require 'yaml' require 'colorize' require 'tmpdir' require 'rspec/hive' namespace :spec do namespace :hive do namespace :config do desc 'Generates example config file. Accepts directory to file.' task :generate_default do require 'rbconfig' default_config = default_values = { 'hive' => { 'host' => ENV['HOST'] ||, 'port' => ENV['PORT'] || default_config.port, 'host_shared_directory_path' => ENV['HOST_SHARED_DIR'] || default_config.host_shared_directory_path, 'docker_shared_directory_path' => ENV['DOCKER_SHARED_DIR'] || default_config.docker_shared_directory_path, 'hive_version' => ENV['HIVE_VERSION'] || default_config.hive_version } } system 'mkdir', '-p', default_values['hive']['host_shared_directory_path'] file_path = File.join( ENV['CONFIG_FILE_DIR'] || '.', ENV['CONFIG_FILE_NAME'] || 'rspec-hive.yml' ), 'w+') do |f| f.write default_values.to_yaml puts "Default config written to #{f.path}".green end end end namespace :docker do desc 'Runs docker using hive config file.'\ ' It assumes your docker-machine is running.' task :run do puts 'Command `docker` not found.'.red unless system('which docker') config_filepath = ENV['CONFIG_FILE'] || 'rspec-hive.yml' docker_image_name = ENV['DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME'] || 'nielsensocial/hive' unless File.exist? config_filepath puts "There's no config file #{config_filepath} please generate default or provide custom config.".red raise config_filepath unless File.exist? config_filepath end interpolated = config = YAML.load(interpolated)['hive'] cmd = "docker run -v #{config['host_shared_directory_path']}:"\ "#{config['docker_shared_directory_path']}"\ " -d -p #{config['port']}:10000 #{docker_image_name}" puts "Running `#{cmd}`...".green system(cmd) end desc 'Downloads docker image from dockerhub.' task :download_image do puts 'Command `docker` not found.'.red unless system('which docker') docker_image_name = ENV['DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME'] || 'nielsensocial/hive' cmd = "docker pull #{docker_image_name}" puts "Running `#{cmd}`...".green system(cmd) end end end end