require 'active_record' require 'securerandom' require 'action_dispatch' require 'digest' module Services class Base include ObjectClass class << self def inherited(subclass) subclass.const_set :Error, subclass.public_send :include, Rails.application.routes.url_helpers if defined?(Rails) begin subclass.public_send :include, Asyncable rescue Services::NoBackgroundProcessorFound end subclass.public_send :prepend, CallLogger, ExceptionWrapper, UniquenessChecker end delegate :call, to: :new end def initialize @id = SecureRandom.hex(6) end def call(*args, **kwargs) raise NotImplementedError end private def log(message, meta = {}, severity = 'info') Services.configuration.logger.log message, meta.merge(service: self.class.to_s, id: @id), severity end def _split_ids_and_objects(ids_or_objects, klass) ids_or_objects = Array(ids_or_objects) ids, objects = ids_or_objects.grep(Integer), ids_or_objects.grep(klass) if ids.size + objects.size < ids_or_objects.size raise "All params must be either #{klass.to_s.pluralize} or Integers: #{ { |id_or_object| [id_or_object.class, id_or_object.inspect].join(' - ')}}" end [ids, objects] end def find_ids(ids_or_objects, klass = object_class) ids, objects = _split_ids_and_objects(ids_or_objects, klass) ids.concat if objects.any? ids end def find_service(klass) find_service_name = "#{klass.to_s.pluralize}::Find" candidates = ["Services::#{find_service_name}", find_service_name] # Use a lazy enumerator here because attempting to # constantize the find service without a namespace # might raise a circular dependency error if it has # a namespace or raise self.class::Error, "Could not find find service (tried: #{candidates.join(', ')})" end def find_objects(ids_or_objects, klass = object_class) ids, objects = _split_ids_and_objects(ids_or_objects, klass) if ids.any? objects_from_ids = find_service(klass).call(ids) object_ids = if objects_from_ids.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Relation) objects_from_ids.pluck(:id) else end missing_ids = ids - object_ids raise self.class::Error, "#{klass.to_s.pluralize(missing_ids)} #{missing_ids.join(', ')} not found." if missing_ids.size > 0 objects.concat objects_from_ids end objects end %i(object id).each do |type| define_method "find_#{type}" do |*args| send("find_#{type.to_s.pluralize}", *args).tap do |objects_or_ids| raise "Expected exactly one object or ID but found #{objects_or_ids.size}." unless objects_or_ids.size == 1 end.first end end end end