equal 1, nodes.length assert_equal node, nodes.first.parent end def test_next_element_when_next_sibling_is_element_should_return_next_sibling doc = Nokogiri::XML "" node = doc.at_css("foo") next_element = node.next_element assert next_element.element? assert_equal doc.at_css("quux"), next_element end def test_next_element_when_there_is_no_next_sibling_should_return_nil doc = Nokogiri::XML "" assert_nil doc.at_css("quux").next_element end def test_next_element_when_next_sibling_is_not_an_element_should_return_closest_next_element_sibling doc = Nokogiri::XML "bar" node = doc.at_css("foo") next_element = node.next_element assert next_element.element? assert_equal doc.at_css("quux"), next_element end def test_next_element_when_next_sibling_is_not_an_element_and_no_following_element_should_return_nil doc = Nokogiri::XML "bar" node = doc.at_css("foo") next_element = node.next_element assert_nil next_element end def test_previous_element_when_previous_sibling_is_element_should_return_previous_sibling doc = Nokogiri::XML "" node = doc.at_css("quux") previous_element = node.previous_element assert previous_element.element? assert_equal doc.at_css("foo"), previous_element end def test_previous_element_when_there_is_no_previous_sibling_should_return_nil doc = Nokogiri::XML "" assert_nil doc.at_css("foo").previous_element end def test_previous_element_when_previous_sibling_is_not_an_element_should_return_closest_previous_element_sibling doc = Nokogiri::XML "bar" node = doc.at_css("quux") previous_element = node.previous_element assert previous_element.element? assert_equal doc.at_css("foo"), previous_element end def test_previous_element_when_previous_sibling_is_not_an_element_and_no_following_element_should_return_nil doc = Nokogiri::XML "foo" node = doc.at_css("bar") previous_element = node.previous_element assert_nil previous_element end def test_element? assert @xml.root.element?, 'is an element' end def test_slash_search assert_equal 'EMP0001', (@xml/:staff/:employee/:employeeId).first.text end def test_append_with_document assert_raises(ArgumentError) do @xml.root << end end def test_inspect_ns xml = Nokogiri::XML(<<-eoxml) { |c| c.noblanks } eoxml ins = xml.inspect xml.traverse do |node| assert_match, ins if node.respond_to? :attributes node.attributes.each do |k,v| assert_match k, ins assert_match v, ins end end if node.respond_to?(:namespace) && node.namespace assert_match, ins assert_match node.namespace.href, ins end end end def test_namespace_definitions_when_some_exist xml = Nokogiri::XML <<-eoxml eoxml namespace_definitions = xml.root.namespace_definitions assert_equal 2, namespace_definitions.length end def test_namespace_definitions_when_no_exist xml = Nokogiri::XML <<-eoxml eoxml namespace_definitions = xml.at_xpath('//xmlns:awesome').namespace_definitions assert_equal 0, namespace_definitions.length end def test_namespace_goes_to_children fruits = Nokogiri::XML(<<-eoxml) eoxml apple ='Apple', fruits) orange ='Orange', fruits) apple << orange fruits.root << apple assert'//fruit:Orange',{'fruit'=>''}) assert'//fruit:Apple',{'fruit'=>''}) end def test_description assert_nil'employee').description end def test_spaceship nodes = @xml.xpath('//employee') assert_equal(-1, (nodes.first <=> nodes.last)) list = [nodes.first, nodes.last].sort assert_equal nodes.first, list.first assert_equal nodes.last, list.last end def test_incorrect_spaceship nodes = @xml.xpath('//employee') assert_nil(nodes.first <=> 'asdf') end def test_document_compare nodes = @xml.xpath('//employee') assert_equal(-1, (nodes.first <=> @xml)) end def test_different_document_compare nodes = @xml.xpath('//employee') doc = Nokogiri::XML('') b ='b') assert_nil(nodes.first <=> b) end def test_duplicate_node_removes_namespace fruits = Nokogiri::XML(<<-eoxml) eoxml