require 'openssl' require 'digest/sha2' require 'digest/sha1' require 'base64' module EzCrypto #:nodoc: =begin rdoc The Key is the only class you need to understand for simple use. === Algorithms The crypto algorithms default to aes-128-cbc however on any of the class methods you can change it to one of the standard openssl cipher names using the optional :algorithm=>alg name parameter. Eg. @raw, :algorithm=>"des" Key.generate :algorithm=>"blowfish" Key.with_password @pwd,@salt,:algorithm=>"aes256" == License ActiveCrypto and EzCrypto are released under the MIT license. == Support To contact the author, send mail to Also see my blogs at: and This project was based on code used in my project StakeItOut, where you can securely share web services with your partners. (C) 2005 Pelle Braendgaard =end class Key attr_reader :raw, :algorithm @@block_size = 512 =begin rdoc Set the block-size for IO-operations (default: 512 bytes) =end def self.block_size=(size) @@block_size = size end =begin rdoc Return the block-size for IO-operations. =end def self.block_size @@block_size end =begin rdoc Initialize the key with raw unencoded binary key data. This needs to be at least 16 bytes long for the default aes-128 algorithm. =end def initialize(raw,options = {}) @raw=raw @algorithm=options[:algorithm]||"aes-128-cbc" end =begin rdoc Generate random key. =end def self.generate(options = {})[:algorithm])),options) end =begin rdoc Create key generated from the given password and salt =end def self.with_password(password,salt,options = {}),salt,calculate_key_size(options[:algorithm])),options) end =begin rdoc Initialize the key with Base64 encoded key data. =end def self.decode(encoded,options = {}),options) end =begin rdoc Encrypts the data with the given password and a salt. Short hand for: key=Key.with_password(password,salt,options) key.encrypt(data) =end def self.encrypt_with_password(password,salt,data,options = {}) key=Key.with_password(password,salt,options) key.encrypt(data) end =begin rdoc Decrypts the data with the given password and a salt. Short hand for: key=Key.with_password(password,salt,options) key.decrypt(data) =end def self.decrypt_with_password(password,salt,data,options = {}) key=Key.with_password(password,salt,options) key.decrypt(data) end =begin rdoc Given an algorithm this calculates the keysize. This is used by both the generate and with_password methods. This is not yet 100% complete. =end def self.calculate_key_size(algorithm) if !algorithm.nil? algorithm=~/^([[:alnum:]]+)(-(\d+))?/ if $3 size=($3.to_i)/8 else case $1 when "bf" size = 16 when "blowfish" size = 16 when "des" size = 8 when "des3" size = 24 when "aes128" size = 16 when "aes192" size = 24 when "aes256" size = 32 when "rc2" size = 16 when "rc4" size = 16 else size = 16 end end end if size.nil? size = 16 end size end =begin rdoc returns the Base64 encoded key. =end def encode Base64.encode64 @raw end =begin rdoc returns the Base64 encoded key. Synonym for encode. =end def to_s encode end =begin rdoc Encrypts the data and returns it in encrypted binary form. =end def encrypt(data) if data==nil || data=="" nil else encrypter("") @cipher.encrypt(data) end end =begin rdoc Encrypts the data and returns it in encrypted Base64 encoded form. =end def encrypt64(data) Base64.encode64(encrypt(data)) end =begin rdoc Decrypts the data passed to it in binary format. =end def decrypt(data) if data==nil || data=="" nil else decrypter("") @cipher.gulp(data) end rescue puts @algorithm throw $! end =begin rdoc Decrypts a Base64 formatted string =end def decrypt64(data) decrypt(Base64.decode64(data)) end =begin rdoc Create a file with minimal permissions, and yield it to a block. By default only the owner may read it. =end def safe_create(file, mod=0400, mask=0066) begin old_umask = File.umask File.umask(mask), File::CREAT | File::EXCL | File::WRONLY) do |f| yield(f) if block_given? end ensure File.umask(old_umask) end File.chmod(mod, file) if File.exists?(file) File.size(file) end =begin rdoc Overwrite a file with zero values before removing it's filesystem inode. This is not very safe :-) =end def safe_delete(file) begin to_clear = File.size(file) zeroes =, "\0").join File.chmod(0600, file), File::WRONLY) do |f| f.rewind while to_clear > 0 f.write(zeroes) to_clear -= Key.block_size end f.flush end ensure File.delete(file) if File.exists?