################################################### # Original Author:: Dmitry V. Sabanin # License:: LGPL # # Modified for IOWA by Kirk Haines ################################################### if RUBY_VERSION !~ /^1\.8/ require 'rdoc' end require 'rbconfig' ################################################### # Web PrettyPrint for Exceptions # module Iowa class PrettyException attr_writer :message ################################################### def initialize(exception, tplpath = nil) @tplpath = tplpath @exception = exception @message = nil end ################################################### ################################################### def build_template tmpl = if @tplpath and File.exists?(@tplpath) File.read(@tplpath) else tplfile = File.readlines(__FILE__) start = nil tplfile.each_with_index do |line,idx| if line =~ /^__END__\s*$/ start = idx + 1 break end end tplfile[start..-1].join('') end return TemplatePage.new(tmpl) end ################################################### ################################################### def gen_source(file, line, mark_line = true) source = File.readlines(file) source = hilite_source(source) line = line.to_i if mark_line show = 3 begin_from = line - show end_at = line + show begin_from = begin_from > 0 ? begin_from : 0 work_with = source[begin_from..end_at] else work_with = [ source[line-1] ] end work_with ||= [] res = [] work_with.each do |i, l| l = ('%.3d:%s' % [i," "]) + l if i == line and mark_line buf = '
' + l + '
' else buf = l + "\n" end res << buf end res.join end ################################################### ################################################### def hilite_source(src) lx = LexerRuby::LexerOld.new src.each do |sline| lx.lex_line(sline) end res = [] lineno = 0 this_line = [] hc = false heredoc_buf = nil lx.result.each do |text, token| if hc lineno += 1 res << [lineno, this_line.join] this_line = [] hc = false end if token != :heredoc and heredoc_buf and token != :any heredoc = heredoc_buf.split(/\n/) heredoc.each do |hd_line| res << [lineno, ('%s' % [hd_line.to_s])] lineno += 1 end this_line = [] heredoc_buf = nil end case token when :keyword, :ident, :punct, :comment, :ivar, :dot, :string, :command, :number, :gvar, :literal, :symbol if token == :comment hc = true end text = Iowa::Util.escapeHTML(text) this_line << ('%s' % [token.to_s, text.rstrip]) when :heredoc text = Iowa::Util.escapeHTML(text) heredoc_buf ||= '' heredoc_buf << text when :any if text =~ /^\s*\n$/ lineno += 1 res << [lineno, this_line.join] this_line = [] else this_line << text end else this_line << Iowa::Util.escapeHTML(text) end end res << [lineno+1, this_line.join] if this_line.length > 0 res end ################################################### ################################################### def print tpl = build_template contents = {} contents['message'] = Iowa::Util::escapeHTML(@exception.message).to_s contents['exception'] = @exception.class.name contents['time'] = Time.now.to_s bt = [] @exception.backtrace.each_with_index do |str,idx| file,text = str.scan(/^(.+):(.+)(?::(.+))?$/).flatten; file,line = file.split(/:/) unless line line = text text = nil end is_stdlib = false paths = [RbConfig::CONFIG['rubylibdir'], RbConfig::CONFIG['sitedir']] paths.each do |dir| is_stdlib = true if (file =~ /#{Regexp::escape(dir)}/) end data = { 'file' => file, 'line' => line, 'text' => text, 'from_stdlib' => false} if idx == 0 data['source'] = file == '(eval)' ? '' : gen_source(file, line) else data['source'] = file == '(eval)' ? '' : gen_source(file, line) end data['iteration_id'] = idx.to_s bt << data end contents['backtrace'] = bt tpl.write_html_on(output='', contents) output end ################################################### alias_method :to_s, :print end end class LexerBase def initialize @states = [] @result = [] @result_endofline = nil end attr_reader :states, :result, :result_endofline def set_states(states) @states = states end def set_result(result) @result = result end def format(text, state_output) @result << [text, state_output] end def format_end(state_output) @result_endofline = state_output end def match(regexp, output) m = regexp.match(@text) return false unless m txt = @text.slice!