# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this # work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF # licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. module OSGi #:nodoc: # # A class to represent OSGi versions. # class Version attr_accessor :major, :minor, :tiny, :qualifier def initialize(string) #:nodoc: digits = string.gsub(/\"/, '').split(".") @major = digits[0] @minor = digits[1] @tiny = digits[2] @qualifier = digits[3] raise "Invalid version: " + self.to_s if @major == "" raise "Invalid version: " + self.to_s if @minor == "" && (!@tiny != "" || !@qualifier != "") raise "Invalid version: " + self.to_s if @tiny == "" && !@qualifier != "" end def to_s #:nodoc: str = [major] str << minor if minor str << tiny if minor && tiny str << qualifier if minor && tiny && qualifier str.compact.join(".") end def <=>(other) #:nodoc: if other.is_a? String other = Version.new(other) elsif other.nil? return 1 end [:major, :minor, :tiny, :qualifier].each do |digit| return 0 if send(digit).nil? or other.send(digit).nil? comparison = send(digit) <=> other.send(digit) if comparison != 0 return comparison end end return 0 end def <(other) #:nodoc: (self.<=>(other)) == -1 end def >(other) #:nodoc: (self.<=>(other)) == 1 end def ==(other) #:nodoc: (self.<=>(other)) == 0 end def <=(other) #:nodoc: (self.==(other)) || (self.<(other)) end def >=(other) #:nodoc: (self.==(other)) || (self.>(other)) end end class VersionRange #:nodoc: attr_accessor :min, :max, :min_inclusive, :max_inclusive, :max_infinite # Parses a string into a VersionRange. # Returns false if the string could not be parsed. # def self.parse(string, max_infinite = false) return string if string.is_a?(VersionRange) || string.is_a?(Version) if !string.nil? && (match = string.match /\s*([\[|\(])([0-9|A-z|\.]*)\s*,\s*([0-9|A-z|\.]*)([\]|\)])/) range = VersionRange.new range.min = Version.new(match[2]) range.max = Version.new(match[3]) range.min_inclusive = match[1] == '[' range.max_inclusive = match[4] == ']' range elsif (!string.nil? && max_infinite && string.match(/[0-9|\.]*/)) range = VersionRange.new range.min = Version.new(string) range.max = nil range.min_inclusive = true range.max_infinite = true range else false end end def to_s #:nodoc: "#{ min_inclusive ? '[' : '('}#{min},#{max_infinite ? "infinite" : max}#{max_inclusive ? ']' : ')'}" end # Returns true if the version is in the range of this VersionRange object. # Uses OSGi versioning rules to determine if the version is in range. # def in_range(version) return in_range(version.min) && (version.max_infinite ? true : in_range(version.max)) if version.is_a?(VersionRange) result = min_inclusive ? min <= version : min < version if (!max_infinite) result &= max_inclusive ? max >= version : max > version end result end end end