### 1.0.0 / 2022-11-11 * Switched from [rprogram] to [command_mapper]. * Replaced `Nmap::Program` and `Nmap::Task` with {Nmap::Command}. * Moved all XML classes under {Nmap::XML}. * See [UPGRADING] for more details on how to upgrade from 0.10.0 to 1.0.0. #### Nmap::Command * Added support for the `--unique` option as `nmap.unique`. * Added support for the `--resolve-all` option as `nmap.resolve_all`. * Added support for the `--noninteractive` option as `nmap.non_interactive`. * Added support for the `--proxies` option as `nmap.proxies`. * Added support for the `--data` option as `nmap.data`. * Added support for the `--data-string` option as `nmap.data_string`. * Added support for the `--script-help` option as `nmap.script_help`. * Added support for the `--script-args-file` option as `nmap.script_args_file`. * Added support for the `--script-timeout` option as `nmap.script_timeout`. * Added support for the `--initial-rtt-timeout` option as `nmap.initial_rtt_timeout`. * Added support for the `-vv` option as `nmap.extra_verbose`. * Allow passing Integer values to `verbose:` or `nmap.verbose=` for `-v`**level**. * Greatly improved the validation of input values. * Removed `#script_params` and `#script_params=` aliases for `#script_args` and `#script_args=`. #### Nmap::XML * Removed the deprecated `Nmap::XML.load` method in favor of {Nmap::XML.parse}. * Removed the `Nmap::XML#prescripts` alias to `Nmap::XML#prescript`. * Removed the `Nmap::XML#postscripts` alias to `Nmap::XML#postscript`. * Removed `Nmap::XML::Host#tcpsequence` in favor of {Nmap::XML::Host#tcp_sequence}. * Removed `Nmap::XML::Host#ipidsequence` in favor of {Nmap::XML::Host#ip_id_sequence}. * Removed `Nmap::XML::Host#tcptssequence` in favor of {Nmap::XML::Host#tcp_ts_sequence}. * Removed `Nmap::XML#inspect` method. * Added {Nmap::XML::Script}. * Removed `Nmap::XML::Scripts#script_data`. * Changed {Nmap::XML::Scripts#scripts} to return {Nmap::XML::Script} objects. ### 0.10.0 / 2020-03-17 * Added `Nmap::Task#exclude_ports` for the `--exclude-ports` option. * Added `Nmap::Status#reason_ttl`. * Added `Nmap::Port#reason_ttl`. * Added `Nmap::XML#task`. * Alias `Nmap::ScanTask#extra_info` to `Nmap::ScanTask#extrainfo`. ### 0.9.3 / 2018-05-01 * Added missing `Nmap::Task#defeat_icmp_ratelimit` for the `--defeat-icmp-ratelimit` option. * Added missing `Nmap::Task#nsock_engine` for the `--nsock-engine` option. * Added the `Nmap::XML#prescripts` alias. * Added the `Nmap::XML#postscripts` alias. * Allow `Task#sctp_init_ping` to accept a port Range object. * Fixed a typo in the `Task#defeat_rst_ratelimit` name. * Fixed the option formatting of `Nmap::Task#syn_discovery`. * Fixed the option formatting of `Nmap::Task#ack_discovery`. * Fixed the option formatting of `Nmap::Task#udp_discovery`. * Fixed the option formatting of `Nmap::Task#sctp_init_ping`. * Fixed the option formatting of `Nmap::Task#ip_ping`. ### 0.9.2 / 2017-01-13 * Fix file descriptor leak in `Nmap::XML#initialize` by using `File.open(path) { |file| ... }` instead of `File.new(path)`, which keeps the file descriptor open until GC collects the `File` instance. ### 0.9.1 / 2016-07-18 * Fixed `Nmap::Host#ipv6` when there are no `ipv6` type addresses. * Fixed `Nmap::OS#fingerprint` when there is no `osfingerprint` element. ### 0.9.0 / 2016-07-14 * Added `Nmap::Address#vendor`. * Added `Nmap::Service#to_s`. * Added `Nmap::HostScript`. * Added `Nmap::Prescript`. * Added `Nmap::Postscript`. * Added `Nmap::XML#prescript`. * Added `Nmap::XML#postscript`. * Added `Nmap::Task#quiet` (aka `-v0`). * `#script_data` methods can now parse arbitrarily nested Arrays/Hashes. * Fixed `Nmap::CPE#each_cpe` to only match child `cpe` elements, not all `cpe` elements within the document. * Changed `Nmap::Service#to_s` to output product/version only if both are present. * Changed `Nmap::Task#skip_discovery` to use `-Pn` instead of `-PN`, which was deprecated in nmap >= 7.00. ### 0.8.0 / 2014-04-16 * Added `Nmap::XML#each_down_host`. * Added `Nmap::XML#down_hosts`. * Added `Nmap::XML#host`. * Added `Nmap::XML#up_host`. * Added `Nmap::XML#down_host`. * Added `Nmap::Host#hostname`. * Added `Nmap::Hostname#user?