module Searchgasm
module Helpers
module ControlTypes
module Links
# Creates a group of links that order the data by a column or columns. All that this does is loop through the :choices option and call order_by_link and then glue it all together.
# === Examples
# order_by_links
# order_by_links(:choices => [:name, {:orders => {:line_items => :total}}, :email])
# === Options
# Please look at order_by_link. All options there are applicable here and are passed onto each option.
# * :choices -- default: the models column names, the choices to loop through when calling order_by_link
def order_by_links(options = {})
link_options = options.deep_dup
html = ""
options[:choices].each { |choice| html += order_by_link(choice, link_options.deep_dup) }
# Creates a group of links that ascend or descend the data. All that this does is loop through the :choices option and call order_as_link and then glue it all together.
# === Examples
# order_as_links
# order_as_links(:choices => [:ascending, :descending])
# === Options
# Please look at order_as_link. All options there are applicable here and are passed onto each option.
# * :choices -- default: ["asc", "desc"], the choices to loop through when calling order_as_link
def order_as_links(options = {})
link_options = options.deep_dup
html = ""
options[:choices].each { |choice| html += order_as_link(choice, link_options.deep_dup) }
# Creates a group of links that limit how many items are on each page. All that this does is loop through the :choices option and call per_page_link and then glue it all together.
# === Examples
# per_page_links
# per_page_links(:choices => [25, 50, nil])
# === Options
# Please look at per_page_link. All options there are applicable here and are passed onto each option.
# * :choices -- default: [10, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200, nil], the choices to loop through when calling per_page_link.
def per_page_links(options = {})
link_options = options.deep_dup
html = ""
options[:choices].each { |choice| html += per_page_link(choice, link_options.deep_dup) }
# Creates a group of links that paginate through the data. Kind of like a flickr page navigation. This one has some nifty options.
# === Examples
# page_links
# page_links(:first => "<< First", :last => "Last >>")
# === Classes and tags
# If the user is on the current page they will get a tag, not an tag. If they are on the first page the "first" and "prev" options will be a also. The same goes
# for "next" and "last" if the user is on the last page. Other than that each element will come with a CSS class so you can style it to your liking. Somtimes the easiest way to understand this
# Is to either look at the example (linked in the README) or try it out and view the HTML source. It's pretty simple, but here are the explanations:
# * page - This is in *every* element, span or a.
# * first_page - This is for the "first page" element only.
# * prev_page - This is for the "prev page" element only.
# * current_page - This is for the current page element
# * next_page - This is for the "next page" element only.
# * last_page - This is for the "last page" element only.
# * disabled_page - Any element that is a span instead of an a tag.
# === Options
# Please look at per_page_link. All options there are applicable here and are passed onto each option.
# * :inner_spread -- default: 3, set to nil to show all pages, set 0 to show no page links. This represents how many choices available on each side of the current page
# * :outer_spread -- default: 1, set to nil to disable, set to 0 show no outer spread but the separator will still be present. This represents how many choices are in the "outer" spread.
# * :prev -- default: "< Prev", set to nil to omit. This is an extra link on the left side of the page links that will go to the previous page
# * :next -- default: "Next >", set to nil to omit. This is an extra link on the right side of the page links that will go to the next page
# * :first -- default: nil, set to nil to omit. This is an extra link on thefar left side of the page links that will go to the first page
# * :last -- default: nil, set to nil to omit. This is an extra link on the far right side of the page links that will go to the last page
def page_links(options = {})
return if options[:last_page] <= 1
inner_spread_start = inner_spread_end = lower_gap = lower_outer_spread_start = lower_outer_spread_end = upper_gap = upper_outer_spread_start = upper_outer_spread_end = 0
if !options[:inner_spread].blank?
inner_spread_start = options[:current_page] - options[:inner_spread]
inner_spread_start = options[:first_page] if inner_spread_start < options[:first_page]
inner_spread_end = options[:current_page] + options[:inner_spread]
inner_spread_end = options[:last_page] if inner_spread_end > options[:last_page]
if !options[:outer_spread].blank?
lower_gap = inner_spread_start - options[:first_page]
if lower_gap > 0
lower_outer_spread_start = options[:first_page]
lower_outer_spread_end = options[:outer_spread] > lower_gap ? lower_gap : options[:outer_spread]
upper_gap = options[:last_page] - inner_spread_end
if upper_gap > 0
upper_outer_spread_start = options[:last_page] - (options[:outer_spread] > upper_gap ? upper_gap : options[:outer_spread]) + 1
upper_outer_spread_end = options[:last_page]
inner_spread_start = options[:first_page]
inner_spread_end = options[:last_page]
html = ""
html += span_or_page_link(:first, options.deep_dup, options[:current_page] == options[:first_page]) if options[:first]
html += span_or_page_link(:prev, options.deep_dup, options[:current_page] == options[:first_page]) if options[:prev]
if lower_gap > 0
(lower_outer_spread_start..lower_outer_spread_end).each { |page| html += span_or_page_link(page, options.deep_dup, false) }
html += content_tag(:span, "…", options[:html]) if (inner_spread_start - lower_outer_spread_end) > 1
(inner_spread_start..inner_spread_end).each { |page| html += span_or_page_link(page, options.deep_dup, page == options[:current_page]) }
if upper_gap > 0
html += content_tag(:span, "…", options[:html]) if (upper_outer_spread_start - inner_spread_end) > 1
(upper_outer_spread_start..upper_outer_spread_end).each { |page| html += span_or_page_link(page, options.deep_dup, false) }
html += span_or_page_link(:next, options.deep_dup, options[:current_page] == options[:last_page]) if options[:next]
html += span_or_page_link(:last, options.deep_dup, options[:current_page] == options[:last_page]) if options[:last]
def add_order_by_links_defaults!(options)
add_searchgasm_helper_defaults!(:order_by, options)
options[:choices] ||= options[:search_obj]
def add_order_as_links_defaults!(options)
add_searchgasm_helper_defaults!(:order_as, options)
options[:choices] = [:asc, :desc]
def add_per_page_links_defaults!(options)
add_searchgasm_helper_defaults!(:per_page, options)
options[:choices] ||= Config.per_page_choices.dup
if !options[:search_obj].per_page.blank? && !options[:choices].include?(options[:search_obj].per_page)
options[:choices] << options[:search_obj].per_page
has_nil = options[:choices].include?(nil)
options[:choices] << nil if has_nil
def add_page_links_defaults!(options)
add_searchgasm_helper_defaults!(:page, options)
options[:first_page] ||= 1
options[:last_page] ||= options[:search_obj].page_count
options[:current_page] ||= options[:search_obj].page
options[:inner_spread] = Config.page_links_inner_spread unless options.has_key?(:inner_spread)
options[:outer_spread] = Config.page_links_outer_spread unless options.has_key?(:outer_spread)
options[:prev] = Config.page_links_prev unless options.has_key?(:prev)
options[:next] = Config.page_links_next unless options.has_key?(:next)
options[:first] = Config.page_links_first unless options.has_key?(:first)
options[:last] = Config.page_links_last unless options.has_key?(:last)
def span_or_page_link(name, options, span)
text = ""
page = 0
case name
when Fixnum
text = name
page = name
searchgasm_add_class!(options[:html], "current_page") if span
text = options[name]
page = options[:search_obj].send("#{name}_page")
searchgasm_add_class!(options[:html], "#{name}_page")
searchgasm_add_class!(options[:html], "disabled_page") if span
options[:text] = text
span ? content_tag(:span, text, options[:html]) : page_link(page, options)
ActionController::Base.helper Searchgasm::Helpers::ControlTypes::Links if defined?(ActionController)