@import modules/typography.sass // The +blueprint-print mixin must be mixed into the top level of your stylesheet. // However, you can customize the body selector if you wish to control the scope // of this mixin. Examples: // Apply to any page including the stylesheet: // +blueprint-print // Scoped by a single presentational body class: // +blueprint-print("body.blueprint") // Semantically: // +blueprint-print("body#page-1, body#page-2, body.a-special-page-type") // Alternatively, you can use the +blueprint-print-body and +blueprint-print-defaults // mixins to construct your own semantic style rules. =blueprint-print(!body_selector = "body") #{!body_selector} +blueprint-print-body @if !body_selector != "body" +blueprint-print-defaults @if !body_selector == "body" +blueprint-print-defaults // This style is in blueprint, but I think it's annoying and it doesn't work in all browsers. // Feel free to mix it into anchors where you want it. =blueprint-show-link-urls &:after :content " (" attr(href) ") " :font-size 90% =blueprint-print-body :line-height 1.5 :font-family= !blueprint_font_family :color #000 :background none :font-size 10pt =blueprint-print-defaults .container :background none hr :background #ccc :color #ccc :width 100% :height 2px :margin 2em 0 :padding 0 :border none &.space :background #fff :color #fff h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 :font-family= !blueprint_font_family code :font :size .9em :family= !blueprint_fixed_font_family img :float left :margin 1.5em 1.5em 1.5em 0 a img :border none &:link, &:visited :background transparent :font-weight 700 :text-decoration underline p img.top :margin-top 0 blockquote :margin 1.5em :padding 1em :font-style italic :font-size .9em .small :font-size .9em .large :font-size 1.1em .quiet :color #999 .hide :display none