#! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' describe Puppet::Type.type(:file).provider(:posix), :if => Puppet.features.posix? do include PuppetSpec::Files let(:path) { tmpfile('posix_file_spec') } let(:resource) { Puppet::Type.type(:file).new :path => path, :mode => 0777, :provider => described_class.name } let(:provider) { resource.provider } describe "#mode" do it "should return a string with the higher-order bits stripped away" do FileUtils.touch(path) File.chmod(0644, path) provider.mode.should == '644' end it "should return absent if the file doesn't exist" do provider.mode.should == :absent end end describe "#mode=" do it "should chmod the file to the specified value" do FileUtils.touch(path) File.chmod(0644, path) provider.mode = '0755' provider.mode.should == '755' end it "should pass along any errors encountered" do expect do provider.mode = '644' end.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /failed to set mode/) end end describe "#uid2name" do it "should return the name of the user identified by the id" do Etc.stubs(:getpwuid).with(501).returns(Struct::Passwd.new('jilluser', nil, 501)) provider.uid2name(501).should == 'jilluser' end it "should return the argument if it's already a name" do provider.uid2name('jilluser').should == 'jilluser' end it "should return nil if the argument is above the maximum uid" do provider.uid2name(Puppet[:maximum_uid] + 1).should == nil end it "should return nil if the user doesn't exist" do Etc.expects(:getpwuid).raises(ArgumentError, "can't find user for 999") provider.uid2name(999).should == nil end end describe "#name2uid" do it "should return the id of the user if it exists" do passwd = Struct::Passwd.new('bobbo', nil, 502) Etc.stubs(:getpwnam).with('bobbo').returns(passwd) Etc.stubs(:getpwuid).with(502).returns(passwd) provider.name2uid('bobbo').should == 502 end it "should return the argument if it's already an id" do provider.name2uid('503').should == 503 end it "should return false if the user doesn't exist" do Etc.stubs(:getpwnam).with('chuck').raises(ArgumentError, "can't find user for chuck") provider.name2uid('chuck').should == false end end describe "#owner" do it "should return the uid of the file owner" do FileUtils.touch(path) owner = Puppet::FileSystem.stat(path).uid provider.owner.should == owner end it "should return absent if the file can't be statted" do provider.owner.should == :absent end it "should warn and return :silly if the value is beyond the maximum uid" do stat = stub('stat', :uid => Puppet[:maximum_uid] + 1) resource.stubs(:stat).returns(stat) provider.owner.should == :silly @logs.should be_any {|log| log.level == :warning and log.message =~ /Apparently using negative UID/} end end describe "#owner=" do it "should set the owner but not the group of the file" do File.expects(:lchown).with(15, nil, resource[:path]) provider.owner = 15 end it "should chown a link if managing links" do resource[:links] = :manage File.expects(:lchown).with(20, nil, resource[:path]) provider.owner = 20 end it "should chown a link target if following links" do resource[:links] = :follow File.expects(:chown).with(20, nil, resource[:path]) provider.owner = 20 end it "should pass along any error encountered setting the owner" do File.expects(:lchown).raises(ArgumentError) expect { provider.owner = 25 }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Failed to set owner to '25'/) end end describe "#gid2name" do it "should return the name of the group identified by the id" do Etc.stubs(:getgrgid).with(501).returns(Struct::Passwd.new('unicorns', nil, nil, 501)) provider.gid2name(501).should == 'unicorns' end it "should return the argument if it's already a name" do provider.gid2name('leprechauns').should == 'leprechauns' end it "should return nil if the argument is above the maximum gid" do provider.gid2name(Puppet[:maximum_uid] + 1).should == nil end it "should return nil if the group doesn't exist" do Etc.expects(:getgrgid).raises(ArgumentError, "can't find group for 999") provider.gid2name(999).should == nil end end describe "#name2gid" do it "should return the id of the group if it exists" do passwd = Struct::Passwd.new('penguins', nil, nil, 502) Etc.stubs(:getgrnam).with('penguins').returns(passwd) Etc.stubs(:getgrgid).with(502).returns(passwd) provider.name2gid('penguins').should == 502 end it "should return the argument if it's already an id" do provider.name2gid('503').should == 503 end it "should return false if the group doesn't exist" do Etc.stubs(:getgrnam).with('wombats').raises(ArgumentError, "can't find group for wombats") provider.name2gid('wombats').should == false end end describe "#group" do it "should return the gid of the file group" do FileUtils.touch(path) group = Puppet::FileSystem.stat(path).gid provider.group.should == group end it "should return absent if the file can't be statted" do provider.group.should == :absent end it "should warn and return :silly if the value is beyond the maximum gid" do stat = stub('stat', :gid => Puppet[:maximum_uid] + 1) resource.stubs(:stat).returns(stat) provider.group.should == :silly @logs.should be_any {|log| log.level == :warning and log.message =~ /Apparently using negative GID/} end end describe "#group=" do it "should set the group but not the owner of the file" do File.expects(:lchown).with(nil, 15, resource[:path]) provider.group = 15 end it "should change the group for a link if managing links" do resource[:links] = :manage File.expects(:lchown).with(nil, 20, resource[:path]) provider.group = 20 end it "should change the group for a link target if following links" do resource[:links] = :follow File.expects(:chown).with(nil, 20, resource[:path]) provider.group = 20 end it "should pass along any error encountered setting the group" do File.expects(:lchown).raises(ArgumentError) expect { provider.group = 25 }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Failed to set group to '25'/) end end describe "when validating" do it "should not perform any validation" do resource.validate end end end