require 'nokogiri' module ActiveMerchant module Billing class BlueSnapGateway < Gateway self.test_url = "" self.live_url = "" self.supported_countries = %w(US CA GB AT BE BG HR CY CZ DK EE FI FR DE GR HU IE IT LV LT LU MT NL PL PT RO SK SI ES SE) self.default_currency = 'USD' self.supported_cardtypes = [:visa, :master, :american_express, :discover, :jcb, :diners_club, :maestro] self.homepage_url = '' self.display_name = 'BlueSnap' TRANSACTIONS = { purchase: "AUTH_CAPTURE", authorize: "AUTH_ONLY", capture: "CAPTURE", void: "AUTH_REVERSAL", refund: "REFUND" } CVC_CODE_TRANSLATOR = { 'MA' => 'M', 'NC' => 'U', 'ND' => 'P', 'NM' => 'N', 'NP' => 'S' } AVS_CODE_TRANSLATOR = { 'line1: U, zip: U, name: U' => 'I', 'line1: U, zip: U, name: M' => 'I', 'line1: U, zip: U, name: N' => 'I', 'line1: U, zip: M, name: U' => 'P', 'line1: U, zip: M, name: M' => 'P', 'line1: U, zip: M, name: N' => 'F', 'line1: U, zip: N, name: U' => 'O', 'line1: U, zip: N, name: M' => 'O', 'line1: U, zip: N, name: N' => 'O', 'line1: M, zip: U, name: U' => 'B', 'line1: M, zip: U, name: M' => 'B', 'line1: M, zip: U, name: N' => 'T', 'line1: M, zip: M, name: U' => 'M', 'line1: M, zip: M, name: M' => 'V', 'line1: M, zip: M, name: N' => 'H', 'line1: M, zip: N, name: U' => 'A', 'line1: M, zip: N, name: M' => 'O', 'line1: M, zip: N, name: N' => 'A', 'line1: N, zip: U, name: U' => 'C', 'line1: N, zip: U, name: M' => 'C', 'line1: N, zip: U, name: N' => 'C', 'line1: N, zip: M, name: U' => 'W', 'line1: N, zip: M, name: M' => 'L', 'line1: N, zip: M, name: N' => 'W', 'line1: N, zip: N, name: U' => 'N', 'line1: N, zip: N, name: M' => 'K', 'line1: N, zip: N, name: N' => 'N', } def initialize(options={}) requires!(options, :api_username, :api_password) super end def purchase(money, payment_method, options={}) commit(:purchase) do |doc| add_auth_purchase(doc, money, payment_method, options) end end def authorize(money, payment_method, options={}) commit(:authorize) do |doc| add_auth_purchase(doc, money, payment_method, options) end end def capture(money, authorization, options={}) commit(:capture, :put) do |doc| add_authorization(doc, authorization) add_order(doc, options) end end def refund(money, authorization, options={}) commit(:refund, :put) do |doc| add_authorization(doc, authorization) add_amount(doc, money) add_order(doc, options) end end def void(authorization, options={}) commit(:void, :put) do |doc| add_authorization(doc, authorization) add_order(doc, options) end end def verify(payment_method, options={}) authorize(0, payment_method, options) end def store(credit_card, options = {}) commit(:store) do |doc| add_personal_info(doc, credit_card, options) doc.send("payment-sources") do doc.send("credit-card-info") do add_credit_card(doc, credit_card) end end add_order(doc, options) end end def verify_credentials begin ssl_get("#{url}/nonexistent", headers) rescue ResponseError => e return false if e.response.code.to_i == 401 end true end def supports_scrubbing? true end def scrub(transcript) transcript. gsub(%r((Authorization: Basic )\w+), '\1[FILTERED]'). gsub(%r(().+()), '\1[FILTERED]\2'). gsub(%r(().+()), '\1[FILTERED]\2') end private def add_auth_purchase(doc, money, payment_method, options) doc.send("recurring-transaction", options[:recurring] ? "RECURRING" : "ECOMMERCE") add_order(doc, options) add_amount(doc, money) doc.send("transaction-fraud-info") do doc.send("shopper-ip-address", options[:ip]) if options[:ip] end if payment_method.is_a?