module E9Polls::PollsHelper ## # Util # def html_concat(*chunks) ''.html_safe.tap do |html| chunks.each {|chunk| html.safe_concat("#{chunk}\n") } end end def e9_polls_resource_link(action, record, opts = {}) opts.symbolize_keys! # NOTE cascading backend for i18n would accomplish the lookup without defaults action = action.to_sym klass = record.is_a?(Class) ? record : record.class scope = "e9_polls.#{klass.model_name.collection}" # NOTE this assumes the definition of #parent, which is added by IR but only on controllers # with polymorphic belongs_to relationships (by default). scopes = [*(opts[:scope] || @route_scope), parent].compact path = case action.to_sym when :new; new_polymorphic_path(scopes << klass) when :edit; edit_polymorphic_path(scopes << record) else polymorphic_path(scopes << record) end if action == :destroy opts[:method] = :delete opts.reverse_merge!({ :confirm => t(:"#{scope}.confirm_destroy", :default => :"e9_polls.confirm_destroy") }) end link_to t(:"#{scope}.#{action}", :default => :"e9_polls.#{action}"), path, opts end ## # Links # def records_table_links_for_record(record) if respond_to?(method_name = "records_table_links_for_#{}") send(method_name, record) else html_concat( ) end end def link_to_add_nested_attribute(association_name) link_to( t(:add_nested_attribute, :scope => :e9_polls), '#', :class => 'add-nested-association', 'data-association' => association_name) end def link_to_destroy_nested_attribute link_to( t(:destroy_nested_attribute, :scope => :e9_polls), '#', :class => 'destroy-nested-association') end def render_nested_attribute_association(association_name, form, options = {}) options.symbolize_keys! association = resource.send(association_name) unless association.empty? form.fields_for(association_name) do |f| concat nested_attribute_template(association_name, f, options) end end end def nested_attribute_template_js(klass, association_name, options = {}) options.symbolize_keys! options[:index] ||= 10000 template = nil fields_for( do |f| f.object.send(association_name).build f.fields_for(association_name, :child_index => options[:index]) do |ff| template = "#{escape_javascript(nested_attribute_template(association_name, ff))}" end end retv = <<-RETV TEMPLATES = window.TEMPLATES || {}; TEMPLATES['#{association_name}'] = { index: #{options[:index]}, template: "#{template}" }; RETV end def nested_attribute_template(association_name, builder, options = {}) options.symbolize_keys! partial = options[:partial] || File.join('e9_polls', builder.object.class.model_name.collection, 'nested_attribute_template') render(:partial => partial, :locals => { :f => builder }) end def build_associated_resource(association_name) params_method = "#{association_name}_build_parameters" build_params = resource_class.send(params_method) if resource_class.respond_to?(params_method) resource.send(association_name).build(build_params || {}) end end