module Neofiles::NeofilesHelper
# Returns HTML IMG tag.
# image_file - ID, Neofiles::Image of Hash
# width, height - if both are passed, image will be no more that that size
# resize_options - crop: '1'/'0' (change or preserve aspect ration, @see Neofiles::ImagesController#show)
# html_attrs - hash of additional HTML attrs like ALT, TITLE etc.
def neofiles_img_tag(image_file, width = nil, height = nil, resize_options = {}, html_attrs = {})
resize_options ||= {} # в gem_neo_adv мы передаем nil
unless image_file.blank?
resize_options = resize_options.merge(format: [width.to_i, height.to_i].join('x')) if width.to_i > 0 && height.to_i > 0
size_attrs = resize_options.key?(:size_attrs) ? resize_options[:size_attrs] : true
image_or_id = image_file.is_a?(Hash) ? image_file[:id] : image_file
html_attrs.try :symbolize_keys!
html_attrs[:src] = neofiles_image_url image_or_id, resize_options
html_attrs[:width], html_attrs[:height] = dimensions_after_resize(image_file, width.to_i, height.to_i, resize_options) if size_attrs
tag :img, html_attrs
# Same as neofiles_img_tag but returned IMG is wrapped into A tag (HTML link) pointing to the file original.
# link_attrs - HTML attrs for A
# img_attrs - HTML attrs for IMG
# Other params are equivalent to neofiles_img_tag.
def neofiles_img_link(image_file, width = nil, height = nil, resize_options = {}, link_attrs = {}, img_attrs = {})
link_attrs[:href] = neofiles_image_url image_file unless link_attrs[:href]
neofiles_link(image_file, neofiles_img_tag(image_file, width, height, resize_options, img_attrs), link_attrs)
# Returns HTML A tag with link to the passed file.
# file - ID or Neofiles::File
# tag_content - what the link content will be (default: file description of filename)
# html_attrs - additional HTML attrs like TITLE, TARGET etc.
def neofiles_link(file, tag_content = nil, html_attrs = {})
html_attrs[:href] = neofiles_file_url file unless html_attrs[:href]
content_tag(:a, tag_content.presence || file.description.presence || file.filename, html_attrs)
# Returns HTML OBJECT tag to embed SWF (Flash) files.
# For fully crossbrowser experience include swfobject.js on page, where SWF embedding is performed.
# id - DOM ID of the object
# url - path/url to SWF file
# width - resulting object's area width
# height - resulting object's area height
# bgcolor - if passed, the object's area will be colored in this CSS color
# click_tag - clickTAG is a common name for Flash variable used to tell a movie clip to redirect viewer to a certain
# URL after clicking (used in banners)
# alt - alternative HTML, in case if Flash is not available
def swf_embed(id, url, width, height, bgcolor, click_tag, alt = '')
url = h(url)
click_tag = h(click_tag)
result = <
# Returns CDN (Content Delivery Network) prefix - mainly a domain - if available.
# Array of CDNs is set via Rails.application.config.neofiles.cdns. If many exist, we choose one by taking remainder
# of dividing unix epoch creation time of the object, for which prefix is requested, by number of CDNs.
# If no CDN available, will take current domain via Rails helper root_url.
# First argument is considered Neofiles::File, ID or Hash. Other arguments are ignored.
# Returned prefix is of form ''.
def neofiles_cdn_prefix(*args)
cdns = Rails.application.config.neofiles.cdns || []
cdns << root_url unless cdns.any?
if cdns.count > 1
some_file = args.first
if some_file.is_a? Neofiles::File
gen_time =
elsif some_file.is_a? Hash
tmp = some_file[:id] || some_file['id'] || some_file[:_id] || some_file['_id'] || ""
gen_time = ? BSON::ObjectId.from_string(tmp).generation_time.sec :'%U').to_i
elsif some_file.is_a? String
gen_time = ? BSON::ObjectId.from_string(some_file).generation_time.sec :'%U').to_i
gen_time ='%U').to_i
cdn = cdns[gen_time % cdns.count]
cdn = cdns.first
cdn.sub! /\/\z/, ''
cdn = 'http://' + cdn unless cdn =~ /\Ahttp[s]?:\/\//
# Override file URL generation to include CDN prefix.
def neofiles_file_url(*args)
neofiles_cdn_prefix(*args) + neofiles_file_path(*args)
# Override image URL generation to include CDN prefix.
def neofiles_image_url(*args)
neofiles_cdn_prefix(*args) + neofiles_image_path(*args)
# Calculate dimensions of an image after resize applied, according to rules in Neofiles::ImagesController#show.
# 1) if not cropping (resize_options[:crop] != '1'), but destination width and height are set, calculate resized
# dimensions via external method (uses ImageMagick)
# 2) if cropping (resize_options[:crop] == '1'), resized dimensions are equal to the requested with & height
# 3) if not cropping and with & height not set, resized dimensions are equal to the input file width & height
# 4) if some variables are not available (like input file or height, if file ID is passed), returns nil
# image_file - Neofiles::Image, ID or Hash
# width, height - resulting width & height
# resize_options - {crop: '1'/'0'}
def dimensions_after_resize(image_file, width, height, resize_options)
we_need_resizing = width > 0 && height > 0
if image_file.is_a? Neofiles::Image
image_file_width = image_file.width
image_file_height = image_file.height
elsif image_file.is_a? Hash
image_file_width = image_file[:width]
image_file_height = image_file[:height]
if (image_file_width.present? && image_file_height.present?) && (image_file_width > 0 && image_file_height > 0)
if we_need_resizing
::Neofiles.resized_image_dimensions(image_file, width, height, resize_options)
[image_file_width, image_file_height]
elsif we_need_resizing and resize_options[:crop].present? and resize_options[:crop].to_s != '0'
[width, height]
[nil, nil]