module Facebooker ## # helper methods primarily supporting the management of Ruby objects which are populatable via Hashes. # Since most Facebook API calls accept and return hashes of data (as XML), the Model module allows us to # directly populate a model's attributes given a Hash with matching key names. module Model class UnboundSessionException < Exception; end def self.included(includer) includer.extend ClassMethods includer.__send__(:attr_writer, :session) includer.__send__(:attr_reader, :anonymous_fields) end module ClassMethods ## # Instantiate a new instance of the class into which we are included and populate that instance's # attributes given the provided Hash. Key names in the Hash should map to attribute names on the model. def from_hash(hash) instance = new(hash) yield instance if block_given? instance end ## # Create a standard attr_writer and a populating_attr_reader def populating_attr_accessor(*symbols) attr_writer(*symbols) populating_attr_reader(*symbols) end ## # Create a reader that will attempt to populate the model if it has not already been populated def populating_attr_reader(*symbols) symbols.each do |symbol| define_method(symbol) do populate unless populated? instance_variable_get("@#{symbol}") end end end def populating_hash_settable_accessor(symbol, klass) populating_attr_reader symbol hash_settable_writer(symbol, klass) end def populating_hash_settable_list_accessor(symbol, klass) populating_attr_reader symbol hash_settable_list_writer(symbol, klass) end # # Declares an attribute named ::symbol:: which can be set with either an instance of ::klass:: # or a Hash which will be used to populate a new instance of ::klass::. def hash_settable_accessor(symbol, klass) attr_reader symbol hash_settable_writer(symbol, klass) end def hash_settable_writer(symbol, klass) define_method("#{symbol}=") do |value| instance_variable_set("@#{symbol}", value.kind_of?(Hash) ? klass.from_hash(value) : value) end end # # Declares an attribute named ::symbol:: which can be set with either a list of instances of ::klass:: # or a list of Hashes which will be used to populate a new instance of ::klass::. def hash_settable_list_accessor(symbol, klass) attr_reader symbol hash_settable_list_writer(symbol, klass) end def hash_settable_list_writer(symbol, klass) define_method("#{symbol}=") do |list| instance_variable_set("@#{symbol}", do |item| item.kind_of?(Hash) ? klass.from_hash(item) : item end) end end def id_is(attribute) (file, line) = caller.first.split(':') class_eval(<<-EOS, file, line.to_i) def #{attribute}=(value) @#{attribute} = value.to_i end attr_reader #{attribute.inspect} alias :id #{attribute.inspect} alias :id= #{"#{attribute}=".to_sym.inspect} EOS end end ## # Centralized, error-checked place for a model to get the session to which it is bound. # Any Facebook API queries require a Session instance. def session @session || (raise UnboundSessionException, "Must bind this object to a Facebook session before querying") end # # This gets populated from FQL queries. def anon=(value) @anonymous_fields = value end def initialize(hash = {}) populate_from_hash!(hash) end def populate raise NotImplementedError, "#{self.class} included me and should have overriden me" end def populated? @populated end ## # Set model's attributes via Hash. Keys should map directly to the model's attribute names. def populate_from_hash!(hash) unless hash.nil? || hash.empty? hash.each do |key, value| set_attr_method = "#{key}=" unless value.nil? if respond_to?(set_attr_method) self.__send__(set_attr_method, value) else Facebooker::Logging.log_info("**Warning**, Attempt to set non-attribute: #{key}",hash) end end end @populated = true end end end end