(0, m.end(0)) format(txt, output) true end def lex_line(text) raise "derived class #{self.class} must overload #lex_line." end def self.profile lines = IO.readlines(__FILE__) lexer = self.new puts "profiling the #{self.inspect} lexer (this may take some time)" require 'profiler' Profiler__.start_profile lines.each do |line| lexer.set_states([]) lexer.set_result([]) lexer.lex_line(line) end Profiler__.print_profile(STDOUT) end def self.benchmark n = 10000 puts "benchmarking the lexers (computing #{n} lines " + "with GC disabled)" require 'benchmark' Benchmark.bm(20) do |b| lexer = LexerRuby::LexerOld.new #=begin lines = IO.readlines(__FILE__) GC.disable b.report("#{lexer.class}") do n.times do |i| lexer.set_states([]) lexer.set_result([]) lexer.lex_line(lines[i%lines.size].clone) end end #=begin GC.enable GC.start lines = IO.readlines(__FILE__) lexer = LexerRuby::LexerNew.new GC.disable b.report("#{lexer.class}") do n.times do |i| lexer.set_states([]) lexer.set_result([]) lexer.lex_line(lines[i%lines.size]) end end =begin =end GC.enable GC.start lines = IO.readlines(__FILE__) lexer = LexerRuby::Lexer3.new GC.disable b.report("#{lexer.class}") do n.times do |i| lexer.set_states([]) lexer.set_result([]) lexer.lex_line(lines[i%lines.size]) end end GC.enable end end end module LexerText class Lexer < LexerBase RE_TAB = /\A\t+/ RE_NOTTAB = /\A[^\t]+/ def lex_line(text) @text = text until @text.empty? if match(RE_TAB, :tab) else match(RE_NOTTAB, :text) end end end end # class Lexer end # module LexerText module LexerRuby module State class Base end class Heredoc < Base def initialize(begin_tag, ignore_leading_spaces, interpolate=true) @begin_tag = begin_tag @ignore_leading_spaces = ignore_leading_spaces @interpolate = interpolate end attr_reader :begin_tag, :ignore_leading_spaces, :interpolate def ==(other) (self.class == other.class) and (@begin_tag == other.begin_tag) and (@ignore_leading_spaces == other.ignore_leading_spaces) and (@interpolate == other.interpolate) end end class Comment < Base def ==(other) (self.class == other.class) end end class Endoffile < Base def ==(other) (self.class == other.class) end end end # module State class NewerRubyLexer RE_TOKENIZE = Regexp.new([ # TODO: @ivar # TODO: @@cvar # TODO: $gvar # TODO: %literals %w(a b c) %Q|'"| # TODO: :symbol # TODO: ?x chars # TODO: 0b01001 binary data # TODO: 0x234af hex data # TODO: keywords =begin defined? # TODO: ruby puncturation .. ... && || # TODO: /regexp/ # TODO: __END__ tag # TODO: illegal ruby heredoc which has space after end-tag # TODO: illegal ruby puncturation &&& ||| # TODO: illegal ruby numbers 0x23Yab '#.*', # # blah ## !?! comment '<<-?[[:alpha:]]+', # < :space, "\t" => :tab } @char_to_symbol_hash.default = :should_not_happen end def tokenize(string) string.scan(RE_TOKENIZE) end def lex(string) tokens = tokenize(string) states = tokens.map do |token| # TODO: by inserting 2 parentesises in the TOKENIZER # then I can destinguish between good/bad tokens. # 'ab'.scan(/(a)(b)/) do |(good, bad)| case token when /\A(?:"|')./ :string when /\A<<-?(?:"|'|)[[:alpha:]]/ :heredoc when /\A\.[[:alpha:]]/ :method when /\A[[:alpha:]]/ :ident when /\A#/ :comment when /\A[[:punct:]]/ :punct when /\A[[:digit:]]/ :number else @char_to_symbol_hash[token] end end [tokens, states] end end class Lexer3 < LexerBase def initialize @rl = NewerRubyLexer.new super end def what_to_output(hash) @rl.what_to_output(hash) end def lex_line(text) tokens, states = @rl.lex(text) tokens.each_with_index do |token, index| format(token, states[index]) end true end end class RubyLexer def initialize @result = [] end attr_reader :result PUNCT = ['(', ')'] + %w(=== == =~ => = != !