(file) end return !File.exists?(file) end =begin rdoc Open a file readonly and yield it to a block. =end def safe_read(file), File::RDONLY) do |i| yield(i) if block_given? end end private :safe_create, :safe_read, :safe_delete =begin rdoc Load a key from a yaml_file generated via Key#store. =end def self.load(filename) require 'yaml' hash = YAML::load_file(filename) req = proc { |k| hash[k] or raise "Missing element #{k} in #{filename}" } key = Base64.decode64( , :algorithm => return key end =begin rdoc Save the key data into a file, try to do this in a secure manner. NOTE: YAML::store & friends are not used to encance control over the generated file format. =end def store(filename) safe_create(filename) do |f| selfenc = self.encode f.puts "---" f.puts ":EZCRYPTO KEY FILE: KEEP THIS SECURE !" f.puts ":created: #{}" f.puts ":algorithm: #{@algorithm}" f.puts ":key: #{selfenc}" end end =begin rdoc Get a Encrypter object. You have to call #final on it by yourself! =end def encrypter(target='') @cipher =,target,@algorithm) end =begin rdoc Get a Decrypter object. You have to call #final on it by yourself! =end def decrypter(target='') @cipher =,target,@algorithm) end =begin rdoc Create a Decrypter object and yield it to a block. You must *not* call #final by yourself, the method does this. =end def on_decrypter(target='', &block) decrypter(target) on_cipher(&block) end =begin rdoc Create an Encrypter object and yield it to a block. You must *not* call #final by yourself, the method does this. =end def on_encrypter(target='', &block) encrypter(target) on_cipher(&block) end =begin rdoc Helper method, yields the current cipher to a block. =end def on_cipher(&block) begin @cipher ensure end end private :on_cipher =begin rdoc Encrypt a file 'inplace' and add a suffix see #cipher_file. IMPORTANT: The inputfile will be deleted by default. =end def encrypt_file(src, tgt=nil, options = {} ) options = { :suffix => '.ez', :autoclean => 'true' }.update(options) tgt = "#{src}#{options[:suffix]}" unless tgt cipher_file :on_encrypter, src, tgt, options[:autoclean] end =begin rdoc Decrypt a file 'inplace' and remove a suffix see #cipher_file IMPORTANT: The inputfile will be deleted by default. =end def decrypt_file(src, tgt=nil, options = {} ) options = { :suffix => '.ez', :autoclean => 'true' }.update(options) unless tgt tgt = src tgt = tgt.gsub(/#{options[:suffix]}$/, '') end cipher_file :on_decrypter, src, tgt, options[:autoclean] end =begin rdoc uses either #on_decrypter or #on_encrypter to transform a given sourcefile to a targetfile. the sourcefile is deleted after sucessful transformation the delete_source is 'true'. =end def cipher_file(method, sourcefile, targetfile, delete_source) raise(ArgumentError, "source == target #{sourcefile}") if sourcefile == targetfile safe_create(targetfile,0600) do |o| self.send(method, o) do |c| safe_read(sourcefile) do |i| loop do buffer = or break c << buffer end end end end safe_delete(sourcefile) if delete_source && File.exists?(targetfile) return targetfile end private :cipher_file end =begin rdoc Abstract Wrapper around OpenSSL's Cipher object. Extended by Encrypter and Decrypter. You probably should be using the Key class instead. Warning! The interface may change. =end class CipherWrapper #:nodoc: =begin rdoc =end def initialize(key,target,mode,algorithm) @cipher = if mode @cipher.encrypt else @cipher.decrypt end @cipher.key=key.raw @cipher.padding=1 @target=target @finished=false end def to_target(data) return data end =begin rdoc Process the givend data with the cipher. =end def update(data) reset if @finished @target<< to_target(@cipher.update(data)) end =begin rdoc =end def <<(data) update(data) end =begin rdoc Finishes up any last bits of data in the cipher and returns the final result. =end def final @target<< to_target( @finished=true @target end =begin rdoc Processes the entire data string using update and performs a final on it returning the data. =end def gulp(data) update(data) final end =begin rdoc =end def reset(target="") @target=target @finished=false end end =begin rdoc Wrapper around OpenSSL Cipher for Encryption use. You probably should be using Key instead. Warning! The interface may change. =end class Encrypter