scenarios ========= The idea behind 'scenarios' is simple. Scenarions are basically just organized bits of arbitrary ruby code. why? ---- Here's why scenarios were originally written ... you may use them however you wish! I had a Rails application and I wanted to be able to do something like this: $ rake scenarios:load SCENARIO=one_thousand_users ... which would put 1,000 users in the database. Sometimes, while testing out my application's functionality in a browser, I would want to setup some scenario to test. Maybe I'm working on X feature and it would be helpful if I had Y data in the database to work with. Typically, I would open up `script/console` and create abunchof Y data manually. But ... wouldn't it be useful if we could automate that? Also, our application requires *some* data to be in the database for the app to load properly. So we created a scenario that loads up the minimum amount of data required to run the app! how? ---- $ sudo gem install remi-scenarios -s then, if you're in a Rails project ... $ ./script/generate scenario Foo to see all defined scenarios ... $ rake scenarios to load a particular scenario ... $ rake scenarios:load NAME=my_scenario $ rake scenarios:load NAME=my_scenario,and_some_more_scenarios what else? ---------- more documentation to come soon!