module RESTFramework::Utils HTTP_VERB_ORDERING = %w(GET POST PUT PATCH DELETE OPTIONS HEAD) # Convert `extra_actions` hash to a consistent format: `{path:, methods:, kwargs:}`, and # additional metadata fields. # # If a controller is provided, labels will be added to any metadata fields. def self.parse_extra_actions(extra_actions, controller: nil) return (extra_actions || {}).map { |k, v| path = k metadata = {} # Convert structure to path/methods/kwargs. if v.is_a?(Hash) # Allow kwargs to be used to define path differently from the key. # Symbolize keys (which also makes a copy so we don't mutate the original). v = v.symbolize_keys methods = v.delete(:methods) # First, remove the route metadata. metadata = v.delete(:metadata) || {} # Add label to fields. if controller && metadata[:fields] metadata[:fields] = metadata[:fields].map { |f| [f, {}] }.to_h if f.is_a?(Array) metadata[:fields]&.each do |field, cfg| cfg[:label] = controller.get_label(field) unless cfg[:label] end end # Override path if it's provided. if v.key?(:path) path = v.delete(:path) end # Pass any further kwargs to the underlying Rails interface. kwargs = v.presence elsif v.is_a?(Array) && v.length == 1 methods = v[0] else methods = v end # Insert action label if it's not provided. if controller metadata[:label] ||= controller.get_label(k) end next [ k, { path: path, methods: methods, kwargs: kwargs, type: :extra, metadata: metadata.presence, }.compact, ] }.to_h end # Get actions which should be skipped for a given controller. def self.get_skipped_builtin_actions(controller_class) return ( RESTFramework::BUILTIN_ACTIONS.keys + RESTFramework::BUILTIN_MEMBER_ACTIONS.keys ).reject do |action| controller_class.method_defined?(action) end end # Get the first route pattern which matches the given request. def self.get_request_route(application_routes, request) application_routes.router.recognize(request) { |route, _| return route } end # Normalize a path pattern by replacing URL params with generic placeholder, and removing the # `(.:format)` at the end. def self.comparable_path(path) return path.gsub("(.:format)", "").gsub(/:[0-9A-Za-z_-]+/, ":x") end # Show routes under a controller action; used for the browsable API. def self.get_routes(application_routes, request, current_route: nil) current_route ||= self.get_request_route(application_routes, request) current_path = current_route.path.spec.to_s.gsub("(.:format)", "") current_path = "" if current_path == "/" current_levels = current_path.count("/") current_comparable_path = %r{^#{Regexp.quote(self.comparable_path(current_path))}(/|$)} # Add helpful properties of the current route. path_args = { |n| request.path_parameters[n] } route_props = { with_path_args: ->(r) { r.format( { |p, i| [p, path_args[i]] }.to_h) }, } # Return routes that match our current route subdomain/pattern, grouped by controller. We # precompute certain properties of the route for performance. return route_props, { |r| # We `select` first to avoid unnecessarily calculating metadata for routes we don't even want # to show. ( (r.defaults[:subdomain].blank? || r.defaults[:subdomain] == request.subdomain) && current_comparable_path.match?(self.comparable_path(r.path.spec.to_s)) && r.defaults[:controller].present? && r.defaults[:action].present? ) }.map { |r| path = r.path.spec.to_s.gsub("(.:format)", "") levels = path.count("/") matches_path = current_path == path matches_params = r.required_parts.length == current_route.required_parts.length { route: r, verb: r.verb, path: path, # Starts at the number of levels in current path, and removes the `(.:format)` at the end. relative_path: path.split("/")[current_levels..]&.join("/").presence || "/", controller: r.defaults[:controller].presence, action: r.defaults[:action].presence, matches_path: matches_path, matches_params: matches_params, # The following options are only used in subsequent processing in this method. _levels: levels, } }.sort_by { |r| [ # Sort by levels first, so routes matching closely with current request show first. r[:_levels], # Then match by path, but manually sort ':' to the end using knowledge that Ruby sorts the # pipe character '|' after alphanumerics. r[:path].tr(":", "|"), # Finally, match by HTTP verb. HTTP_VERB_ORDERING.index(r[:verb]) || 99, ] }.group_by { |r| r[:controller] }.sort_by { |c, _r| # Sort the controller groups by current controller first, then alphanumerically. [request.params[:controller] == c ? 0 : 1, c] }.to_h end # Custom inflector for RESTful controllers. def self.inflect(s, acronyms=nil) acronyms&.each do |acronym| s = s.gsub(/\b#{acronym}\b/i, acronym) end return s end # Parse fields hashes. def self.parse_fields_hash(fields_hash, model, exclude_associations: nil) parsed_fields = fields_hash[:only] || ( model ? self.fields_for(model, exclude_associations: exclude_associations) : [] ) parsed_fields += fields_hash[:include].map(&:to_s) if fields_hash[:include] parsed_fields -= fields_hash[:exclude].map(&:to_s) if fields_hash[:exclude] # Warn for any unknown keys. (fields_hash.keys - [:only, :include, :exclude]).each do |k| Rails.logger.warn("RRF: Unknown key in fields hash: #{k}") end # We should always return strings, not symbols. return end # Get the fields for a given model, including not just columns (which includes # foreign keys), but also associations. Note that we always return an array of # strings, not symbols. def self.fields_for(model, exclude_associations: nil) foreign_keys = model.reflect_on_all_associations(:belongs_to).map(&:foreign_key) if exclude_associations return model.column_names.reject { |c| } end # Add associations in addition to normal columns. return model.column_names.reject { |c| } + { |association, ref| # Ignore associations for which we have custom integrations. if ActiveStorage::Blob ActionText::RichText)) next nil end if ref.collection? && RESTFramework.config.large_reverse_association_tables&.include?( ref.table_name, ) next nil end next association }.compact + model.reflect_on_all_associations(:has_one).collect(&:name).select { |n| n.to_s.start_with?("rich_text_") }.map { |n| n.to_s.delete_prefix("rich_text_") } + model.attachment_reflections.keys end # Get the sub-fields that may be serialized and filtered/ordered for a reflection. def self.sub_fields_for(ref) if !ref.polymorphic? && model = ref.klass sub_fields = [model.primary_key].flatten.compact label_fields = RESTFramework.config.label_fields # Preferrably find a database column to use as label. if match = label_fields.find { |f| } return sub_fields + [match] end # Otherwise, find a method. if match = label_fields.find { |f| model.method_defined?(f) } return sub_fields + [match] end return sub_fields end return ["id", "name"] end # Get a field's id/ids variation. def self.get_id_field(field, reflection) if reflection.collection? return "#{field.singularize}_ids" elsif reflection.belongs_to? # The id field for belongs_to is always the foreign key column name, even if the # association is named differently. return reflection.foreign_key end return nil end end