en: required_key_missing: "Required key :%{key} is missing" additional_keys_detected: "Additional keys %{keys} not allowed" attribute: "%{attribute} has invalid %{attribute_name} attribute of %{value}" equality: "%{actual} does not equal %{expected}" excludes: "%{value} cannot contain %{target}" includes: "%{value} must include %{target}" excluded: "%{value} must be excluded in %{target}" included: "%{value} must be included in %{target}" greater_than: "%{value} must be greater than %{threshold}" greater_than_or_equal: "%{value} must be greater than or equal to %{threshold}" less_than: "%{value} must be less than %{threshold}" less_than_or_equal: "%{value} must be less than or equal to %{threshold}" pattern: "%{value} must match pattern %{pattern}" query: "%{value}.%{query} was %{actual} and must be true" emptiness: "%{value} cannot not be empty"