= Institutions
This gem provides a mechanism for creating Institutions from a hash of Institutional data elements.
== Institutions Basics
=== Getting institutions
Institutions reads in YAML files and creates a Hash of Institution instances
with the Institution#code as the Hash key.
require 'institutions'
institutions = Institutions.institutions
=== Setting load paths
Specify additional directories to search for institutional YAMLs.
require 'institutions'
Institutions.loadpaths << File.join("path", "to", "new", "load", "directory")
=== Setting file name
Specify additional YAML file names that contain institutions.
require 'institutions'
Institutions.filenames << "my_institution.yml"
== Institution attributes
Institutions have a number of attributes available, separated
into logical modules
=== Core
+code+:: +String+ of unique code for the institution (*required*)
+name+:: +String+ of user friendly name for the institution (*required*)
+default+:: +Boolean+ indicating if this is a default institution
=== Auth
+auth+:: +Hash+ of attributes for an authentication/authorization system
=== Ip Addresses
+ip_addresses+:: +Array+ of ip addresses for the institution
=== MVC
+models+:: +Hash+ of attributes for models in an MVC application
+views+:: +Hash+ of attributes for views in an MVC application
+controllers+:: +Hash+ of attributes for controllers in an MVC application
=== Parents
+parent_code+:: +String+ of code representing the institution's parent
=== Services
+services+:: +Hash+ of services for the given institution