require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper' describe Sprinkle::Actors::Capistrano do before do @recipes = 'deploy' @cap = ::Capistrano::Configuration.stub!(:new).and_return(@cap) @cap.stub!(:load).and_return end def create_cap(&block) &block end describe 'when created' do it 'should create a new capistrano object' do ::Capistrano::Configuration.should_receive(:new).and_return(@cap) create_cap end describe 'when verbose' do before do Sprinkle::OPTIONS[:verbose] = true end it 'should set verbose logging on the capistrano object' do @cap = create_cap @cap.config.logger.level.should == ::Capistrano::Logger::INFO end end describe 'when not verbose' do before do Sprinkle::OPTIONS[:verbose] = false end it 'should set quiet logging on the capistrano object' do @cap = create_cap @cap.config.logger.level.should == ::Capistrano::Logger::IMPORTANT end end describe 'with a block' do before do @actor = create_cap do recipes 'cool gear' # default is deploy end end it 'should evaluate the block against the actor instance' do @actor.loaded_recipes.should include('cool gear') end end describe 'without a block' do it 'should automatically load the default capistrano configuration' do @cap.should_receive(:load).with('deploy').and_return end after do @actor = create_cap end end end describe 'recipes' do it 'should add the recipe location to an internal store' do @cap = create_cap do recipes 'deploy' end @cap.loaded_recipes.should == [ @recipes ] end it 'should load the given recipe' do @cap.should_receive(:load).with(@recipes).and_return create_cap end end describe 'processing commands' do before do @commands = %w( op1 op2 ) @roles = %w( app ) @name = 'name' @cap = create_cap do; recipes 'deploy'; end @cap.stub!(:run).and_return end it 'should dynamically create a capistrano task containing the commands' do @cap.config.should_receive(:task).and_return end it 'should invoke capistrano task after creation' do @cap.should_receive(:run).with(@name).and_return end after do @cap.process @name, @commands, @roles end end describe 'generated task' do before do @commands = %w( op1 op2 ) @roles = %w( app ) @name = 'name' @cap = create_cap do; recipes 'deploy'; end @cap.config.stub!(:fetch).and_return(:sudo) @cap.config.stub!(:invoke_command).and_return end it 'should use sudo to invoke commands when so configured' do @cap.config.should_receive(:fetch).with(:run_method, :sudo).and_return(:sudo) end it 'should run the supplied commands' do @cap.config.should_receive(:invoke_command).with('op1', :via => :sudo).ordered.and_return @cap.config.should_receive(:invoke_command).with('op2', :via => :sudo).ordered.and_return end it 'should be applicable for the supplied roles' do @cap.stub!(:run).and_return @cap.config.should_receive(:task).with(:install_name, :roles => @roles).and_return end after do @cap.process @name, @commands, @roles end end end