require 'redis' require 'oj' require 'time' namespace :benchmarks do # add lib to the default include path unless $:.include?(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/') $: << File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib' end require 'flapjack/configuration' require 'flapjack/data/event' require 'flapjack/data/entity_check' require 'flapjack/version' FLAPJACK_ENV = 'test' config_file = File.join('tasks', 'support', 'flapjack_config_benchmark.yaml') config = config.load( config_file ) @config_env = config.all @redis_config = config.for_redis if @config_env.nil? || @config_env.empty? puts "No config data for environment '#{FLAPJACK_ENV}' found in '#{config_file}'" exit(false) end redis = desc "nukes the redis db, generates the events, runs and shuts down flapjack, generates perftools reports" task :run => [:reset_redis, :benchmark, :run_flapjack, :reports] do puts Oj.dump(@benchmark_data, :indent => 2) end desc "reset the redis database" task :reset_redis do raise "I'm not going to let you reset your production redis db, sorry about that." if FLAPJACK_ENV.downcase == "production" puts "db size before: #{redis.dbsize}" redis.flushdb puts "db size after: #{redis.dbsize}" end desc "starts flapjack" task :run_flapjack do puts "Discovering path to perftools" perftools = `gem which perftools | tail -1` if system("if [ ! -d 'artifacts' ] ; then mkdir artifacts ; fi") puts "we now have an artifacts dir" else raise "Problem creating artifacts: #{$?}" end time_flapjack_start = puts "Starting flapjack..." result = system({"FLAPJACK_ENV" => FLAPJACK_ENV, "CPUPROFILE" => "artifacts/flapjack-perftools-cpuprofile", "RUBYOPT" => "-r#{perftools}"}, "bin/flapjack start --no-daemonize --config tasks/support/flapjack_config_benchmark.yaml") status = $? if status.exited? && (Signal.list['INT'] + 128).eql?($?.exitstatus) puts "Flapjack run completed successfully" else raise "Problem starting flapjack: #{$?}" end @timer_flapjack = - time_flapjack_start end desc "generates perftools reports" task :reports do @benchmark_data = { 'events_created' => @events_created, 'flapjack_runtime' => @timer_flapjack, 'processing_rate' => @events_created.to_f / @timer_flapjack }.merge(@benchmark_parameters) bytes_written = IO.write('artifacts/benchmark_data.json', Oj.dump(@benchmark_data, :indent => 2)) puts "benchmark data written to artifacts/benchmark_data.json (#{bytes_written} bytes)" if system("pprof.rb --text artifacts/flapjack-perftools-cpuprofile > artifacts/flapjack-perftools-cpuprofile.txt") puts "Generated perftools.rb text report at artifacts/flapjack-perftools-cpuprofile.txt" system("head -24 artifacts/flapjack-perftools-cpuprofile.txt") else raise "Problem generating perftools.rb text report: #{$?}" end if system("pprof.rb --pdf artifacts/flapjack-perftools-cpuprofile > artifacts/flapjack-perftools-cpuprofile.pdf") puts "Generated perftools.rb pdf report at artifacts/flapjack-perftools-cpuprofile.pdf" else raise "Problem generating perftools.rb pdf report: #{$?}" end end desc "run benchmark - simulate a stream of events from the check execution system" # Assumptions: # - time to failure varies evenly between 1 hour and 1 month # - time to recovery varies evenly between 10 seconds and 1 week task :benchmark do unless RUBY_VERSION.split('.')[0] == '1' && RUBY_VERSION.split('.')[1] == '9' # Flapjack doesn't support 1.8 or below, so just checking for 1.9 is OK raise "perftools.rb doesn't work on Ruby 2.0 or greater" end num_checks_per_entity = (ENV['CHECKS_PER_ENTITY'] || 5).to_i num_entities = (ENV['ENTITIES'] || 100).to_i interval = (ENV['INTERVAL'] || 60).to_i hours = (ENV['HOURS'] || 1).to_f seed = (ENV['SEED'] || 42).to_i puts "Behaviour can be modified by setting any combination of the following environment variables: " puts "CHECKS_PER_ENTITY - #{num_checks_per_entity}" puts "ENTITIES - #{num_entities}" puts "INTERVAL - #{interval}" puts "HOURS - #{hours}" puts "SEED - #{seed}" puts "FLAPJACK_ENV - #{FLAPJACK_ENV}" raise "INTERVAL must be less than (or equal to) 3600 seconds (1 hour)" unless interval <= 3600 cycles_per_hour = (60.0 * 60) / interval cycles_per_day = (60.0 * 60 * 24) / interval cycles_per_week = (60.0 * 60 * 24 * 7) / interval cycles_per_month = (60.0 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 30) / interval cycles = (hours * cycles_per_hour).to_i failure_prob_min = 1.0 / cycles_per_month failure_prob_max = 1.0 / cycles_per_hour recovery_prob_min = 1.0 / cycles_per_week recovery_prob_max = 1.0 initial_ok_prob = 1 num_checks = num_checks_per_entity * num_entities prng = ok = 0 critical = 0 check_id = 1 entities = (1..num_entities).to_a.inject({}) {|memo, id| checks = (1..num_checks_per_entity).to_a.inject({}) {|memo_check, id_check| memo_check[check_id] = {:name => "Check Type #{id_check}", :state => ( prng.rand < initial_ok_prob ? 'OK' : 'CRITICAL' ), :p_failure => prng.rand(failure_prob_min..failure_prob_max), :p_recovery => prng.rand(recovery_prob_min..recovery_prob_max)} ok += 1 if memo_check[check_id][:state] == 'OK' critical += 1 if memo_check[check_id][:state] == 'CRITICAL' check_id += 1 memo_check } memo[id] = checks memo } #puts "ok: #{ok * 100.0 / num_checks}% (#{ok}), critical: #{100.0 * critical / num_checks}% (#{critical})" events_created = 0 ok_to_critical = 0 critical_to_ok = 0 ok_events = 0 critical_events = 0 state_changes = 0 (0..cycles).to_a.each {|i| changes = 0 ok = 0 critical = 0 summary = "You tell me summer's here \nand the time is wrong \n" summary << "You tell me winter's here \nAnd your days are getting long" entities.each_pair {|entity_id, checks| checks.each_pair {|check_id, check| changed = false previous_state = check[:state] case previous_state when "OK" if prng.rand < check[:p_failure] check[:state] = "CRITICAL" changed = true changes += 1 ok_to_critical += 1 end when "CRITICAL" if prng.rand < check[:p_recovery] check[:state] = "OK" changed = true changes += 1 critical_to_ok += 1 end end ok += 1 if check[:state] == 'OK' critical += 1 if check[:state] == 'CRITICAL' Flapjack::Data::Event.add({'entity' => "entity_#{entity_id}", 'check' => check[:name], 'type' => 'service', 'state' => check[:state], 'summary' => summary }, :redis => redis) events_created += 1 } } ok_events += ok critical_events += critical state_changes += changes #puts "ok: #{100.0 * ok / num_checks}% (#{ok}), critical: #{100.0 * critical / num_checks}% (#{critical}), changed: #{100.0 * changes / num_checks}% (#{changes})" } puts "created #{events_created} events:" puts " OK: #{ok_events} (#{ (100.0 * ok_events / events_created).round(1)}%)" puts " CRITICAL: #{critical_events} (#{ (100.0 * critical_events / events_created).round(1)}%)" puts "containing #{state_changes} state changes (#{ (100.0 * state_changes / events_created).round(1)}%):" puts " OK -> CRITICAL: #{ok_to_critical} (#{ (100.0 * ok_to_critical / events_created).round(1)}%)" puts " CRITICAL -> OK: #{critical_to_ok} (#{ (100.0 * critical_to_ok / events_created).round(1)}%)" @events_created = events_created @benchmark_parameters = { 'events_created' => events_created, 'ok_to_critical' => ok_to_critical, 'critical_to_ok' => critical_to_ok, 'checks_per_entity' => num_checks_per_entity, 'entities' => num_entities, 'interval' => interval, 'hours' => hours, 'cycles' => cycles, 'failure_prob_min' => failure_prob_min, 'failure_prob_max' => failure_prob_max, 'recovery_prob_min' => recovery_prob_min, 'recovery_prob_max' => recovery_prob_max, 'initial_ok_prob' => initial_ok_prob, 'seed' => seed, 'flapjack_env' => FLAPJACK_ENV, 'version' => Flapjack::VERSION, 'git_last_commit' => `git rev-parse HEAD`.chomp, 'git_version' => `git describe --long --dirty --abbrev=10 --tags`.chomp, 'git_branch' => `git status --porcelain -b | head -1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2`.chomp, 'ruby_build' => `ruby --version`.chomp, 'time' =>, 'hostname' => `hostname -f`.chomp, 'uname' => `uname -a`.chomp } end end