[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/pedrozath/coltrane.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/pedrozath/coltrane) # Coltrane A music calculation library/CLI written in Ruby. ![Coltrane](img/coltrane-logo.png) * [How to use this library](https://github.com/pedrozath/coltrane/wiki/Core-music-theory-library). * [Why did I write this library](https://medium.com/@pedrozath/so-i-wrote-a-library-to-help-me-compose-music-ddb4ae7c8227). * [Chat room for discussing the project, answering questions, etc.](https://gitter.im/coltrane-music/Lobby) ## CLI (Command Line Interface) ![Screenshot](img/using-coltrane.gif) ![Screenshot](img/guitar-chords.png) ## Features * Generate chord progressions for Jazz, Blues, Pop, or custom and see how to play them * Seek chords, see their notes and how to play them * Seek scales, see their notes and see how to play them * Find chords that are common between 2 scales * Find scales containing a chord or a set of notes * Find possible progressions of a chord sequence * All of the above can be seen on guitar, bass, piano or ukelele representations, no sheet music needed ## Installation ```bash $ gem install coltrane ``` PS: Once you install the gem the CLI is instaled in your system and it's ready to be used. ## Changelog [See the changelog](CHANGELOG.md) ## Contributing We are looking for contributors. Find me on [our chatroom](https://gitter.im/coltrane-music/Lobby) if you need any kind of information. ### How to contribute 1. Fork this code 2. Install the test suite (RSpec) by running good old `bundle` command 3. Make your changes and maybe write a test or two. 4. Check if specs pass `bundle exec rspec spec` 5. Submit a PR. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). by Pedro Maciel | [twitter](http://twitter.com/pedrozath) | pedro@pedromaciel.com