Feature: Elements Background: Given I am on the static elements page Scenario: Elements enbaled? When I click an enabled button Then it should know it is enabled When I check a disabled button Then it should know it is not enabled Scenario: Link element methods When I retrieve a link element Then I should know it exists And I should know it is visible And I should know its' text is "Google Search" And I should know it is equal to itself And I should know its' tag name is "a" And I should know the attribute "readonly" is false And I should know its' value is "" And I should be able to click it Scenario: Button element methods When I retrieve a button element Then I should know it exists And I should know it is visible And I should know its' value is "Click Me" And I should know its' text is "Click Me" And I should know it is equal to itself And I should know its' tag name is "input" And I should know the attribute "readonly" is false And I should be able to click it Scenario: Check Box element methods When I retrieve a check box element Then I should know it exists And I should know it is visible And I should know its' text is "" And I should know its' value is "1" And I should know it is equal to itself And I should know its' tag name is "input" And I should know the attribute "readonly" is false And I should be able to click it Scenario: Div element methods When I retrieve the div element Then I should know it exists And I should know it is visible And I should know its' text is "page-object rocks!" And I should know its' value is "" And I should know it is equal to itself And I should know its' tag name is "div" And I should know the attribute "readonly" is false And I should be able to click it Scenario: Radio Button element methods When I retrieve a radio button Then I should know it exists And I should know it is visible And I should know its' text is "" And I should know its' value is "Milk" And I should know it is equal to itself And I should know its' tag name is "input" And I should know the attribute "readonly" is false And I should be able to click it Scenario: Select List element methods When I retrieve a select list Then I should know it exists And I should know it is visible And I should know its' text includes "Test 1" And I should know its' value is "option1" And I should know it is equal to itself And I should know its' tag name is "select" And I should know the attribute "readonly" is false And I should be able to click it Scenario: Table element methods When I retrieve a table element Then I should know it is visible Then I should know it exists And I should know its' value is "" And I should know its' text includes "Data1" And I should know it is equal to itself And I should know its' tag name is "table" And I should know the attribute "readonly" is false And I should be able to click it Scenario: Table Cell element methods When I retrieve table cell Then I should know it exists And I should know it is visible Then I should know its' value is "" And I should know its' text includes "Data4" And I should know it is equal to itself And I should know its' tag name is "td" And I should know the attribute "readonly" is false And I should be able to click it Scenario: Text Field element methods When I retrieve a text field Then I should know it exists And I should know it is visible And I should know its' text includes "" And I should know its' value is "" And I should know it is equal to itself And I should know its' tag name is "input" And I should know the attribute "readonly" is false And I should be able to click it Scenario: Image element methods When I get the image element Then I should know it exists Then I should know its' value is "" And I should know it is visible And I should know its' text includes "" And I should know it is equal to itself And I should know its' tag name is "img" And I should know the attribute "readonly" is false And I should be able to click it Scenario: Hidden Field element methods When I retrieve the hidden field element Then I should know it exists And I should know it is not visible And I should know its' text includes "" And I should know its' value is "12345" And I should know it is equal to itself And I should know its' tag name is "input" And I should know the attribute "readonly" is false Scenario: Form element methods When I locate the form Then I should know it exists And I should know it is visible And I should know its' text includes "" And I should know it is equal to itself And I should know its' tag name is "form" And I should know the attribute "readonly" is false And I should know its' value is "" Scenario: Text Area element methods When I retrieve the text area Then I should know it exists And I should know it is visible And I should know its' text includes "" And I should know its' value is "" And I should know it is equal to itself And I should know its' tag name is "textarea" And I should know the attribute "readonly" is false And I should be able to click it Scenario: List item element methods When I retrieve a list item element Then I should know it exists And I should know it is visible And I should know its' text is "Item One" And I should know it is equal to itself And I should know its' tag name is "li" And I should know the attribute "readonly" is false And I should be able to click it Scenario: Unordered List element methods When I retrieve a unordered list element Then I should know it exists And I should know it is visible And I should know its' text includes "Item One" And I should know its' text includes "Item Two" And I should know its' text includes "Item Three" And I should know it is equal to itself And I should know its' tag name is "ul" And I should know the attribute "readonly" is false And I should be able to click it Scenario: Ordered List element methods When I retrieve a ordered list element Then I should know it exists And I should know it is visible And I should know its' text includes "Number One" And I should know its' text includes "Number Two" And I should know its' text includes "Number Three" And I should know it is equal to itself And I should know its' tag name is "ol" And I should know the attribute "readonly" is false And I should be able to click it Scenario: Clear an element When I type "abcDEF" into the text field Then the text field should contain "abcDEF" When I clear the text field Then the text field should contain "" Scenario: Heading element methods When I retrieve a heading element Then I should know it exists And I should know it is visible And I should know its' text is "h1's are cool" And I should know it is equal to itself And I should know its' tag name is "h1" And I should know the attribute "readonly" is false And I should be able to click it Scenario: Firing an event When I set the focus to the test text_field using the onfocus event Then I should see the onfocus text "changed by onfocus event" Scenario: Setting focus on an element When I set the focus on the test text_field Then I should see the onfocus text "changed by onfocus event" Scenario: Finding a parent element When I find the child link element And ask for the parent element Then I should have a div parent