apple = fruits.root.xpath('fruit:Apple', {'fruit'=>''})[0] new_apple = apple.dup fruits.root << new_apple assert_equal 2, fruits.xpath('//xmlns:Apple').length assert_equal 1, fruits.to_xml.scan('').length end [:clone, :dup].each do |symbol| define_method "test_#{symbol}" do node ='//employee') other = node.send(symbol) assert_equal "employee", assert_nil other.parent end end def test_fragment_creates_elements apple = @xml.fragment('') apple.children.each do |child| assert_equal Nokogiri::XML::Node::ELEMENT_NODE, child.type assert_instance_of Nokogiri::XML::Element, child end end def test_node_added_to_root_should_get_namespace fruits = Nokogiri::XML(<<-eoxml) eoxml apple = fruits.fragment('') fruits.root << apple assert_equal 1, fruits.xpath('//xmlns:Apple').length end def test_new_node_can_have_ancestors xml = Nokogiri::XML('text') item ='item', xml) assert_equal 0, item.ancestors.length end def test_children doc = Nokogiri::XML(<<-eoxml) #{'' * 9 } eoxml assert_equal 9, doc.root.children.length assert_equal 9, doc.root.children.to_a.length doc = Nokogiri::XML(<<-eoxml) #{'' * 15 } eoxml assert_equal 15, doc.root.children.length assert_equal 15, doc.root.children.to_a.length end def test_add_namespace node ='address') node.add_namespace('foo', '') assert_equal '', node.namespaces['xmlns:foo'] end def test_add_namespace_twice node ='address') ns = node.add_namespace('foo', '') ns2 = node.add_namespace('foo', '') assert_equal ns, ns2 end def test_add_default_ns node ='address') node.add_namespace(nil, '') assert_equal '', node.namespaces['xmlns'] end def test_add_multiple_namespaces node ='address') node.add_namespace(nil, '') assert_equal '', node.namespaces['xmlns'] node.add_namespace('foo', '') assert_equal '', node.namespaces['xmlns:foo'] end def test_default_namespace= node ='address') node.default_namespace = '' assert_equal '', node.namespaces['xmlns'] end def test_namespace= node ='address') assert_nil node.namespace definition = node.add_namespace_definition 'bar', '' node.namespace = definition assert_equal definition, node.namespace assert_equal node,'//foo:address', { 'foo' => '' }) end def test_add_namespace_with_nil_associates_node node ='address') assert_nil node.namespace definition = node.add_namespace_definition nil, '' assert_equal definition, node.namespace end def test_add_namespace_does_not_associate_node node ='address') assert_nil node.namespace assert node.add_namespace_definition 'foo', '' assert_nil node.namespace end def test_set_namespace_from_different_doc node ='address') doc = Nokogiri::XML(, XML_FILE) decl = doc.root.add_namespace_definition 'foo', 'bar' assert_raises(ArgumentError) do node.namespace = decl end end def test_set_namespace_must_only_take_a_namespace node ='address') assert_raises(TypeError) do node.namespace = node end end def test_at node ='address') assert_equal node, @xml.xpath('//address').first end def test_at_xpath node = @xml.at_xpath('//address') nodes = @xml.xpath('//address') assert_equal 5, nodes.size assert_equal node, nodes.first end def test_at_css node = @xml.at_css('address') nodes = @xml.css('address') assert_equal 5, nodes.size assert_equal node, nodes.first end def test_percent node = @xml % ('address') assert_equal node, @xml.xpath('//address').first end def test_accept visitor = { attr_accessor :visited def accept target target.accept(self) end def visit node node.children.each { |c| c.accept(self) } @visited = true end }.new visitor.accept(@xml.root) assert visitor.visited end def test_write_to io = @xml.write_to io io.rewind assert_equal @xml.to_xml, end def test_attribute_with_symbol assert_equal 'Yes', @xml.css('address').first[:domestic] end def test_write_to_with_block called = false io = conf = nil @xml.write_to io do |config| called = true conf = config config.format.as_html.no_empty_tags end io.rewind assert called assert_equal @xml.serialize(nil, conf.options), end %w{ xml html xhtml }.each do |type| define_method(:"test_write_#{type}_to") do io = assert @xml.send(:"write_#{type}_to", io) io.rewind assert_match @xml.send(:"to_#{type}"), end end def test_serialize_with_block called = false conf = nil string = @xml.serialize do |config| called = true conf = config config.format.as_html.no_empty_tags end assert called assert_equal @xml.serialize(nil, conf.options), string end def test_hold_refence_to_subnode doc = Nokogiri::XML(<<-eoxml) eoxml assert node_a = doc.css('a').first assert node_b = node_a.css('b').first node_a.unlink assert_equal 'b', end def test_values assert_equal %w{ Yes Yes }, @xml.xpath('//address')[1].values end def test_keys assert_equal %w{ domestic street }, @xml.xpath('//address')[1].keys end def test_each attributes = [] @xml.xpath('//address')[1].each do |key, value| attributes << [key, value] end assert_equal [['domestic', 'Yes'], ['street', 'Yes']], attributes end def test_new assert node ='input', @xml) assert_equal 1, node.node_type assert_instance_of Nokogiri::XML::Element, node end def test_to_str name = @xml.xpath('//name').first assert_match(/Margaret/, '' + name) assert_equal('Margaret Martin', '' + name.children.first) end def test_ancestors address = @xml.xpath('//address').first assert_equal 3, address.ancestors.length assert_equal ['employee', 'staff', 'document'], { |x| } end def test_read_only? assert entity_decl = @xml.internal_subset.children.find { |x| x.type == Node::ENTITY_DECL } assert entity_decl.read_only? end def test_remove_attribute address = @xml.xpath('/staff/employee/address').first assert_equal 'Yes', address['domestic'] address.remove_attribute 'domestic' assert_nil address['domestic'] end def test_delete address = @xml.xpath('/staff/employee/address').first assert_equal 'Yes', address['domestic'] address.delete 'domestic' assert_nil address['domestic'] end def test_set_content_with_symbol node ='//name') node.content = :foo assert_equal 'foo', node.content end def test_find_by_css_with_tilde_eql xml = Nokogiri::XML.parse(<<-eoxml) Hello world Bar Bar Bar Bar Awesome Awesome eoxml set = xml.css('a[@class~="bar"]') assert_equal 4, set.length assert_equal ['Bar'], { |node| node.content }.uniq end def test_unlink xml = Nokogiri::XML.parse(<<-eoxml) Bar Bar Bar Hello world Bar Awesome Awesome eoxml node = xml.xpath('//a')[3] assert_equal('Hello world', node.text) assert_match(/Hello world/, xml.to_s) assert node.parent assert node.document assert node.previous_sibling assert node.next_sibling node.unlink assert !node.parent #assert !node.document assert !node.previous_sibling assert !node.next_sibling assert_no_match(/Hello world/, xml.to_s) end def test_next_sibling assert node = @xml.root assert sibling = node.child.next_sibling assert_equal('employee', end def test_previous_sibling assert node = @xml.root assert sibling = node.child.next_sibling assert_equal('employee', assert_equal(sibling.previous_sibling, node.child) end def test_name= assert node = @xml.root = 'awesome' assert_equal('awesome', end def test_child assert node = @xml.root assert child = node.child assert_equal('text', end def test_key? assert node ='//address').first assert(!node.key?