`. * Added `Nmap::Hostname#ptr?`. * Added `Nmap::Program.sudo_scan`. * Added `Nmap::Program#sudo_scan`. * Renamed `Nmap::XML.load` to `Nmap::XML.parse`. * Fixed a typo in the `--privileged` flag (@BrentonEarl) * Allow multiple values in the `--script` flag. * Alias `Nmap::Task#script_params` to `script_args`. ### 0.7.0 / 2014-05-09 * Added `Nmap::CPE`. * Added `Nmap::CPE::URL`. * Added `Nmap::Hop`. * Added `Nmap::Hostname`. * Added `Nmap::Traceroute`. * Added `Nmap::Host#traceroute`. * Added `Nmap::Host#uptime`. (@roodee) * Added `Nmap::Service#ssl?`. * Added `Nmap::Service#protocol`. * Added `Nmap::Service#extra_info`. * Added `Nmap::Service#os_type`. * Added `Nmap::Service#device_type`. * Added `Nmap::Service#fingerprint`. (@roodee) * Added `Nmap::Uptime`. (@roodee) * Added `Nmap::RunStat`. (@roodee) * Added `Nmap::XML.load`. (@vzctl) * Added `Nmap::XML.open`. * Added `Nmap::XML#each_run_stat`. * Added `Nmap::XML#run_stats`. * Added `Nmap::XML#each_task`. * Fixed xpath bug in `Nmap::OS#each_class` (@roodee). ### 0.6.0 / 2012-11-07 * Added `Nmap::Service`. * Renamed `Nmap::IpidSequence` to `Nmap::IpIdSequence`. * Renamed `Nmap::Host#ipidsequence` to `Nmap::Host#ip_id_sequence`. * Renamed `Nmap::Host#tcpsequence` to `Nmap::Host#tcp_sequence`. * Renamed `Nmap::Host#tcptssequence` to `Nmap::Host#tcp_ts_sequence`. ### 0.5.1 / 2012-05-27 * Replaced ore-tasks with [rubygems-tasks](https://github.com/postmodern/rubygems-tasks#readme). ### 0.5.0 / 2011-04-11 * Require nokogiri ~> 1.3. * Require rprogram ~> 0.3. * `ip_scan` in `Nmap::Task` should map to `-sO` (thanks corvus). ### 0.4.1 / 2010-11-23 * Fixed a bug in `Nmap::XML#each` where it was calling `each_up_hosts`, and not `Nmap::XML#each_up_host`. * `Nmap::OS#each_class`, `Nmap::OS#each_match`, `Nmap::XML#each_host` and `Nmap::XML#each_up_host` now return an Enumerator object if no block is given. * Use `yield` instead of `block.call` for a slight performance improvement. ### 0.4.0 / 2010-11-17 * Added new options to `Nmap::Task` based on nmap 5.21: * `-PY` - `nmap.sctp_init_ping` * `-PR` - `nmap.arp_ping` * `-sY` - `nmap.sctp_init_scan` * `-sZ` - `nmap.sctp_cookie_echo_scan` * `--allports` - `nmap.all_ports` * `-sR` - `nmap.rpc_scan` * `-T` - `nmap.timing_template` * `-T0` - `nmap.paranoid_timing` * `-T1` - `nmap.sneaky_timing` * `-T2` - `nmap.polite_timing` * `-T3` - `nmap.normal_timing` * `-T4` - `nmap.aggressive_timing` * `-T5` - `nmap.insane_timing` * `--randomize-hosts` - `nmap.randomize_hosts` * `--adler32` - `nmap.sctp_adler32` * `-oA` - `nmap.output_all` * `-d` - `nmap.debug` * `--stats-every` - `nmap.stats_every` * `--release-memory` - `nmap.release_memory` * Specify that ruby-nmap requires `nmap` >= 5.00. ### 0.3.0 / 2010-11-08 * Added `Nmap::Host#scripts`. * Added `Nmap::Port#scripts`. ### 0.2.0 / 2010-10-29 * Require nokogiri >= 1.3.0. * Require rprogram ~> 0.2.0. * Added `Nmap::XML#tasks`. * Added `Nmap::Scanner#start_time`. * Added `Nmap::ScanTask#duration`. * Added `Nmap::Host#start_time`. * Added `Nmap::Host#end_time`. * Allow `Nmap::Tasks#ports=` to accept port ranges. * Omit the `-p` option if no ports are given to `Nmap::Task`. * Have the `Nmap::Host#each_*` methods return an `Enumerator` object if no block is given. ### 0.1.1 / 2010-01-02 * Require RProgram >= 0.1.8. * Adds `sudo` and `sudo=` instance methods to `Nmap::Task`. ### 0.1.0 / 2009-11-13 * Initial release. * Provides a Ruby interface for running Nmap. * Provides a Parser for enumerating Nmap XML scan files. [rprogram]: https://github.com/postmodern/rprogram#readme [command_mapper]: https://github.com/postmodern/command_mapper.rb#readme [UPGRADING]: https://github.com/postmodern/ruby-nmap/blob/main/UPGRADING.md