~ !) + %w(<< <=> <= < >= >) + %w({ } [ ]) + %w(:: : ... ..) + %w(+= + -= - ** * / %) + %w(|| | && &) + %w(, ;) RE_NUMBER = /\d[\d\.]*/ RE_PUNCT = Regexp.new('(?:' + PUNCT.map{|i| Regexp.escape(i)}.join('|') + ')') RE_IDENT = /[[:alpha:]][\w\!]*/ RE_STRING = /".*?"|'.*?'/ RE_COMMENT = /#.*/ RE_COMMAND = /\.[[:alnum:]_]*[[:alnum:]_\?\!]/ RE_SPACE = /\x20+/ RE_NEWLINE = /\n+/ RE_TABS = /\t+/ def scan_index(string, regexp, prio, symbol) string.scan(regexp) do @result << [$~.begin(0), prio, $~.end(0), symbol] end end def lex(string) scan_index(string, RE_COMMENT, 0, :comment) scan_index(string, RE_STRING, 1, :string) scan_index(string, RE_COMMAND, 2, :command) scan_index(string, RE_IDENT, 3, :ident) scan_index(string, RE_NUMBER, 4, :number) scan_index(string, RE_PUNCT, 5, :punct) scan_index(string, RE_SPACE, 6, :space) scan_index(string, RE_NEWLINE, 7, :newline) scan_index(string, RE_TABS, 8, :tabs) end remove_method(:result) def result # primary key = string begin position # secondary key = priority @result.sort! # collect the highest precedens data ary = [0] @result.each do |i1, prio, i2, symbol| next if ary.last > i1 # discard low precedens data if ary.last < i1 ary << :any ary << i1 end ary << symbol ary << i2 end #p ary ary end def self.mk(*symbols) symbols.each do |symbol| class_eval %{ def #{symbol.to_s} res = [] @result.each do |i1, prio, i2, sym| if sym == :#{symbol.to_s} res << [i1, i2] end end res end } end end mk :number, :ident, :string, :punct mk :comment, :command, :space, :newline, :tabs end class LexerNew < LexerBase def lex_line(text) #puts("-"*40) #puts "text=#{text.inspect}" rl = RubyLexer.new rl.lex(text) res = rl.result #puts "res=#{res.inspect}" i1 = res.shift while res.size > 1 symbol = res.shift i2 = res.shift format(text[i1, (i2-i1)], symbol) i1 = i2 end #puts "result=#{@result.inspect}" true end end class LexerOld < LexerBase RE_COMMENT = /^#.*/m RE_TAB = /^\t+/ RE_SPACE = /^\x20+/ KEYWORDS = %w(alias and begin BEGIN break case class) + %w(defined? def do else elsif end END ensure for if loop) + %w(module next nil not or raise redo require rescue) + %w(retry return self super then true false undef) + %w(unless until yield when while) RE_KEYWORD = Regexp.new( '\A(?:' + KEYWORDS.map{|txt|Regexp.escape(txt)}.join('|') + ')(?!\w)' ) RE_SYMBOL = /\A:[[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*/ RE_STRING = /^("|\')(?:[^\\]|\\.)*?\1/ RE_STRING_INTERPOL = /\A ((?:[^\\]|\\.)*?) (\#\{ .*? \}) /x # TODO: interpolated code can nest (hint: recursion is necessary) def match_string m = RE_STRING.match(@text) return false unless m txt = @text.slice!(0, m.end(0)) if m[1] == '\'' format(txt, :string) return true end # double quoted strings may contain interpolated code until txt.empty? m = RE_STRING_INTERPOL.match(txt) unless m format(txt, :string) break end format(m[1], :string) unless m[1].empty? format(m[2], :string1) txt.slice!(0, m.end(0)) end true end RE_REGEXP = /\A\/(.*?[^\\])?\// RE_IVAR = /\A@[[:alnum:]_]+/ RE_DOT = /\A\.[[:alnum:]_]*[[:alnum:]_\?\!]/ RE_IDENTIFIER = /\A(?:[[:alnum:]_]+|\S+)/ RE_NUMBER = Regexp.new( '\A(?:' + [ '0x[_a-fA-F0-9]+', '0b[_01]+', '\d[0-9_]*(?:\.[0-9_]*)?', '\?.' ].join('|') + ')' ) PUNCT = ['(', ')'] + %w(=== == =~ => = != !~ !) + %w(<< <=> <= < >= >) + %w({ } [ ]) + %w(:: : ... ..) + %w(+= + -= - ** * / %) + %w(|| | && &) + %w(, ;) RE_PUNCT = Regexp.new( '\A(?:' + PUNCT.map{|txt|Regexp.escape(txt)}.join('|') + ')' ) VAR_GLOBALS = %q(_~*$!@/\\;,.=:<>"-&`'+1234567890).split(//) RE_GVAR = Regexp.new( '\A\$(?:' + VAR_GLOBALS.map{|txt|Regexp.escape(txt)}.join('|') + '|[[:alnum:]_]+' + ')' ) # TODO: deal with multiline literals RE_LITERAL = Regexp.new( '\A%[Qqwrx]?