(String) doc.send("vaulted-shopper-id", payment_method) else doc.send("card-holder-info") do add_personal_info(doc, payment_method, options) end add_credit_card(doc, payment_method) end end def add_amount(doc, money) doc.amount(amount(money)) doc.currency(options[:currency] || currency(money)) end def add_personal_info(doc, credit_card, options) doc.send("first-name", credit_card.first_name) doc.send("last-name", credit_card.last_name)[:email]) if options[:email] add_address(doc, options) end def add_credit_card(doc, card) doc.send("credit-card") do doc.send("card-number", card.number) doc.send("security-code", card.verification_value) doc.send("expiration-month", card.month) doc.send("expiration-year", card.year) end end def add_description(doc, description) doc.send("transaction-meta-data") do doc.send("meta-data") do doc.send("meta-key", "description") doc.send("meta-value", truncate(description, 500)) doc.send("meta-description", "Description") end end end def add_order(doc, options) doc.send("merchant-transaction-id", truncate(options[:order_id], 50)) if options[:order_id] doc.send("soft-descriptor", options[:soft_descriptor]) if options[:soft_descriptor] add_description(doc, options[:description]) if options[:description] end def add_address(doc, options) address = options[:billing_address] return unless address[:country]) if address[:country] doc.state(address[:state]) if address[:state] doc.address(address[:address]) if address[:address][:city]) if address[:city][:zip]) if address[:zip] end def add_invoice(post, money, options) post[:amount] = amount(money) post[:currency] = (options[:currency] || currency(money)) end def add_authorization(doc, authorization) doc.send("transaction-id", authorization) end def parse(response) return bad_authentication_response if response.code.to_i == 401 parsed = {} doc = Nokogiri::XML(response.body) doc.root.xpath('*').each do |node| if (node.elements.empty?) parsed[] = node.text else node.elements.each do |childnode| parse_element(parsed, childnode) end end end parsed["content-location-header"] = response['content-location'] parsed end def parse_element(parsed, node) if !node.elements.empty? node.elements.each {|e| parse_element(parsed, e) } else parsed[] = node.text end end def api_request(action, request, verb) begin ssl_request(verb, url(action), request, headers) rescue ResponseError => e e.response end end def commit(action, verb = :post) request = build_xml_request(action) { |doc| yield(doc) } response = api_request(action, request, verb) parsed = parse(response) succeeded = success_from(action, response) succeeded, message_from(succeeded, parsed), parsed, authorization: authorization_from(action, parsed), avs_result: avs_result(parsed), cvv_result: cvv_result(parsed), error_code: error_code_from(parsed), test: test?, ) end def url(action = nil) base = test? ? test_url : live_url resource = (action == :store) ? "vaulted-shoppers" : "transactions" "#{base}/#{resource}" end def cvv_result(parsed)[parsed["cvv-response-code"]]) end def avs_result(parsed) AVS_CODE_TRANSLATOR[avs_lookup_key(parsed)]) end def avs_lookup_key(p) "line1: #{p['avs-response-code-address']}, zip: #{p['avs-response-code-zip']}, name: #{p['avs-response-code-name']}" end def success_from(action, response) (200...300).include?(response.code.to_i) end def message_from(succeeded, parsed_response) return "Success" if succeeded parsed_response["description"] end def authorization_from(action, parsed_response) (action == :store) ? vaulted_shopper_id(parsed_response) : parsed_response["transaction-id"] end def vaulted_shopper_id(parsed_response) return nil unless parsed_response["content-location-header"] parsed_response["content-location-header"].split("/").last end def error_code_from(parsed_response) parsed_response["code"] end def root_attributes { xmlns: "" } end def root_element(action) (action == :store) ? "vaulted-shopper" : "card-transaction" end def headers { 'Content-Type' => 'application/xml', 'Authorization' => ('Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64("#{@options[:api_username]}:#{@options[:api_password]}").strip), } end def build_xml_request(action) builder = builder.__send__(root_element(action), root_attributes) do |doc| doc.send("card-transaction-type", TRANSACTIONS[action]) if TRANSACTIONS[action] yield(doc) end builder.doc.root.to_xml end def handle_response(response) case response.code.to_i when 200...300 response else raise end end def bad_authentication_response { "description" => "Unable to authenticate. Please check your credentials." } end end end end