('asdfasdf')) end def test_set_property assert node ='//address').first node['foo'] = 'bar' assert_equal('bar', node['foo']) end def test_attributes assert node ='//address').first assert_nil(node['asdfasdfasdf']) assert_equal('Yes', node['domestic']) assert node ='//address')[2] attr = node.attributes assert_equal 2, attr.size assert_equal 'Yes', attr['domestic'].value assert_equal 'Yes', attr['domestic'].to_s assert_equal 'No', attr['street'].value end def test_path assert set ='//employee') assert node = set.first assert_equal('/staff/employee[1]', node.path) end def test_search_by_symbol assert set = assert 5, set.length assert node = assert node.text =~ /EMP0001/ end def test_new_node node ='form', @xml) assert_equal('form', assert(node.document) end def test_encode_special_chars foo = @xml.css('employee').first.encode_special_chars('&') assert_equal '&', foo end def test_content node ='form', @xml) assert_equal('', node.content) node.content = 'hello world!' assert_equal('hello world!', node.content) node.content = '& &' assert_equal('& &', node.content) assert_equal('
& <foo> &amp;
', node.to_xml) end def test_set_content_should_unlink_existing_content node = @xml.at_css("employee") children = node.children node.content = "hello" children.each { |child| assert_nil child.parent } end def test_whitespace_nodes doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse("Foo\nBar


") children ='//root').children.collect{|j| j.to_s} assert_equal "\n", children[1] assert_equal " ", children[3] end def test_node_equality doc1 = Nokogiri::XML.parse(, XML_FILE) doc2 = Nokogiri::XML.parse(, XML_FILE) address1_1 = doc1.xpath('//address').first address1_2 = doc1.xpath('//address').first address2 = doc2.xpath('//address').first assert_not_equal address1_1, address2 # two references to very, very similar nodes assert_equal address1_1, address1_2 # two references to the exact same node end def test_namespace_search_with_xpath_and_hash xml = Nokogiri::XML.parse(<<-eoxml) Michelin Model XGV I'm a bicycle tire! eoxml tires = xml.xpath('//bike:tire', {'bike' => ''}) assert_equal 1, tires.length end def test_namespace_search_with_css xml = Nokogiri::XML.parse(<<-eoxml) Michelin Model XGV I'm a bicycle tire! eoxml tires = xml.css('bike|tire', 'bike' => '') assert_equal 1, tires.length end def test_namespaces_should_include_all_namespace_definitions xml = Nokogiri::XML.parse(<<-EOF) hello EOF namespaces = xml.namespaces # Document#namespace assert_equal({"xmlns" => "", "xmlns:a" => "", "xmlns:b" => ""}, namespaces) namespaces = xml.root.namespaces assert_equal({"xmlns" => "", "xmlns:a" => "", "xmlns:b" => ""}, namespaces) namespaces = xml.at_xpath("//xmlns:y").namespaces assert_equal({"xmlns" => "", "xmlns:a" => "", "xmlns:b" => "", "xmlns:c" => ""}, namespaces) namespaces = xml.at_xpath("//xmlns:z").namespaces assert_equal({"xmlns" => "", "xmlns:a" => "", "xmlns:b" => "", "xmlns:c" => ""}, namespaces) namespaces = xml.at_xpath("//xmlns:a").namespaces assert_equal({"xmlns" => "", "xmlns:a" => "", "xmlns:b" => "", "xmlns:c" => ""}, namespaces) end def test_namespace xml = Nokogiri::XML.parse(<<-EOF) hello a hello b hello c
hello moon
EOF set ="//y/*") assert_equal "a", set[0].namespace.prefix assert_equal "b", set[1].namespace.prefix assert_equal "c", set[2].namespace.prefix assert_equal nil, set[3].namespace end def test_namespace_without_an_href_on_html_node # because microsoft word's HTML formatting does this. ick. xml = Nokogiri::HTML.parse <<-EOF
EOF assert_not_nil(node ='p')) assert_equal 1, node.namespaces.keys.size assert node.namespaces.has_key?('xmlns:o') assert_equal nil, node.namespaces['xmlns:o'] end def test_line xml = Nokogiri::XML(<<-eoxml)
Hello world eoxml set ="//a") node = set.first assert_equal 2, node.line end def test_xpath_results_have_document_and_are_decorated x = do def awesome! ; end end util_decorate(@xml, x) node_set = @xml.xpath("//employee") assert_equal @xml, node_set.document assert node_set.respond_to?(:awesome!) end def test_css_results_have_document_and_are_decorated x = do def awesome! ; end end util_decorate(@xml, x) node_set = @xml.css("employee") assert_equal @xml, node_set.document assert node_set.respond_to?(:awesome!) end end end end