(?:' + [ '\(.*?\)', # TODO: must count pairs '\{.*?\}', # TODO: must count pairs '\<.*?\>', # TODO: must count pairs '\[.*?\]', # TODO: must count pairs '([^\(\{\<\[]).*?\1' ].join('|') + ')' ) RE_BEGIN = /\A=begin$\n?\x20*\z/ # eat tailing space def match_comment_begin m = RE_BEGIN.match(@text) return false unless m #puts "comments" @states << State::Comment.new txt = @text.slice!(0, m.end(0)) format(txt, :mcomment) format_end(:mcomment_end) true end RE_HEREDOC = /\A<<(-)?('|"|)(\w+)\2/ def match_heredoc_begin m = RE_HEREDOC.match(@text) return false unless m ignore_leading_space = (!m[1].nil?) interpolate = (m[2] != "'") begin_pattern = m[3] @states << State::Heredoc.new( begin_pattern, ignore_leading_space, interpolate ) txt = @text.slice!(0, m.end(0)) format(txt, :heredoc) true end RE_END = /\A__END__$\n?\x20*\z/ # eat tailing space def match_endoffile m = RE_END.match(@text) return false unless m #puts "propagate __END__" @states << State::Endoffile.new txt = @text.slice!(0, m.end(0)) format(txt, :endoffile) format_end(:endoffile_end) true end def lex_line_normal(text) @text = text return if match_comment_begin return if match_endoffile until @text.empty? if match(RE_COMMENT, :comment) format_end(:comment_end) elsif match(RE_REGEXP, :regexp) elsif match_heredoc_begin elsif match(RE_LITERAL, :literal) elsif match(RE_KEYWORD, :keyword) elsif match(RE_SYMBOL, :symbol) elsif match(RE_PUNCT, :punct) elsif match(RE_GVAR, :gvar) elsif match_string elsif match(RE_NUMBER, :number) elsif match(RE_IVAR, :ivar) elsif match(RE_DOT, :dot) elsif match(RE_IDENTIFIER, :ident) elsif match(RE_TAB, :tab) elsif match(RE_SPACE, :space) else #@text.slice!(0, 1) txt = @text.slice!(0, 1) format(txt, :any) end end end def match_heredoc_end(regexp) m = regexp.match(@text) return false unless m #puts "end of heredoc" @states.shift txt = @text.slice!(0, m.end(0)) format(txt, :heredoc) format_end(:heredoc_end2) true end def lex_line_heredoc(text) # TODO: color interpolated code #{code} @text = text format_end(:heredoc_end) hd_end = nil state = @states[0] hd_end = /\A#{state.begin_tag}$\n?\x20*\z/ return if match_heredoc_end(hd_end) # continue lexing ign_lead_spc = state.ignore_leading_spaces until @text.empty? if match(RE_TAB, :heredoc_tab) elsif ign_lead_spc and match_heredoc_end(hd_end) else txt = @text.slice!(0, 1) format(txt, :heredoc) end end end def match_comment_end m = /\A\=end\b.*?$\n?\x20*\z/.match(@text) return false unless m #puts "comment end" @states.shift txt = @text.slice!(0, m.end(0)) format(txt, :mcomment) true end def lex_line_comment(text) @text = text format_end(:mcomment_end) return if match_comment_end until @text.empty? if match(RE_TAB, :mcomment_tab) else txt = @text.slice!(0, 1) format(txt, :mcomment) end end end def lex_line_endoffile(text) @text = text format_end(:endoffile_end) until @text.empty? if match(RE_TAB, :endoffile_tab) else txt = @text.slice!(0, 1) format(txt, :endoffile) end end end def lex_line(text) if @states.empty? return lex_line_normal(text) end state = @states[0] case state when State::Heredoc lex_line_heredoc(text) when State::Comment lex_line_comment(text) when State::Endoffile lex_line_endoffile(text) else raise "unknown state #{state.class}" end end end # TODO: make the new lexer work! Lexer = LexerOld # slow #Lexer = LexerNew # slow #Lexer = Lexer3 # fastest end # module LexerRuby __END__ Oops! START:backtrace IFNOT:from_stdlib IF:text ENDIF:text IFNOT:text ENDIF:text IF:source ENDIF:source ENDIF:from_stdlib IF:from_stdlib IF:text ENDIF:text IFNOT:text ENDIF:text ENDIF:from_stdlib END:backtrace

Exception raised!
%exception%: %message%
Time: %time%

File Line Info
%file% %line% %text%%file% %line%
%file% %line% %text%%file% %line%